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Gemini's POV:

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Gemini's POV:

"Kaizer, wake up!" I speak. When I entered my son's room.

"Daddy, 5 minutes more. Please." Kaizer's drowsy voice as he covered his ears with a pillow.

I sat on the edge of Kaizer's bed and removed the ear pillow to disturb his sleep.

"Kaizer, you might be late for the school ceremony... You have a program at school today." I tried woke him up.

"Daddy." Kaizer's lazy voice.

"Kaizer. Get you in one word." I threaten him.

Author's POV:

While Kaizer was eating in the dining area, Fourth was having face time on the phone, while Gemini was preparing food in Kaizer's lunch box.

"Papa. When are you coming home? I miss you." Kaizer's frowning face.

"I'm still studying baby, I don't even know if I'll be able to go home." Fourth replied.

"But... Dad, you've graduated, right? You don't need to study again." Kaizer's voice stuttered.

"Baby, daddy needs to reach his dream. I'm happy when I got my dream... Don't you want me to be happy?" Fourth's polite voice to make Kaizer understand properly.

"Of course Papa, I want you to be happy. But daddy and I are eager to be with you, go home... Please." Kaizer's pouting expression.

"I come home every your birthdays, don't I?" Fourth pleads properly.

"Papa." Kaizer frowned.

"Yes, baby?" Fourth answered attentively.

"Papa... Do I have to celebrate my birthday every day so that you won't leave? If my birthday is the reason why you come home, then... Let's celebrate every day." Kaizer's tiny voice while making a way to force Fourth to go home.

"Baby, that's not possible. I'm going home this year, we'll be together again." Fourth tries to ease Kaizer's feelings.

"You've said that a few times... But you only go home once or twice a year." Kaizer starting to sulk.

"Kaizer, understand Papa... Please." Fourth try to reconcile with his sulky son.

Kaizer just sighed as he bent down and let go of the spoon he was holding, he got off the table and took his bag.

"Daddy, I'm done eating. I'll just wait for you in the car." He sighs.

"Okay, baby." Gemini response.

Kaizer immediately walked out of the house and Gemini noticed that the call was still on, he came to the dining area and took out his phone to talk to Fourth.

"Hon, what happened?" Gemini worries.

"He's starting to sulk, can you talk to him for me?" Fourth's frustrated voice.

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