Steal Lu Xian's Life Script

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Qian Wei is writing out plans and goals in her journal. There are a couple pages of to-dos and a page on stopping her father from dying of leukemia. 

The crystal necklace that Mo Zi Xin wears is from Lu Xun, and they're childhood friends. She seems to have a crush on him. In the past, there was a bra thief on campus, and Qian Chuan was the one who caught him. But he ended up with an injury that took him off the map for nationals (swim team). It was also at this time that Qian Chuan had met and fell in love with Mo Zi Xin. Currently, Qian Wei thinks that Lu Xun likes Mo Zi Xin, so she adds to her journal, as a side project, to get them together. 

Later, Qian Wei ends up catching the thief herself with a broom (and even jogging alongside him! lol) and Lu Xun ends up involved in this altercation. While her roommates are at the supermarket, and Qian Chuan sees Mo Zi Xin for the first time and he’s quite infatuated. 

Qian Wei is hailed as a hero for catching the bra thief and known as the prophet. The results from the School of Law Entrance Exams are out: she's No. 1, and he's No. 2. She approaches him about helping him pursue Mo Zi Xin. He's not interested. She tells when he's still single 11 years later, he'll come crying and begging her. He gets this sick look on his face at the thought of knowing her for that long. Ha. Then he asks if she thinks he'll date her. She scoffs at this. She's been everywhere but she tells him it's because of Mo Zi Xin. She then he looks like a hedgehog before she leaves. lol! He touches his pompadour and says "Even if I'm a hedgehog, I'm a handsome hedgehog." She later beats him in the class election, so she's now president and he's vice president.

Qian Chuan installs a safety latch on the girls' door but Liu Shi Yun doesn't know who he is, so she beats him and detains him until the dorm mother arrives. Qian Wei, Liu Shi Yun and Qian Chuan all end up in trouble as he’s not allowed to be in the girls’ dorm. But it's her brother's fault! Teacher Zhen gives them their punishment: for them to go to the field and leap frog five laps while holding a chair above their heads. This way, they will avoid receiving a demerit on their school record. Lu Xun is assigned to supervise them. Mo Zi Xin later joins them for this punishment as she feels guilty for being the one who reported Qian Chuan to the dorm mother during the chaotic fight. At some point during the punishment, Qian Wei starts complaining about her back and Lu Xun actually piggybacks her for the remaining laps. But there's no jumping now... Qian Chuan follows suit with Mo Zi Xin on his back.

Afterwards, Lu Xun stays behind to rest on the grass with Qian Wei while the other three are running around the field. She tries to get him to go after Mo Zi Xin but he has no interest. I think he’s more interested in her.

Another day, everyone signs up for the debate team. Qian Wei and Lu Xun both want to be the new captain of the debate team. Li Chong Wen is the current captain of the debate team, so Qian Wei has no choice but to continue to have interactions with him. Teacher Zhang oversees this debate team, and he normally doesn't train female students. Qian Wei says that he'll make an exception for her - as she's not going to give up her career for love. She asks for a chance to prove herself with a spot on the debate team. She wins him over.

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