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I smirked down at the name displayed on my screen, forgetting all the others, I quickly swipe into our messages to be greeted with a message from him already.

Sammy: hey eviee :)

Skye's eyes grew in size as she read the message, realizing who it was. "Well, that's a surprise."

You may all be wondering, who is Sammy Sandars?

Well, he's my greatest enemy of all time if you ask me.

Growing up our parents hated each other, for some unknown reason, I was never told details just that they really just hate the Sandars. That being said, getting thrown in the same school with Sammy I soon began to have a dislike toward him with all his snarky and sarcastic comments.

We've always had a rival, it was just known throughout the school. We tried not to communicate as much as we could, but it's kind of hard when Sammy has a big ass mouth that doesn't know how to shut up.

Pretty ironic how our names ended up both Sam and Sammy.

My parents were pissed when they found out they named their child the same as their rival.

Embarrassing, I know.

"This asshole is going to wish he never downloaded the app." I started to type back, a grin playing on my lips.

Skye was right, this definitely is taking my mind off the breakup.

"Sam, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to give him a taste of his own medicine. He's treated me like shit for how long?" I cocked an eyebrow toward her before pressing send.

Eviee: Hey Sammy!

"Okay, but that doesn't answer my question." Skye pressed further making me narrow my eyes on her.

"I'm just going to mess with him, that's all. Message him here and there. Flirty comments." I glanced down at the screen as I watched the three little dots, signaling he was typing.

"Okay, okay. Not judging, just don't get caught." She plopped her hands on her thighs before getting up and throwing a blanket and pillow on the floor. "I'm sleeping on your floor."

"My floor?" I flickered my eyes onto the floor then back at Skye who shrugged a shoulder carelessly.

"Yeah, it's comfy. Have fun sexting Sammy." She winked in my direction, making me roll my eyes as I flopped down onto my back to stare at the ceiling.

"Go to bed," I demanded, turning over to turn the lamp off from my bedside table.

Darkness surrounded us with only the TV being the only light. I glanced down at Skye who was fully sprawled out on my bedroom floor, and I really didn't understand how she was so comfy but didn't ask questions.

All my mind could think about was how exciting it was going to be to play Sammy.

All my mind could think about was how exciting it was going to be to play Sammy

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