Lovey-Dovey All Around School

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Qian Wei asks Yu Tian if she hates her and is behaving this way because Li Chong Wen rejected her. Yu Tian asks if she's showing off. Li Chong Wen overhears this conversation from the doorway. Qian Wei says that Yu Tian knew he came from a poor background, yet she still advocated that poverty causes people to commit crimes. This resulted in the fight and he was punished by the school. Qian Wei won't tell him about this but hopes that she will delete her post, deny the rumors and post an official apology. Otherwise, she will report her for reputation infringement and slander, which will ruin her chances for law job opportunities. At this point in time, social media posts/screenshots were not allowed in as evidence in court cases yet. Qian Wei tries to persuade her to stop going down this path as she will ruin herself.

Li Chong Wen finally interrupts to say don't show her no mercy. He'll post the evidence collected by Qian Wei and the same people judging Qian Wei will judge Yu Tian as well. He points out that the love letters are more than enough evidence of her involvement. Yu Tian says that Qian Wei is vain and profit-driven, and she used Li Chong Wen to climb through the ranks, and she doesn't deserve his affection. He says that she deserves everything she has, even without his or Teacher Zhang's help, because she is simply the best. He tells Yu Tian to reflect on her own actions. He hopes to see her clarification post and withdrawal from the debate team tomorrow.

After Yu Tian leaves, Li Chong Wen asks Qian Wei how she knows everything about him, including his future plans. She tells him that some truths are better left unsaid. He will only give up on her once he hears the truth. Back at that seafood restaurant, she admits to being the 28-year-old Qian Wei from 2022, which he doesn't believe. She tells him about their failed relationship, and she won't repeat her mistakes. He recalls her rejection of his confession but he still thinks she's lying to him. She asks him about the note he left on the board, and how she tried to stop him from falling for her. He asks what it was that Li Chong Wen did to her, and she says it doesn't matter, as they've already broken up. This time, she's seen the change in him and hopes that he'll become the honest and brave lawyer he always wanted to be. He asks if it's because of Lu Xun. She says even without Lu Xun, she would never choose to be with Li Chong Wen again. She hopes he can face reality and stop wasting his time on her. She leaves and eventually he gets up and looks at the note: "Li Chong Wen wants to give Qian Wei the best future". He then slumps over in heartbreak.

Yu Tian posted the clarification notice but it'll still take time to quell the rumors. Mo Zi Xin asks Lu Xun to speak on Qian Wei's behalf at the closing speech for the arts festival. Lu Xun introduces Mo Zi Xin as the witness to Qian Wei's situation. She first admits that her cousin, Mo Tao was the real thief and not Qian Wei. Then she admits that during her senior year of high school, her family went bankrupt. Due to vanity and pride, she's been maintaining this fake image. Mo Tao had asked for money from her due to the financial conflicts between their families. The video of Mo Tao stealing the pendant is playing on the screen behind her. Qian Chuan chides his sister for not telling him the truth. She apologizes directly to Qian Wei, for not being brave enough, and Qian Wei's eyes well up with tears in response. Mo Zi Xin realizes now that she's braver than she thought and from now on, she can face her life frankly. Everyone applauds her.

Lu Xun returns to the stage to admonish the students' behavior. Law and justice exists. As law students, they have a greater responsibility to not become lawless fanatics. To not be a snowflake within an avalanche. After this incident, he discovered something new. Before this, he wanted to be a judge. But now, he realizes he can't accept that. He cannot wait any longer. He needs to defend the things he loves starting from now. "Qian Wei, thank you for enlightening me. I will surely become an exceptional lawyer. I will use law to protect the world and the people I love."

Later he's arguing with Teacher Zhen about his decision: He wanted to be a judge because his father wanted it. But being a lawyer is what he truly loves. Judges can't choose their cases but lawyers can. Lawyers always have the right to choose the people they want to defend. "To me, love is just as important as my career. I will maintain both. As long as it's something I like, and something I want to work on, I can surely do it. It's because I'm confident in myself. And, even if I'm on the passive side, I will be the most aggressive passive player you'll find." Qian Wei overhears this argument and wonders why Lu Xun didn't become a judge in the future either.  

On his way to meet Qian Wei, a group of guys from the athletics department with angel wings walk by and bump into him. One of them tells him, "Not bad at all, Lu Xun. You're learning law for the sake of love." Another tells him that "Love is blind. Lu Xun, watch your steps." She's watching him with a huge smile and thinking, who cares about the future. When he reaches her, he asks if she thinks he was pretty cool just now. He's sure she regrets only asking him for one signature. Love contract. He thinks he should sign more on their household registers, marriage certificates and on their children's homework!  She nods her head in agreement and says that's enough, she's got it. He can sign on her heart, all right? Haha. She then puts her hands on his face and gives him some air kisses, like a gasping goldfish.  He looks around and then gives her a cute little smile. She laughs at his silliness. 

Teacher Zhen reluctantly approves Liu Shi Yun's request to add music as her second major even though she's in her third year already. Qian Chuan is her biggest supporter. His friends tease him for being so protective about her. Hehe.

Lu Xun has a surprise for Qian Wei as her (and Qian Chuan's, so they are twins!!) birthday is tomorrow. In the pouring rain, he covers her eyes and takes her up the stairs to the sign that's been turned back on, with the poem: I want the thousands of eyes of the eternal night, to see only you. He says, "I didn't light up this signboard before this because of some misunderstandings. Now that I've lit it up, I won't let it go dim again." Her response: It's a great present but she can't take it with her.

He makes her close her eyes again. Then he presents her with a glowing Ferris wheel snow globe, and tells her "With this Ferris wheel, your world will no longer be pitch black. The Ferris wheel will keep you company forever. As will I." She admits although the Town's Honor Student Award is important to her, he's more important to her. Suddenly, winning isn't everything, because they're on the same team?

He looks at his watch, and when it turns midnight, he wishes her a happy birthday. She kisses him and they stay together under the umbrella in front of the lit sign.  

At Lu Xun's place, she discovers that the puppy, Cupid, lives there, and he's been taking allergy meds for it. She can't help but stare at him and think about how wonderful he is. They discuss their future plans together. When he brings up the NJE, she says to forget and asks for something to eat. He offers her the moon by opening the curtains. He then gives her a round cracker, the same shape as the moon outside and pops it into her mouth. But then he takes a bite from the other end. As they're eating, he gives her a quick peck on the cheek. So cute. Then he gets up to hover over her on the couch and leans down to kiss her. But they're interrupted by his parents barging into the place, bickering about the windows being open or not, and they even turn on the lights. Lu Xun and Qian Wei are both startled by them. His parents finally notice the couple on the couch, and the two quickly separate from each other. Lu Xun asks if his parents could call the next time before dropping by. He makes the excuse that they were talking about the NJE. Qian Wei looks quite embarrassed as she's standing around wearing Lu Xun's shirt over her clothes. His parents apologize for interrupting them. They were only here to check on the windows. His parents praise Qian Wei for being a great match for Lu Xun. Then the parents do what they do best - argue about what their grandchild will study - medicine or law! Lu Xun is used to this but he finally sends them on their way. 

After his parents leave, he carries Qian Wei to the bedroom and playfully flings her onto the bed. He tries to continue what was interrupted by his parents. But Qian Wei pushes him away and hides under the covers. She says that the weather is pretty bad today and they can discuss this next time. He asks when is the next time? She says the next time it rains and then hides all the way under the covers including her head.

Lu Xun quietly laughs and then tells her that he has something important to tell her and asks her to remove the blanket. He removes the blanket, and then he hovers over her and asks if she doesn't know that right now Haizhou is experiencing the rainy season. She immediately admits that she was wrong and she won't do it again. He asks which part was she wrong. Love the way he looks at her here. Heh. She says she shouldn't have insulted him. He retorts with "A sharp tongue is the only thing you have, huh?" Then he kisses her and asks if he should sleep in the study room. With her huge eyes and a wave, she says "Bye bye, lao ban." He tells her "If you look at me with those eyes again, both of us might not be able to sleep tonight." Ou?! She puts her hands on his chest and continues saying she was wrong and tells him bye bye.

He stands up and looks at her, and she says, "Bye bye, lao ban. Love you..." with her arms in a heart shape over her head. He asks if she's considered it, and suggests that he could sleep here. She waves him off. He sighs but he leaves the room.

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