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It's been a week since that night.

Sammy just had detention the rest of the week which I made sure to make fun of him for every day of the week, which he didn't appreciate, but I didn't care. It sure was funny watching his glares when I would.

As of now, I was currently at lunch with Skye at our favorite coffee shop while she went on and on about how it was Ryan's birthday this weekend and she wanted to throw him a surprise trip, or party...who knows what she's planning at this point.

Sammy: question of the day, what's your turn ons?

My face heated up at Sammy's question on matched. Of course that'd be his question of the day, it's not like he'll be able to use any of this against me because Eviee and him are never meeting.

Eviee: Wow so scandalous today, aren't we?

I teased him as I bit my lip, holding back a laugh until Skye waved her hand in front of my face.

"Earth to Sam?!"

"Oh, sorry!" I quickly placed my phone down with my eyes shooting up to hers, making her raise an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Why so...weird, Sam?" She tilted her head to the side. I glanced at my phone and quickly reached for it until Skye grabbed it from the table first.

"No, no!" I reached out for my phone, but no luck. She was going to see my deepest darkest secret...talking to Sammy about turn-ons.

She read the messages on the phone, and I buried my head into my arms on the table, "Curse your fast reactions." I mumbled before raising my eyes at her slightly.

Her eyes raised to me as her mouth opened, "Uh huh, talking to Sammy about turn-ons? So, Sam, what are they?" She placed the phone down on the table and clasped her hands together onto the table.

I quickly snatched the phone away and glared at her, "It'll be Eviee's turn-ons, not mine, duh."

"Don't lie, Sam. You talk to him the same way you would talk to him as if he were here."

"Skye!" I groaned with a huff, "I don't like him like that."

Skye gave me a blank expression like she didn't believe a single thing I was saying, "Didn't you say you guys had a moment last week?"


"Yeah...he was staring at your lips, do you know what that means?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

I huffed, leaning back into my chair as it made a noise against the tile, "Skye, it wasn't like that, and it wasn't a moment."

"Just kiss already," She started to go on, making me narrow my eyes onto her, "Forget the enemy shit, we all know you're basically friends now."

"But friends don't kiss." I managed to point out, and she put her finger in the air to stop me.

"Friends who like each other do." She pointed at me as she smiled with confidence.

I can't win with this woman.

"No and no." I smiled back, "So what's the plans for Ryan's birthday?" I changed the topic, hoping she'd follow along, and to my luck she did.

"Oh! So, I have some resources..." She winked before leaning forward into her chair.

Oh no...

"His aunt owns a hotel, and it's a very fancy one. Imagine us all going for a night and doing dinner or something?" She proceeded, and I pursed my lips out in thought.

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