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"Alexa, play Tate McRae!" I yelled at Sammy's Alexa that sat on the kitchen counter.

She picked up my voice and did as I said with music now playing in the background.

"Firstly, my ears," Sammy held his hand up to his ear as he looked at me with concern, "Secondly, why yell at poor Alexa?"

"I'm in my breakup era, Sammy. I can do what I want, and listen to what I want." I pointed a finger in his direction, making him raise his eyebrows.

"Okay, but please don't sing. My ears are not ready for-"

"Stupid boy, making me so sad! Didn't think you could change this fast!" I started singing, loudly.

I kept a finger pointed at Sammy as he was now standing by the fridge, about to open it. Spinning around, I ended up grabbing his water bottle from the counter and using it as a microphone.

He watched me with wide eyes, probably mortified at the fact I was currently about to scream my lungs out to this song of heartbreak.

"I thought we were cooking!" He yelled over my singing, and all I did was shrug my shoulder as I continued.

What does he mean we? He's cooking for me.

He said that, not me.

He sighed before opening the fridge up, inspecting what he had until his eyes lit up at something in the fridge. He pulled out cookie dough from a package and raised it toward my direction for approval with a slight tilt of his head.

"Approved!" I put my thumbs up before spinning around as I started to jump with the water bottle to my lips.

He smiled as he shook his head at me, walking over to the oven to preheat it.

Yeah, we're not making them from scratch, but who cares? They're still good either way.

Once he preheated the oven, I reached my arms out to him as the water bottle was still in my hand, signaling him to come near me, "Come on, loser. At least dance."

"I don't dance." He looked at me blankly before I rolled my eyes with a sigh.

"I don't care." I narrowed my brown eyes on him, stepping forward to grab his hands. His hands were softer than I expected, and I ended up spending him around as a deep chuckle escaped his lips.

I was feeling more confident than usual, as I continued to dance on.

"What are you doing, Sam?" He rolled his eyes but in a playful way. He was smiling now at my actions, and I shrugged a shoulder with the music continuing in the background.

"Having fun."

We stared at each other for a short moment before his lips curled into a small smile. Instead of walking away, he spent me around to the music with my hair spinning in the short movement, and my heart fluttered with excitement as he agreed to finally dance.

I giggled once I came out of the spin he had me do. I set the water bottle down on the counter and spent around myself as I moved closer to Sammy with a huge smile forming on my lips.

"Wow, I wish I could take back that loser comment, but you'll always be a loser in my eyes." I grinned up at Sammy, and he slightly shook his head at me.

"How'd I know you were going to say that?"

"Because I'm the best."

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