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"How is this an outing, Skye?" I groaned as I was looking out the window at Ryan's house, "It sure does look like we're at your man's house."

"Yeah...about that. We were going to the movies, but decided that shit is boring and we should make our own movie night tonight in his basement." She smiled with innocence, but all I did was slowly turn my attention to her like she was crazy.

I blinked a few times at her words, processing them before taking a deep breath.

This woman is absolutely psycho. Why invite me to your boyfriend's house if you're just going to cuddle up on the couch with him?

"Tell me why I'm here again?"

"Because Sam! Listen, both Ryan and I know how sad you are, so we're trying to be the people you spend time with instead of your thoughts."

"You know," I stared at her for a moment as I opened my mouth then closed it again as I was in thought, "That's very nice, but I don't want to be dragged along. You two should have time alone."

"Oh trust me, we find our time alone." A smirk played on her lips as she reached for her purse from behind her seat.

"Noted." I stared at her in pure disgust as I scrunched my face up before opening the car door to be met with the October air.

The leaves were orange mixed with yellows that surrounded Ryan's home, but his house stood out with it being the white brick.

No cars were in the driveway so I guess his parents weren't home? How does he get so lucky to have his parents always out and about when he has his girlfriend over, or even friends in that matter?

My Mother would so be up in my business if I had the opposite gender over.

Even back when Travis was with me, she would be in my business but when things got bad...she saw the change. In him and me. She didn't like it much, and would always try to have talks with me about how boys can be assholes, and not put up with their shit.

Her words, not mine, but I still agree with it.

Boys can be assholes.

Suddenly a car pulls into the driveway making my heart stop in place if it was his parents, but no. I was met with the eyes of Sammy Sandars. I could visibly tell once he parked his car that he wasn't too happy about this either.

"I'm going to kill both Skye and Ryan," I mumbled to myself as I stomped toward the black car with him now getting out.

"Well, hello to you too." He teased as I stood under him with arms crossed.

"Why are you here?" I got straight to the point, looking over my shoulder as I was still waiting on Skye.

Her eyes met mine, and once they did, she gave me an innocent smile before closing her car door to walk up to the both of us.

"Because, huh, maybe this is my best friend's house?" He tilted his head with a pleased smile on his face. He closed the door and started to walk up the pavement to Ryan's home, "Why are you here?"

"Because this is my best friend's boyfriend's house," I say, thinking twice about that sentence because honestly, what the hell? It's another one of Skye's crazy plans of wanting me to hang out with her and her boyfriend.

Which don't get me wrong, I love her for including me, but I'd really hate to barge into their alone time.

Wait a minute...never mind about that. Apparently they get plenty of alone time.

"So you're here to drop Skye off?" He questioned as we all reached the front porch.

"Don't be silly, Sammy. Sam is in on our movie night tonight." Skye added in a casual tone, making him snap his attention back to her.

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