My Youth and Hairline are Back

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She’s day-drinking in a dessert shop, aptly named “Life is Not Bitter Dessert Shop”. Lu Xun finds her there because she used to come here when they were in school together. She never passed the NJE because her father had been rushed to the hospital that day and later died. Lu Xun tells her that he's here for her, and he'll stay by her side and face everything together with her. He makes her an origami helmet. 

She tries to avoid attending the 2011 Law School Class Reunion but Liu Shi Yun and others find her and drag her away with them. At the reunion, they dig up all of their wishing bottles from 10 years ago, their first year in school. Qian Wei had written 109 wishes on a single sheet of paper and not a single one came true. I wouldn’t be able to think of more than 10! Liu Shi Yun had wished to switch to music school and perform in Melbourne, which was a tall order for someone who is tone-deaf. Lu Xun won’t share his, but tells them that he had wished for a wonderful romantic relationship, however, that person didn’t love him back. Her best friend mutters to her, “Well, the forever runner-up did not defeat the eternal champion but she has successfully made him stay single for the past 10 years. It’s a tie.” Qian Wei thinks that he must still harbor a crush on her friend/college roommate Mo Zi Xin. 

Lu Xun then quotes the writer Maugham: "...there is a void in everyone's heart. However, the void can only be filled with a piece of the same shape. It may not be perfect, it may be distorted but if the void is not filled by that very person, this spot will always feel empty." And then he points to his own heart.  

Qian Wei says, it was not filled back then, so someone will fix it soon, right? Then she runs to grab Mo Zi Xin's bottle and hands it to him. He asks why she's handing it to him, and suddenly her brother, Qian Chuan appears. He asks where Mo Zi Xin is and Lu Xun says that she’s on a business trip. Qian Chuan is Mo Zi Xin’s ex-boyfriend and Lu Xun was the class president, so the guys proceed to fight over this bottle. Qian Wei runs away and ends up at the temple, where she is drunkenly asking the gods why they didn’t grant any of her wishes. She slams down the paper and bangs her ring on a piece of furniture. Then it starts thundering out with flashes of lightning so she starts running away. She hears Li Chong Wen’s voice asking why she’s running as they’re not the bad guys. She repeats over and over that she’s not listening and then she ends up falling down a hole in the ground and becomes fully submerged in water. She is chasing after her ring. 

When she wakes up, her face is pressed up against some papers on her desk. On her papers and the chalkboard, it reads “2011 Guanghua University School of Law Entrance Exam for New Students”. She notices Lu Xun, Mo Zi Xin and Liu Shi Yun are all in her class, too. She spots the date on Teacher Zhen’s watch: September 3rd, 2011. It’s the first day of school. She has nine minutes to complete her exam so she hurriedly writes down her answers. She manages to turn in her test before everyone else. How? And who remembers test answers from a decade ago? She then runs outside to celebrate having her youth back, and declares that she'll be successful this time.  

Qian Wei then helps prevent an unfortunate accident from happening to Mo Zi Xin.  In the past, the sprinklers had come on and Mo Zi Xin had ended up soaked in her white dress, making her clothes transparent which had led to some dreadful rumors. To prevent this from happening again, Qian Wei ends up turning Mo Zi Xin away from the sprinklers but accidentally knocks down Lu Xun in the process. He lands with his face right next to the sprinkler. He is understandably upset and she apologizes. But then she realizes that he’s just a young kid here, so she shouts that she will be at the top and beat him at everything. She then receives a text message from her father and realizes that he’s still alive as it’s 2011. 

Later, she tries to sneak off campus, but Li Chong Wen appears, and she screams at the sight of him and even falls off the wall that she had been trying to climb. XD Her face is hilarious here! In the past, this was their first meeting and she had accepted his help for the two of them to get off of campus. This time however, she refuses to let him help her or touch her, runs away from him and even swats at him to leave her alone over and over.

She starts saying that he's annoying and to stay away from her. He's confused as to how she knows him as they've never met before. She says she doesn't know him, not in the past, present or future. Lu Xun walks by and scolds her: 1) cheating on her test, 2) getting into a fight with a senior (Li Chong Wen is a sophomore), and 3) going over the wall to flee from campus. He says that she's violated all the rules in one day more than anyone else would in a year. She glares at him as he continues scolding her. She goes to try climb over that wall but then he pulls her by the sleeve of her shirt to force her to leave with him. The two continue squabbling as they're walking away. Li Chong Wen learns that her name is Qian Wei. Qian Wei returns to the dorms where she is roommates with the snappy and tomboyish Liu Shi Yun and sweet and feminine Mo Zi Xin. The girls bond over beers, courtesy of Liu Shi Yun. 

Qian is so happy to see her father that she clings to his back like a little kid, and her mother tries to get her to get down but she refuses. It’s the school opening ceremony and Lu Xun notices that Qian Wei is missing. Outside, Dad is trying to give her the ring but she doesn’t want it. Lu Xun comes looking for Qian Wei but she refuses to go as she wants her father to go to the hospital for a checkup right now. Lu Xun says if they need any help in the future, his mother can help as she's a doctor. He then drags Qian Wei away with him but she resists going, so he finally just carries her towards the stairs and then drags her up them with him.  Her parents are not far behind them.

Later, Qian Wei borrows steals cash right out of Lu Xun’s wallet to buy her father some kind of cherries, as it was something that he never go to try in the past. Her father receives a clean bill of health and she gives him the cherries. She then tries to convince her father to retire, which her mother agrees with. An annoyed Lu Xun shows up to ask her for the return of his money as he’s had to waste so much time on her and leaves. She is quite aggravated by him as well and declares to us “Be it in the year of 2022 or 2011, he is so annoying!”

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