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With the long week past of working with Sammy, and finishing that essay, we were finally done.

The rest of the days we had left, we ended up just texting about the essay instead. We didn't want to take any more risks than we had to by getting caught by our parents.

I've learned a little more than I'd like to admit from him, with him being the 6'0 princess he is and a weirdo who doesn't believe in ghosts, we finally finished and are handing in papers today.

Also yes, he typed his own paper, thankfully.

"Yeah, we're kind of a big deal, got a big A on our essays." I gloat, sitting straight up at the table along with the rest.

Meaning just the best friends of Sammy and I.

"Yeah," Sammy scoffed, "Because I did all the work."

I snapped my head toward him, giving the biggest glare I could form. "We both know that's not true with that broken hand of yours." I motioned down to his orange cast.

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever, you can blame me all you want but technically if you hadn't broken it, I could've done more."

"Guys! Stop you're annoying speaking," Skye waved her hand in the air as she scrolled through her phone before placing it on the table, "I need to get our plans in check for tonight, so we meet at...Ryan's house for the Halloween dance?"

Ah, the Halloween dance, it'd be a tradition our school did for years that Skye always pulled me to. I wasn't big on social events, but she surely was when it came to dances. Whenever she had a chance to glam up, she would take it.

"Sounds good to me, babe." Ryan formed a smile on his lips as he pulled her into a small side hug. "Sammy can get ready at my house, he'll need the time to make himself look beautiful." Ryan jokingly stared right back at Sammy.

"Very funny, I'm not the one with a girlfriend though." He clasped his hands onto the table as he leaned forward.

"Skye will think I'm beautiful either way, right?" Ryan pouted his lip out as he looked down at Skye, and she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Of course, as long as you match me with your suit tonight." She grinned, bumping her arm into his in a teasing way.

I chuckle, "How cute, you're matching."

"Well, It wasn't my idea," Ryan mumbled under his breath, making Skye snap her head up at him with a glare.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing." He scratched the back of his neck with a nervous laugh, "Anyway, yeah, it'll be fun."

"That's what I thought." She squinted her eyes at him and I shook my head in amusement.

This is why I love my best friend.

"And Sam, I already have a sexy dress picked out for you, I already know you enough that you don't even have a dress planned out." Skye switched her attention onto me, and I nodded along with what she was saying because she wasn't wrong.

I always planned on stealing Skye's clothes anyway.

"Sam and sexy don't mix." Sammy piped into the conversation making me narrow my eyes onto him who sat beside me.

He had that stupid accomplished look on his face that I wanted to smack off so badly.

"Stop lying to yourself Sammy, I see the way you look at Sam, and it's places enemies should not look." Skye blurted out without any care as she took a bite of her Mac and cheese.

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