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I stood on the front porch of my house with shaky hands. I fiddled with my keys as I looked back to Skye who was waving toward me, and I took a deep breath.

I'm thankful she was still there and ended up taking me home. Ryan's house felt empty as everyone was still asleep so we ended up leaving early due to my parents having heart attacks at home.

I unlocked the door and walked in with the door squeaking as I did so. I glanced around my home, looking for my parents.

Good, they must have gone to work.

I started to drop my bag at the door along with my shoes, but as soon as I raised my eyes back up my Mother was standing at the door with a furious look on her face. Her arms were crossed, and she narrowed her brown eyes at me.

"Good morning..." I mumbled sheepishly, but all she did was shake her head in disbelief.

"Where the hell were you?!" She whispered yelled as she grabbed ahold of my arm, pulling me down the hall.

"Mom, I'm sorry! I was out with Skye and-"

She spun around, stopping us in the hallway, "No, Sam. I don't want to hear excuses, your Father and I had a rough night last night, and finding out our daughter was nowhere to be found didn't help one bit."

I looked down at the floor with a feeling of regret swirling in my head, "I know, I was going to come back."

"That's not the point! You never told us where you were going or when you were going to be back." Her voice wavered throughout her sentence as she flickered her eyes around my face. "You know how important it is after what happened to your brother."

My heart dropped at her mentioning Luke, making me zone out for a moment as she rambled on about how important it was to let her know what was going on.

My brother Luke was only a year older than me, but two years ago he lost his life in a fatal accident. Ever since my parents have been more strict about places I go, or who I drive with.

It's understandable though, so this one is of me for not telling her what was going on.

"You know your father and I are very understanding, but when you do shit like this?" She gave me a look of disbelief, shaking her head slightly with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mom." I rubbed the side of my arm, not sparing a glance at her.

A long sigh escaped her lips before she pulled me in for a hug, making me hug her back.

"Please, let us know what's going on." She begged, backing up as she looked down at me with sad eyes.

I nodded slowly before letting go of the hug, "Will do."

"By the way, you're not off the hook, you're grounded." She threw me a small glare, and I let out a sigh as I started to make my way up the steps.

"Yeah, yeah. I saw that one coming from a mile away." I groan, making my Mom giggle below the stairwell.

Little do they know, grounding doesn't do anything. I usually stay at home anyway, doing absolutely nothing. I still let them have their parent moments though thinking it actually does something.

I felt a buzz from my pocket and raised my phone to see who it was.


Then all the memories came flooding back. Him winning at beer pong all the way up to the point he had to drag me to Ryan's guest room.

Sammy: oh sorry for the late response, I was at a party last night and it got a little hectic

Eviee: Huh, wow I thought you died or something but that makes sense too :)

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