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"Don't get lost!" I heard Sam's voice call after me, and I shook my head at her words with a small chuckle.

God, she looked good tonight. It was hard taking my eyes off her, yeah, she's my so-called enemy and all but that doesn't mean I can't think she's attractive.

I had to go get some punch to clear my thoughts, either I probably would have said some things I probably shouldn't say to Sam.

Being too nice and whatnot.

I walk over to the table set in the corner with students coming and going along it, picking up clear cups to pour the liquid inside. I stood at the end as I grabbed a cup, reaching for the spoon from the bowl to fill my cup with the red punch.

Suddenly my ears perked up at the voices beside me, signaling to me it was Travis and one of his friends. I spared a few hidden glances toward them as they were laughing abruptly about who knows what.

"Fuck that, she sounds terrible." His friend patted the shoulder of Travis, making him let out a scoff.

"You're telling me? She comes here looking like a slut with that dress she has on, yet she wouldn't put out whenever we were together." Travis continued, and I furrowed my brows at the conversation.

Odd conversation to be having out in public.

I purposely moved my cup to the side slowly as I continued listening until I heard a specific name come out of his mouth.

"Huh, never thought of Sam to be that way. Always figured she'd was more reserved, looks like she's trying to get your attention now, huh?" The random friend replied, and at this point, my blood was boiling.

Why? Because for one, how disrespectful can you be talking that way about a girl in public. For two, I've known Sam this long to know she's not a slut, and I know she absolutely despises this asshole because of this exact reason.

I balled my hand up as I breathed out my nose, trying to calm myself down. The blood inside me was heating my whole body up as I tried to contain my anger.

"Yeah, she sure is, and it's not gonna work. If I can't get into those pants of hers then what's the point?" Travis let a dark chuckle out, and that was the final straw.

I snapped my head in their direction, "What the fuck is wrong with you two?" I spat, turning the attention onto me with amused looks.

"Oh, there's Sammy. He's one of the guys she's been toying around with lately." Travis shook his head slightly as he inspected me, noticing he was getting arise out of me.

"God, get a life, Travis. It's pretty fucking sad you're still turning everything back on Sam." I say with heat creeping up onto my neck and face. I let no emotion be shown to him, but he knew I was angry.

"Me? Have you seen her?" He raised his eyebrows, motioning his head over in her direction. "She was just flirting up a storm with you before you came over here."

"Ah, so you were watching her? I mean, if she was trying to get your attention it sure is working, isn't it?" Sarcasm laced my voice, but I was keeping my composure as calm as can be. This must have switched something inside him because he was now the one with a scowl on his face.

"I would watch your mouth if I were you."

"Yeah? And if I don't?"

His cheeks flushed red as his eyes darkened, and I just smiled at him in satisfaction before I saw a sudden movement of his fist connecting with my jaw. Pain shot up through my jaw, but I wasn't letting that stop me.

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