Can My Ex Not Love Me?

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Qian Wei asks if he didn't make any effort. He says he booked a dinner spot and movie tickets. He then suggests tossing everything out and Qian Wei protests. She finally says she'll go with him as she's already his matchmaker and will help him out until the very end. Unbeknownst to her, the shop owner is encouraging Lu Xun with a thumbs up, which he acknowledges with a quirk of his eyebrows. 

Now they're at a steakhouse, and Qian Wei keeps bringing up Mo Zi Xin. Lu Xun asks her to stop asking as it hurts his heart every time she asks. He claims to have no appetite and essentially forces her to cut her own steak into smaller pieces and feed him herself. He then says that he has a surprise for her. He gets up and whispers to her that they’re doing a dine-and-dash and he grabs her to run out of the restaurant. They finally stop running and she tells him that he's ruining his image, and reminds him that they're both law students. He replies that she advised him to create heart-skipping moments and unforgettable memories during dates. She's insistent on them returning to pay the bill until he pulls out the receipt from his pocket along with a pair of movie tickets. She then proceeds to beat him all the way to the movies. Heh.

They end up not finishing the movie because she had looked up spoilers. Haha. She finds out that the protagonist ends up with his childhood friend and not his assistant, which Qian Wei finds to be encouraging for him. Lu Xun says childhood friends are hard to find, and if it were him, he would surely choose the assistant. XD So meta! Qian Wei insists that he's predestined to be with the childhood friend, and never with the assistant. She then goes to get some ice cream for them, and she's approached by two very drunk men. One of the guys puts his hand on Qian Wei's arm which makes Lu Xun walk up and swats it away. He then moves them away to speak to them in private, and eventually the two men leave. Qian Wei asks what he said to make them leave. He says he told them that she looks ugly after removing her makeup, so she's not worth the fuss. She doesn't appreciate this. XD

Qian Wei ends up being one of the people in charge of the union party, alongside Li Chong Wen (he's the one who recommended her). For the event, Qian Wei has a seating arrangement in place to ensure that Lu Xun is sharing a boat with Mo Zi Xin. He tells her that he's afraid of water and doesn't know how to operate a boat. Nonetheless, she forces him to go with Mo Xi Zin. But then Li Chong Wen shows up and she's stuck with him because Liu Shi Yun went on a boat with Tang Lu, instead of Li Chong Wen. They're also saddled with a third wheel, Qian Chuan. She finds out that her brother had used his relationship to her, to get permission to join this outing. (He's in athletics department, but this a law department event.)

In the past, Li Chong Wen and Qian Wei were on a boat together for this event. Due to another boat bumping into them, he had kissed her cheek, which everyone witnessed. This time, Qian Wei wears a huge facemask to avoid any misunderstandings - and claims that she has the flu. Three guys in a boat are rushing over to get closer to Mo Zi Xin but they end up colliding with Qian Wei's boat. In her determination to avoid an accidental kiss by him, she pushes Li Chong Wen away from her - but he falls into the water. He can't swim! Later, the guys try to perform CPR on Li Chong Wen as the medic volunteer (Tang Lu) is too far away. Those chest compressions are so pathetic. The hands need to be stacked on top of each other, not side-by-side. *facepalm* Qian Wei very reluctantly offers to resuscitate him but Lu Xun stops her and volunteers himself for the job as he knows CPR. Afterwards, Li Chong Wen thanks Lu Xun, who tells him to not show his face to him - especially not his lips. lol

Their next stop is the haunted house tour. Qian Wei intends to have Lu Xun go inside with Mo Zi Xin, and she’ll cling to her brother on account of her night blindness. Inside the house, her brother runs off without her and she's actually afraid as she can't see well, and clings to someone who she presumes is her brother but it's actually Lu Xun! Initially, Mo Zi Xin and Liu Shi Yun cling to each other but then Liu Shi Yun makes sure Mo Zi Xin goes with Qian Chuan instead. She then ends up with Tang Lu who explains the skeletal system to her during this excursion. She decides to pretend to be scared of the fake monsters, as an excuse to cling to him.

Qian Wei is continuing to boss around her "brother" who hasn't uttered a single word. At some point, she even swats at his bottom for being a scaredy cat - while she's the one clinging to him. She then starts telling her "brother" that Lu Xun may not look it but is a scrappy fighter. XD He stops moving to glare at her and she swats at his bottom several times to get him to keep walking! Lu Xun's eyes just bulge in shock from her outrageous behavior. LMAO But she thinks it's her brother! They finally get to the end of the haunted house tour, and when they're in a well-lit area, she finally sees the person she's been clinging to. Lu Xun sardonically informs her that the person she's been clinging to and touching has been him. She apologizes and tries to run off to find her friends but he won't let her off that easily. He wants compensation. lol

He asks that she win him a prize (an out-of-print book) at this hoop-throwing game. Back then, she had won him the puppy, but he turned out to be quite allergic to dogs. So they had ended up going to the hospital. Qian Chuan had taken advantage of that window of opportunity and confessed to Mo Zi Xin. Qian Wei had also paid a large sum for the book to compensate Lu Xun. Today, he's unable to win any prize and lets her have a go with the last hoop, and she wins the puppy. She just rolls her eyes in total exasperation at this. lol! Lu Xun can't believe she actually got a prize with only one try. The guy brings over the dog and she tells him to keep it away as Lu Xun is allergic. Lu Xun is surprised that she knows this. She asks to leave the dog with the guy and sends Lu Xun to wait in line for the Ferris wheel. She then buys the book for 250 RMB and asks to have the dog sent to stay at their homestay. 

On the Ferris wheel, she gives him the book and tells him to cherish it as she spent 250 RMB* on it and it's worth double that price (500 RMB, what she owed him). He looks at the book and tells her to stay in law. He shows her the price printed on the book - it’s only 50 RMB! Haha. She tries to get the book back but he refuses and says since she's spent her time negotiating for this, her silver tongue is worth at most 500 RMB. lol From this vantage point, Qian Wei is quite intent on finding his true love, Mo Zi Xin, with binoculars. He tells her "true love will show up eventually. It's meaningless if you search for it. The thing that you find might not be true love at all. You might think that it's true love, but it's not." He tries to get her to stop looking but she gets annoyed and tells him to knock it off. He then tells her, "Sometimes, your true love is right beside you, do you know what I mean?" No, she doesn't because she’s so dense!! She continues looking through the binoculars and he asks if she's even listening and tries to block her view again but she shoves his hand away and mutters to herself about what color Qian Chuan is wearing today. *[She bought the book at 250 RMB and calls it Lu Xun’s price because 250 in Chinese = “stupid person”. But then she turns out to be dumber when it’s actually 50 RMB.]

At the end of this ep, we find out what Lu Xun actually said to those drunk guys at the ice cream stand. He had pointed out that their company name is on their badges and they're both wearing wedding rings. While it's fine for them to go drinking, but are they willing to commit public indecency and molest a woman in front of a lawyer? One of the guys asks why it matters to him. Lu Xun pulls the guy down to say directly into his ear to say, "She's my girlfriend. Don't you think this has something to do with me?"

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