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I was to the point where everything was spinning. Not a good place to be at if you ask me.

It seemed like the others were about there as well, and now we were all inside Skye and Ryan's tent in a circle playing truth or dare.

"Hm, Skye, truth or dare?" Sammy asked, beaming with excitement.

I smiled wide at Sammy who asked the question, and turned my attention to Skye who still had not answered.

"Answer!" I cheered.

"Truth?" She said in a questioning tone, facing Ryan who nodded in approval.

"Damn, well okay then, are you and Ryan official yet?" Sammy asked, playing with his red solo cup in his hands that was now empty.

"Oh, they so are a thing!" I yell out, wiggling my eyebrows at them both making everyone laugh.

Skye bit her lip before looking at Ryan who shrugged, "I mean, isn't it obvious?"

My mouth fell wide open as I started to scream in excitement making Sammy hold his ears.

"Not this again." He closed his eyes, mumbling to himself but I still heard him.

"Shut up, Sammy. I have freedom of speech." I whack him upside the head, making him back up with his hands raised to his sides.

"Yes, ma'am." He looked between Skye and Ryan with a spark of amusement dancing in his eyes.

"You feeling your alcohol, Sam?" Ryan tilted his head to the side, and I nodded aggressively.

"Very much so, yeah."

A chuckle escaped Sammy's lips as he shook his head, "Okay next truth or dare question."

"Alright, truth or dare Sam?" Skye asked, making me hop onto my knees in excitement.


"Okay, no using that pillow barrier of yours tonight." She winked and took a sip of her cup making me freeze in fear.

"Wait? I didn't hear you right?" I stuttered, even though I was drunk I still was sober enough to know I would hate that.

"Whoa whoa now, no crazy dares like that." Sammy glanced toward me then back at Ryan and Skye who thought it was pretty funny.

"Hey, we don't make the rules." Ryan shrugged a shoulder before lying down in his blankets. "With that, I'm tired."

"Game is over it looks like," Sammy set his empty cup down and stood up perfectly fine making me question how the hell does he do that drunk?

I looked at Skye, and she was already out of it staring at the ground. There she goes again, quiet and tired when she's drunk. I sighed loudly, attempting to get up but falling in the process.

"Shit." I hit the ground with my hand until my eyes were met with a hand leaning down. I trail my eyes up to be met with Sammy offering help.

If I was sober, I would argue not taking it but I did need the help so I grabbed onto his hand, and was helped off the ground. I patted myself off as he was unzipping the zipper of the tent as I swayed back in forth waiting for his slow self.

"Sammy, I need out." I pushed beside him as he was waiting outside of the tent for me now, but as I did so, I lost balance and ended up feeling the world around me turn.

Turn in a way I didn't want to go...on the ground.

I stumbled forward, grabbing ahold of Sammy's arm as I tried to catch myself but it didn't work, causing us to both fall.

"Shit." I heard a mumble beside me with a loud thud, us both landing on the ground beside each other.

The alcohol must have numbed the pain because all I did was start laughing.

"Sammy!" I giggled, turning to my side as I looked at him who lay beside me in pain.

I watched as he sat up with the campfire not being lit anymore, the only thing I could see was his shadow above me and the night sky painted with millions of stars. My giggling stopped once I realized he was not laughing, but sitting up looking at his hand.

"Why don't you think that's funny?" I slurred, with the sky swirling above me, I finally sat up and looked down at what he was looking at.

"I think my hand is broken..." He trailed off quietly and leaned his head down with a groan.

"But how?" I looked at him as we both sat on the cold, wet ground.

He looked at me in disbelief, "What do you mean, how? We both fell, and I tried catching you but instead, landing on my hand in the wrong way." He held his hand close to his chest, and I shuddered once I caught sight of his hand.

"It's Not supposed to be bent like that, is it?" I asked, inspecting it and he looked at me blankly.

"You're so lucky you're drunk right now." He replied with no emotion.

"I'm sorry." My words slurred and a feeling overcame me I never thought I would have for Sammy.


I locked eyes with his big brown ones and slowly grabbed his hand so I could see the palm of it. "I can fix it for you."

"Please don't, Sam. That's the last thing on my bucket list is for you to ruin my hand even more." He stood up as I was left on the ground, and I frowned.

"So the hospital?" I asked, trying my hardest to get up without falling over and dying like I almost did a few moments ago.

Which to my surprise, I made it.

"We'll have to wait till morning, I guess." He shrugged as we walked over to the tent with him unzipping it with his other hand to enter.

"Sammy! Football?!" My eyes widened with fear as I watched his dark shadow in the tent, with me stumbling in right behind him and falling onto the floor.

He made sure to zip it back up due to me forgetting and shook his head, "Fuck football."

Whoa, what?

"Huh?" I furrowed my eyebrows as Sammy threw blankets toward my way. "But, you won't be able to play?"

He chuckled, flopping down beside me. "Sam, it's fine. Go to bed, alright? You're drunk out of your mind and won't even remember this conversation tomorrow."

"Will too!" I argued, but all I got was silence from him.

The ceiling went round and round until I closed my eyes, and I honestly felt like a rollercoaster but I was fighting the urge to sleep.

"Sammy..." I trailed out, barely containing any more thoughts.


"Our parents are going to kill us once they figure out we hung out and I broke your hand," I mumbled, my words barely being heard by Sammy but I think he managed to understand since he chuckled in response.

"I would too if I were them."

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