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"You got to be fucking kidding me." I snatched menus from the counter as I started to form a glare at the boy in front of me.

"Watch your mouth!" My dad yelled from the kitchen.

Only if he knew who it was.

"Sorry, Dad!" I called back and watched Sammy walk in along with Ryan, who I didn't mind much. He was nice at the party to Skye and me, so I made sure to smile at him.

Sammy's eyes caught on me like he just realized something, "Shit, I forgot you worked here."

Uh huh, how else could he forget with his parents trying to shut our diner down for years?

"Sure, come with me. Also, hey Ryan!" I greeted him, and he waved back as I trailed them through a couple of tables with chairs, ending up in a booth in the back.

"Sit," I demanded, placing the menus on the table.

"Wow, you're not getting a tip with that attitude," Sammy says, making me roll my eyes at him.

"You won't be getting food then." I smiled sweetly as both the boys started to open their menus.

"Then I'll go tell your mommy and daddy in the kitchen." He motioned to the kitchen, making me want to strangle him for the millionth time.

"Yeah? They don't like you either." I crossed my arms in front of my chest as I stood my ground, making Ryan laugh at our interaction.

"Y'all both shut up, I'm trying to enjoy some nice chocolate chip pancakes with some coffee." He closed the menu as he glanced up at me, hinting that's what he was wanting.

I nod, writing down his order before moving my attention back to Sammy.

"Uh, um, what's good here? I mean if it's coming from you, then it probably won't be any good." He shudders in fake disgust, and I let out a deep breath before snatching his menu from under him.

"You're not getting shit then," I add, taking Ryan's menu in my hand as well.

He rolled his eyes before nodding toward Ryan, "I'll take the same thing as him except with chocolate milk."

With that, I nod once more and make my way back behind the counter to put the ticket in for their order.

"Thank you, Sam! You're so kind!" I heard a voice call out behind me, already knowing it was Sammy's sarcasm.

If I could, I would throw him out of here so fast.

I started to make Ryan's coffee as my Mom was standing at the counter, inspecting the two boys who had walked in. Apparently, she finally realized because she just groaned in annoyance.

"The Sandars shouldn't reproduce." She mumbled, wiping down the counter as she had eyes still on him.

"Agreed." I placed Ryan's cup on the counter and started to pour the hot liquid inside it.

"His parents tried shutting us down the other night, again. For all I care, they can try and try, their business will never overrun our diner." She threw the rag to the side as silence filled the air before I spoke once more.

"What did they do this time?"

"Saying shit like it's not a safe working environment, or trying to catch us for the most stupid shit to get us closed down. They even tried buying us out thinking that would work." She shook her head as she tucked her loose strands behind her ear, and I gave her a small frown.

"Don't worry, Mom. They can't shut a place like this down." I reassured her, but deep down we both knew the Sandars had way more money than us. We were just a small business, and they had multiple large businesses.

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