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I was fully showered and was now in my comfy bed with Netflix playing in the background as I laid my head down on my red sheets. My room was full of color with the walls being different shades of blue, and my blankets being red. I was always a vibrant type of person, but still never liked to stand out.

Sadly enough, my red hair makes me stand out.

I prepared myself to reply to Sammy. I haven't had a real conversation with him on the app, and that was my goal for the night.

To make some flirty comments, just to mess with his mind.

I mean, he has to do it to other girls. He's a guy.

Eviee: My ex and I broke up, so I decided to come to this app to talk to people

I replied honestly, I'm not the greatest when it comes to lying. It surprises me how I can message him through the app without him knowing.

Sammy: ah, breakups are always the worst. i've been through two and it destroyed me. now I barely talk to anyone

My eyes did a double-take at his quick response.

Damn, the man must be in his feelings or something.

Eviee: How long did they last?

I was curious, I do remember his first breakup but never knew he went through two. Yes, he can pull girls in like crazy, but I didn't see him give the time of day to many. He was closed off for the most part.

Sammy: first one was a year, second was 6 months..enough about me, tell me about your situation

I scoffed, there's no way Sammy didn't want to talk about himself. Every time we talked he wanted to tell me about his stupid accomplishments and rub it in my face.

Eviee: I was cheated on...

I bit my lip at how awkward that sounded, it felt super weird sharing that way Sammy, but he didn't know it was me which is why I hit the send button.

I was about to set my phone down to go to sleep, but the tone of a message came through once more.

Sammy: damn, I'm sorry about that. girls like you don't deserve that

Eviee: Girls like me?

I stared at the white screen as I watched the dots, signaling he was typing.

Sammy: well, all girls don't but yeah, you seem different than most :)

Eviee: Are you sure you got a good read on me? We've talked for a total of 10 minutes

Sammy: i'm sure, you seem interesting and I'm excited to get to know you. anyway, I'm going to head to bed. talk to you tomorrow eviee?

Eviee: Goodnight Sammy <3

I debated that heart for what seemed like forever, but put it anyway and set my phone on my nightstand. My eyes started to close, and I was soon drifting off to sleep.

With a grin playing on my lips, I knew I was starting to get somewhere with Sammy.

And it wasn't for reason you'd think, it was because I was going to play him.

All those years he treated me like shit, he's going to get payback.

"Why does school lunch taste like dirt?" Skye glared at her lunch tray in front of her and scooted it away

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"Why does school lunch taste like dirt?" Skye glared at her lunch tray in front of her and scooted it away.

"If it didn't look like dirt then we would for sure know something would be wrong with it," I remarked, spinning my fork in the Mac n cheese.

"Not wrong about that one, anyway, how's the whole playing Sammy thing going." She used her fingers as she motioned quotation marks, and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Too early to say." I shrugged my shoulder, "But he seems into Eviee." I grinned, and Skye hit my shoulder playfully.

"No fucking way, go Sam!" She started to giggle uncontrollably until her smile soon fell, making me turn slightly at what she was staring at behind.

"Don't look! It's Ryan." She ducked her head down, and I quickly turned back around towards her.

"Was he looking at you?!" My eyes filled with excitement for my best friend.

Ryan Fields was her crush for who knows how long, and being the feisty girl she was, she got quite shy when he was around.

"I told you not to look!" She took a quick bite of her Mac and cheese before scrunching her nose up in disgust. "Gross, I was trying to act natural."

"I still can't believe-"

"Sam, Sam! He's coming over here." She mumbled ever so loudly, but still somehow acted normal as he approached.

My attention was soon brought to a handsome guy towering above us both. His smile lit up the room, and Skye's cheeks reddened at how close he was. I grinned over at her before throwing a small wave toward Ryan.

"Hey, Ryan."

"What up ladies? Was wondering if y'all wanted to come to my party tonight. Everyone's invited." He winked down at Skye, and I knew she was freaking out inside, but she still somehow kept it together.

Skye brushed her dark hair out of her face before a smile lacing her lips, "I mean, we're down if everyone's gonna be there." She said ever so casually, and I wish I could be like her during times like these.

Wait, she said we?!

I snap my head toward Skye who didn't catch the hint, neither did Ryan. He just raised his eyebrows slightly before throwing a wink in her direction.

With that, he pushed off the table with his hands and went back to the table he was sitting with including a few other guys from the school, as well as Sammy.

We connected eyes for a slight second before I rolled my eyes harshly away from him.

The sight of Sammy makes me want to throw up.

"We're going to a party tonight." Skye's eyes twinkled with excitement before standing up with her tray.


"Yep, you're going with."

I let an exaggerated sigh escape my lips as I stood up as well, following her side.

"But, I'm not party material." I signal up and down my body.

"Okay, but act like you are and you will be," Skye adds, dumping her food in the trash and spinning around to me. "You've always secretly wanted to go to one, don't lie to yourself."

And, once again, she was right. I was always labeled as a loser at school who had good grades and whatnot. Who never went to parties, and who had a bit of anger problems from time to time.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes as I dumped my tray as well. "Meet at my house."

With that, I was going to my first-ever party of senior year.

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