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After about an hour in the bathroom, I was finally finished doing my final touches on my makeup and hair.

I haven't always been great at doing those things, but I did learn as the years of me and Skye being friends.

Tonight we were going to a fancy dinner, well that's what Skye said. She told me I better be dressed for the occasion or she'll dress me herself.

Sounds like Skye.

Suddenly my phone buzzed on the counter of the bathroom, and I picked it up to see what it was.

Sammy: hey did I scare you with that question?

My heart dropped realizing I hadn't responded from yesterday. Also because the fool was in the same room as me. I took a deep breath before raising my fingers to respond.

Eviee: I'm sorry, no! I got busy and forgot to respond...

Sammy: no problem at all, I was just thinking about you a lot :)

For some reason, my heart sank. I didn't know why, it was an odd feeling I haven't had felt before but I pushed it to the side as I just decided to respond to his question from yesterday.

Eviee: Is that so? Or is it because you were so desperate to know my turn-ons?

Sammy: maybe'll never know

Eviee: Whatever, fine I'll tell you. Not that I have had many sexual experiences, but I'd say neck kisses would be at the top.

Sammy: typical girls and their kissing on the neck

I scoffed as I rolled my eyes at his comment.

Eviee: Stop it lol now you have to tell me one of yours.

Sammy: huh let's see, I like when girls take charge, but I prefer being in charge more ;)

My cheeks felt heat rising on them, and suddenly it was getting hot. Just imagining Sammy in some sort of sexual way has got me flustered, and it was seriously freaking me out on why he was starting to make me feel this way.

"Sam? You almost ready?" I heard Sammy's deep voice on the opposite end of the door.

I was about to start typing back but fumbled with my phone once I heard Sammy's voice with it falling out of my hands and onto the floor. I groaned in annoyance before bending down to pick it up.

"Yeah! Hold on," I picked my phone up and dusted it off thankful it hadn't cracked.

I glanced up in the mirror for a slight moment, catching sight of me in yet another dress. I sure was wearing dresses a lot, and I blame Skye for that one. Tonight I did feel pretty in the dress, which was rare.

I always had insecurities about my looks, especially with being in high school, it was hard not to. Plus the relationship with Travis definitely killed off any type of love I had for myself...

But tonight, I actually loved the way I looked. My hair was in a bun with loose strands poking around my face as they framed my round face, and for my makeup, I decided to go on the lighter side which Skye always tried to force me with the all-glam look, but I was never into it.

The light shades of eyeshadow complimented my brown eyes, and even though I went light, I decided to be bold with a deep shade of red for lipstick.

I smiled as my eyes trailed down to my dress which hugged my curves just right with it flowing out at the bottom. I don't know what it was, but I loved long-sleeved dresses and tonight I had one on again, except this time it was a black dress with a small detail of lacing around the top with the cleavage being more than I'd like, but I really actually liked it.

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