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Shit has been weird lately.

Just about a month ago, Sam and I hated each other, but here we were in Ryan's basement playing a drinking game alone.

Little does she know, I really don't drink. Or about that time I cheated my way in beer pong, which not going to lie, it was pretty funny but I ended up feeling bad in the end when she was absolutely wasted. She also may not know that every time we do drink, I replace my shot with water just because I think drinking is disgusting.

We may be enemies and all, but I know who she is. She had never drunk before, or been to a party so seeing her was a bit shocking.

"No fair, I've had three shots so far and you've had like two!" Sam crossed her arms in front of her chest with a pout.

I chuckled, "Do you want me to take another to make you feel better?" I asked, glancing down at her pouting lips.

She raised her brown eyes at me and nodded, "Duh! I can't be the only one drunk here either I'll really feel like the alcoholic." She complained, throwing the blanket off her legs before sitting down on her knees to be level with the coffee table.

She reached for the shot glass again and started to pour the burning liquid inside the glass. At this point, I was feeling good.

Which was good.

All my problems in life were soon melting away, which is another reason I agreed to drink in the first place. With my parents never being home and always being obsessed with my sister running her own business, I was left alone at home 24/7, but I can't say I wasn't used to it.

I was used to being left out, and never being seen for what I try my hardest for. At this point, it barely affected me anymore, it's more like a numb feeling than anything. Except for when we argue, because that's the worst. I get called names, and how I should be more like my sister...

Which is exactly what happened before I showed up at Ryan's house. An argument with my parents, and being told how I need to plan for my future better and I'll never be good enough to take over their business.

Anyway, the point is, it's all fucking stupid.

"Screw the drinking game, let's just drink." I leaned forward as she looked at me with her eyes full of curiosity.

"What? No, let's at least play what are the odds or something while we drink." She suggested, making me purse my lips in thought and then shrug.

It'll make it more interesting I guess.

I sighed before getting off the couch lazily and sitting beside her on the floor against the couch. I reached for the shot on the coffee table, and raised it toward her direction, "Whatever makes us drunk faster." I say, my emotions getting the best of me before throwing the shot back.

The hot liquid ran down my throat, and I scrunched my face up in pure disgust at not being used to such a terrible taste. I stuck my tongue out and looked at Sam who was now laughing.

"Your face was funny." She pointed at me with her freshly painted nail, making me smile in response. The room was now a blur every time I moved, and my body was heating up with the alcohol finally flowing through my system fully.

"Okay okay, enough funny business, Sam." I squinted my eyes at her as my body swayed back into the couch. "What are the odds you go and interrupt Ryan and Skye's fun." I used my fingers as quotation marks with a smirk now displayed on my lips.

Her mouth hung open in shock, making my eyes flicker around her face in amusement. "I'm not doing that."

"Well, looks like you'll have to drink." I nodded toward the vodka and then glanced back at her.

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