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The sunlight beamed in from the top openings of the tent, making me squeeze my eyes shut at the sudden discomfort. Birds were chirping in the background, and it felt quite chilly this morning even with the two blankets I had stolen from Skye.

I flutter my eyes open to see Sammy on the complete end of the tent as me.

Ha, take that Skye and Ryan. We still set boundaries even when you took ours away.

My eyes closed shut for another moment as I tried to process what was going on, and what happened the night before.

Great, here comes the headache I most likely deserved from being the annoying person I am when I'm drunk.

Sudden movement came from the opposite end, making me open my eyes catching sight of Sammy stirring in his sleep. His brown eyes opened slightly, with ours connecting and once they did he groaned.

"Damn, thought this was a nightmare, but it's real." He spoke, and his voice was quite attractive when waking up.


"Shut up, Sammy. It's too early in the morning for this." I replied, taking a deep breath in.

"Says the one who broke my hand last night."

"How does that even...wait what?!" I shot my eyes back at Sammy, shooting up from my position.

"Uh-huh," he raised his left hand in the air, showing off how swollen it was now with different shades of purples.

My eyes could barely believe what I was saying, "It's broken?" I asked more to myself than anything.

"It's fine, it gets me out of doing chores." He replied, raising it down slowly and I watched in disbelief.

"Good thing you're right-handed?" I tried making the situation better, but he shook his head.


"Of course you are." I ran a hand through my hair before standing up. "I hate to apologize to you out of all people, but damn, that looks painful. I'm sorry."

A grin was plastered on his face as he continued to lay down, looking up at me with playfulness sparkling in his eyes, "Wait, what was that?"

"Sammy..." My voice sternly warned him.

"Sam, but my hand." He frowned, raising it in front of me again. "It needs to be apologized to."

"I just did!"

"More, keep it coming."

"I hate you with all my heart." I crossed my arms, before walking over to the front to unzip the tent.

"I could tell by the way you broke my hand last night, never took you as a fighter." His voice was calm, but I could sense the laughter he was trying to cover up.

"You know what, good! I'm glad it's broken." I gave him a look of satisfaction before stepping out of the tent to be met with Skye and Ryan cuddling up on a chair overlooking the view.

I smiled, "Good morning love birds."

"Morning, Sam!" Skye jumped out of her seat with Ryan and wrapped me in a hug. "You feeling okay?"

"Just a headache, but what did I expect?" I laughed, shrugging a shoulder before sitting down across from Ryan.

"Water?" Ryan asked, leaning over to the cooler and I nodded as he tossed me cold water.

"Thanks." I thanked him and looked over at the view as well.

The sound of a zipper came from a tent, and we all know who that is...

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