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"Travis?" I asked, more confused than ever about why he was here.

He went to our rival school and suddenly showed up here out of nowhere.

"Hey, Sam..." he scratched the back of his neck before nodding toward the seat beside me. "Mind if I sit?"

"Fuck no, get away from her." Skye piped in, her voice laced with harshness.

Sammy and Ryan exchanged faces of confusion as they glanced back at Travis.

"I, uh, just wanna talk to her." He ran his hand through his blonde hair, and she shook her head at him.

"No. Get away."

He laughed, but his laughter was dark. He shook his head as he looked up at the ceiling and brought his attention back to me. "You really going to let her talk for you, Sam? Wow, nothing changed, has it?"

I was speechless, due to the fact I thought I'd never see him again. The last time I'd seen him was when we broke up for the final time, I had found out he was cheating on me...again.

The table was quiet as I stared up at the boy I thought loved me, "Travis, get the hell away from our table." I spat, rage filling my entire body.

"Oh? Looks like you decided to grow a backbone. Congratulations."

"If you just came here to talk shit then you can leave." Sammy pipped into the conversation making me snap my head back at him. I was shocked he even stood up for me.

"Huh, you must be Sammy. The boy that made her come home crying every night."

Sammy opened his mouth about to say something but closed it before giving me a look of sympathy. His eyes lowered to his hand, and the laugh from Travis erupted again.

"Anyway, I'm enrolled in this school now. I figured, huh, Sam goes here so let me talk to her to clear the air, but forget that." He glared at me with his icy blue eyes, and my eyes watered as memories from our relationship came flooding back in.

All the trauma he had put me through, and all the late nights I had spent crying because he had done something to hurt my feelings just to wake up to not a single text from him in the morning.

"Sam..." Skye brought me out of my thoughts, looking up at her as she reached to grab my hand for comfort. "He's gone."

I looked behind me to realize he had walked away finally, and let a long sigh out.

"Who was that guy?" Ryan looked behind me as if he was searching for him again, and his body language wasn't as loving toward Skye anymore. It was more stiff as he clenched his jaw in anger. "I didn't want to start shit, so I hadn't said anything, but Sam, if he does anything let us know, okay?"

My mind was drawing a blank as I felt numb, the feelings of when Travis and I were together were coming back.

"Sam?" Sammy stood up and kneeled to my side, "Did I really make you cry every night?"

"That's all you got out of that conversation?" I whipped my head toward Sammy and his eyes grew at my sudden outburst. "That's my ex for all of you to know, and I'm done dealing with this." I stood up abruptly and started to walk away from the table to find the nearest bathroom.

"Sam!" Skye called out, and I could hear her footsteps running after me but I walked faster to get away from all three of them.

I made it to the bathroom and ended up closing myself in a stall as my breathing started to get heavier.

Why did he enroll here?

Why couldn't he just stay in his stupid school so I didn't have to see him every day?

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