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I hold back a smile once I heard her say the word cold.

I knew what I did, and that was turn the AC down when she was in the bathroom earlier. Why you may ask? I don't even know myself but it's been brutal out here with her walking around looking this good, and I can't even touch her.

I wanted an excuse to feel her close to me so badly.

I don't know what's been up with me lately because before if you would ask me about Sam, I would describe her as annoying and as someone I declared as my enemy, but now...I don't even know how to describe her.

My arm was over her waist lazily as our faces were inches apart. It took everything in me not to crash my lips onto hers right then and there.

My fingers started to play with the hem of her shirt as I closed my eyes shut.

"God, Sam, you make it so hard not to do things," I whispered, as I brought my hand from her side to rub down my face with a sigh.


Oh shit, she's awake still? I thought she was asleep.

I placed my hand back around her waist, "Hm?"

My hand slowly rubbed the back of her back as my eyes fluttered open, but even through the darkness, I could tell her eyes were closed.

I heard nothing back once again and decided to just keep my mouth shut at that point.

This girl is going to be the death of me.

It seems like I never wake up to birds chirping and the sunlight beaming in through the windows

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It seems like I never wake up to birds chirping and the sunlight beaming in through the windows. Oh no, this morning I woke up to a voice whisper shouting my name over and over again until my eyes opened.

"Sammy!" The voice whispered once more, and I scrunched my nose together.

"What." A raspy word came out due to me being tired, and still not completely awake yet.

"You should get up!" The bed moved as those words came out of the other person known as Sam Ryder.

I shook my head dramatically.

"Five minutes."

"Yeah, no. We have to check out soon." Her arm grabbed onto my bicep and shook my body lightly causing my eyes to flutter open.

The sight of Sam with her bright, brown eyes was looking upon me as I squinted at her. My vision was blurry at first but it soon faded with me clearly seeing Sam in her outfit from the night before.

"Good morning." She smiled innocently, "Wake up either I'm getting cold water."

"Yeah, you're not gonna be doing that."

"Aw, why not?" She tilted her head as she pouted, and I'll admit it was cute, but I'm not falling for her game.

"Goodnight." I closed my eyes once more, and a frown escaped Sam's direction.

"Sammy..." she trailed out, in hopes it'd wake me again until I felt a small body jump on top of mine.

Now I was alert at the fact Sam was practically cradling me. I opened my eyes, and she was sitting on top of me with both legs on either side. I don't know where this confidence came from, but damn, she had to know what she was doing right?

She gave me a small smile before reaching over me, but my eyes were locked on what she was doing. She came back up with a pillow in hand, and as soon as I saw that pillow, it connected with my face.

"Sam!" I scolded her, "Give the pillow." I put my hand out, but all she did was look at my hand with an amused smile.

"Oh? Give it to your broken hand?" She tilted her head to the side.

I looked down and I was indeed handing out my left one. Curse being left-handed and curse Sam for breaking it.

I sighed, "There's no hope for you."

"Wow!" She put a hand on her heart, acting as if she was hurt by my words, "No hope for me?"

A smirk played at the ends of my lips, and I quickly grabbed her wrists and flipped us over in one quick motion. A gasp escaped her lips as we did so, and now I was on top of her, looking down at her wide eyes.

"You wanna play games, hm?" I looked down as my hair was falling over my eyes.

She nodded, "Yeah, why not?"

I squeezed my eyes shut before grabbing a pillow and lightly hitting her with it. Her soft laughter filled the room as she stuck her arms in front of her, trying to push the pillow away.


"Yeah? Is something wrong?" I raised a brow as I teased before throwing the pillow to the side with my body now cradling her own. I placed one hand on either side of her red hair sprawled out beneath her.

Her eyes were closed for a second as she let out a small laugh before opening them once more, with them locking onto mine. Her dark brown eyes pierced right through my own, and at that moment, I knew it wasn't a good idea to stay in this position.

The fun and playfulness washed out the both of us as we just stared at one another. She wore no makeup, but she looked so beautiful either way.

I lowered my body against hers as our faces were now inches apart. My eyes flickered around her face until they fell to her pink lips., you can't do this. You don't want this, remember? Sam equals your enemy.

"Sam..." I managed to whisper out as my eyes went up to her eyes, and hers was now looking at my lips.

"Sammy?" She responded back in a whisper, but her words came out more in a questioning tone.

I licked my lips as I let out a shaky breath.

"Fuck it."

My hands found her hair, and I crashed my lips onto hers.

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