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"Wow, Sam really went all out drinking the rest of the vodka." I heard a man's voice speak but ignored it as I was trying to sleep peacefully.

"Why do you think it was all Sam? It was probably Sammy too!" Another voice, but much louder, spoke and I already knew who that was without opening my eyes.


I groaned in annoyance as I turned to my other side, trying to block out the sound of their chatter but a gasp was to be heard from Skye.

"Oh my! She's awake!"

"No, no I'm not," I mumbled, reaching for the blanket to cover my face up with.

"It sure looks like it," Ryan commented, making me let out yet another groan.

"5 more minutes."

"You sound like Sammy, now wake up. On that thought, Sammy wake your ass up too!" Ryan snapped his fingers, and suddenly I heard a loud thump beside me, making me flutter my eyes open at whatever it was.

I turned around to realize Sammy was now on the floor with Ryan standing above, feeling very much accomplished.

"What...what the hell?" Sammy looked around with squinted eyes. His hair was a mess, and it became more of a mess once he ran a hand through it. His skin looked paler than usual, making the small freckles on the bridge of his nose and cheeks stand out more than before.

"Damn, you look like shit." Ryan blurted before receiving a slap on the back of his head by Skye.

"I feel like shit." He slowly stood up, rubbing his face with his hands with a sigh escaping his lips, "Never drinking again."

"Wait, what?" Ryan's eyes widened and were filled with concern, and both Skye and I looked at each other with confused looks.

Then it hit me, Sammy said he never really drank before last night so maybe Ryan was just shocked?

"Yeah," Sammy shrugged as he started to pick up the rest of his things, "I think I'm going to head home."

"Yeah, I think we should go as well. Thanks for planning last night out for us." Skye turned toward Ryan, bringing him into a small hug before they gave each other a peck.

"No problem, wanna do something next weekend?" Ryan glanced at the rest of us. I was about to speak but was soon cut off by Skye with a squeal.

"Yes! We're there!"

Well, great.

I slowly moved my attention to Sammy and noticed he wasn't acting right. He wasn't speaking much, but maybe it was because he was sick, or maybe because he just woke up. has to be that, right?

"One coffee, coming right up!" I walked behind the counter, ducking below the counter to reach for more coffee cups

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"One coffee, coming right up!" I walked behind the counter, ducking below the counter to reach for more coffee cups.

Here I was, work again.

I didn't have a set schedule though, my Mom and Dad had always been understanding with my school schedule and when I had plans with friends.

Especially when Travis and I broke up, they let me take more days off than usual.

I raised my head back above the counter to place the coffee cup on top and poured the coffee inside before looking up at the room.

Only one customer was left before closing, thank gosh. It wasn't busy all day, so the night seemed to drag on forever.

I took ahold of the hot mug and carried it to the old man in the corner. He came in at this time every night so we already knew what he wanted before walking in.

Just a black coffee.

Odd I know.

"Thank you, sweetie." He spoke with a smile and I smiled back before walking back behind the counter. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and decided to message Sammy on Matched.

Eviee: Hi it's me :)

I was about to put my phone down, but a message soon lit up my phone right after.

I swear, he answers faster than I can read.

Sammy: who are you again?

I rolled my eyes at the message with a smile as I continued to type.

Eviee: Oh you know, just a random girl you matched with.

Sammy: ah, eviee how could I forget ;)

Eviee: Wow, you're so funny.

Sammy: i've been told many times anyway what are you up to tonight?

Eviee: Work...sadly

Sammy: do you work in town?

I leaned against the counter as I debated on what to say. He already knew I lived in the same town because of my profile. I bit my lip out of thought, I didn't want him to figure out it was really me, so a small lie wouldn't hurt.

Eviee: A town over, yeah. It's a very small business.

Sammy: maybe sometime I can come see that small business :)

I stared at the message below, forgetting the fact that messaging him this long would of course get him to want to meet in person.

I mean, if I pushed it off as long as I could then he would give up, right?

Eviee: Hm, maybe...sometime in the future.

Sammy: sounds good to me, I'll remember you said that. Now, I want to ask another question from our game before.

Eviee: Go for it.

Sammy: If you could describe yourself, how would you? Not including looks.

Eviee: Let's see, I would say I can be quiet but at the same time I can be talkative. It really depends on who you are, and I like to bottle emotions up...I'm a mess lol

I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair before glancing up to see the old man still taking sips of his coffee, and reading a newspaper.

Sammy: huh, I'm kinda the same in ways. I hide my emotions too, and they sure do bottle up. Especially when it comes to my parents, nobody really notices though.

Eviee: So what you're saying is we both don't know how to show emotions lol

Sammy: that, or we both don't want to bother others with that emotion.

I sat in thought for a second. Damn, Sammy was right, and that never happens.

"Sweetie, can you go check on the customer in the corner? I think he's about done, and we are about to close." My Mom came up behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder with a warm smile.

I nodded, placing my phone back onto the counter as I rounded the counter to finish up the old man's table.

But all I could think about was how alike Sammy and I were without even knowing it.

But all I could think about was how alike Sammy and I were without even knowing it

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