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Author's POV:

The next day, Prom and Ford visited Gemini and Fourth at the hospital, while the two were sitting on the couch, they couldn't help but look at Fourth because he was anxious and had been stretching his lower back for a while.

"What the hell happened to you Fourth?" Ford wondered.

"Yes. You were anxious earlier Fourth. What happened to your lower back?" Prom added.

"No, maybe I just did not sleep well last night." Fourth's excuse.

"Where have you slept?" Prom looked so clueless.

"On the couch." Fourth's voice was tired.

Gemini turned to them while they were talking because he couldn't avoid hearing what they were talking about, Gemini immediately looked away when Prom and Ford looked at him.

"Ohhh..." Prom already getting it.

"Alai?" Fourth asked.

"Next time don't be hasty in your decisions, when it comes to positions it's better to just be bottom." Suggested prom.

"Ai' Prom!" Fourth shouted in shock.

"H-huh? I don't get it." Ford being clueless.

Fourth and Ford decided to go out of the hospital to buy lunch, while they were walking in the corridor of the hospital, Ford and Prom talked about something.

"How are you and Mark?" Fourth asked.

"Huh?" Ford's Confusion

"Aren't you two already?" Fourth asked in surprise.

"Huh?! There's no confirmation that we've been together, you're going to decide?" He answered.

"And what is your relationship?" Fourth murmured.

"Nothing. Before I went home to the province, I cut the connection between the two of us." Defensive voice of Ford.

"I thought you liked him?" Fourth asked.

"Yes, but not everyone you like, likes you too. I want to ask him what we are like, but I don't want to expect too much... So I chose to keep quiet." Ford gave an awkward smile.

"You're assuming." Fourth's teasing.

"How can you not assume... he always comes to my condo bringing food, always saying goodmorning and goodnight every day, he cares a lot. Who wouldn't assume that." He answered defensively.

"Why didn't you ask, whether you will be rejected or not, at least you won't have any regrets. What if he likes you too, but he's just shy?" Fourth's remorse.

He added, "oh see... you're overthinking right now."

"Whatever! You? What are your plans now?" Ford asked.

"I don't know, I need to continue my studies but Gemini still needs me." Fourth hesitated.

"What do you mean?" Ford asked.

"Maybe I'll continue with the Juris Doctor but here in Bangkok, I don't want to leave Gemini." Fourth replied.

"You mean... You're going to leave Switzerland for Gemini? Isn't it your dream to graduate there?" Ford looks disagree.

"Yes, but what about Gemini when I leave?" Doubt it.

"Ai' Fourth!! That's not a valid reason. I know you feel guilty because of what happened to him, but don't trade your dream for the person who crushed you several times." Making him understand.

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