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"A few more weeks until sophomore year!" Skye exclaimed as we rounded the corner of the lockers.

"Good, I can't wait to get out of this place," I replied truthfully before standing at my locker, putting the combination in to unlock it.

"Hey! Enjoy the high school experience." Skye pointed to me in a scolding way, and I rolled my eyes at her.

Everyone says that, but I'll never believe in those words.

How can you enjoy your high school experience?

"Hey girls," Rylee, the school's cheerleading captain approached us with Sammy's arm and arm with her, making me roll my eyes even more.

"What do you want?" Skye snapped, crossing her arms in the process.

It's never a good sign when she approaches especially when Sammy is with her.

"I was wondering if, uh, Skye is interested in the cheer team next year?" Rylee kept her attention on Skye as she stood very confident like, I was confused why she hadn't asked me as well, but I was never into any sports or anything repeated to school.

"Oh! Wait, just me?" Skye glanced between the two of us, and she nodded.

"Yeah, no offense Sam, but you wouldn't even get to tryouts. Right, babe?" Rylee nudged Sammy's shoulder, and he nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I couldn't imagine someone like you being on the team." He shuddered in disgust making me furrow my eyebrows.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I crossed my arms at this point, glaring at both Rylee and Sammy.

"No offense, but they only allow girls that are attractive and actually will be able to make it through tryouts," Sammy added which made my blood boil even more.

"Sammy! Not so harsh!" Rylee scolded him, making him out his hands in surrender.

"Yeah, what the hell? Why would I want to be on the team now when you will treat my best friend like shit?" Skye furrowed her eyebrows as she shook her head, "No thanks."

"Wait, no," I stopped Skye who flickered her eyes onto me, "You've always wanted to be in cheer, do it." I encouraged her, brushing away all the mean things that were said to me.

I expected it from both Sammy and Rylee being the dumb power couple of school who just went around bullying kids, and making rude remarks about them.

"Huh?" Skye scrunched her brows together, confused.

"She'd love to," I spoke for Skye who just stood beside me with wide eyes.

"Great." Rylen clasped her hands together before prancing away but a certain someone didn't leave.

"Glad to have you on the team cheering for us football players," Sammy added then looked at me with his smile faltering, "And you, just keep doing your nerd shit."

With that, Sammy walked away and I balled my fists up.

That little...okay calm down Sam, it's fine. It's not like he called you unattractive or a nerd.

I wanted to pull out his hair, I wanted to trip him so he fell and broke his leg.

I hated Sammy.

With a passion, all he does is belittle me and I'm not dealing with it anymore.

From now on, I'm standing up for myself.

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