I Am The Missing Piece In Your Heart

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Qian Wei disappears after rehearsal again, and Lu Xun finally presses her brother for intel. He knows Qian Chuan's achilles' heel is Mo Zi Xin, and he has all of her interests and preferences gathered by Qian Wei. So now Lu Xun is Qian Chuan’s ge now and Qian Wei is only his biao jie. He tells Lu Xun that she went to see that venture capitalist and a concerned Lu Xun bolts out of there.

The venture capitalist invites Qian Wei to discuss matters in his hotel room. She tries to suggest another place but he says that he's short on time. Never a good idea. She acquiesces and ignores her incoming calls. Lu Xun manages to find the room that they're in and get a hotel employee open the door for him when he claims to have lost his key. Inside, he finds the guy passed out, tied up with the words "I'm a scumbag and garbage" written in red lipstick on his torso. Qian Wei is surprised to see him. Lu Xun asks the hotel employee to call the police. He then starts scolding Qian Wei for not caring about her own safety. She tells him that she's fine as she's able to take care of herself. They're interrupted by a call from Liu Shi Yun asking them where they are for the show.

Liu Shi Yun tries to stall for time by singing on stage but it doesn't go well. Qian Chuan saves her by doing some silly dance moves on stage as his pig character. Our bickering couple finally arrive even later as Lu Xun insisted on filing a police report. So they continue to fight and ruin their scenes in the first act. The second act is their breakup scene, and this time, Liu Shi Yun actually sings well enough to impress everyone, including her parents. Our couple makes up through this breakup scene - of course, they also change the script. She understands that he's mad because he cherishes her. She promises that from now on, no matter what dangers and difficulties, she won't hide them from him, and will face them together with him. He asks what makes a person fall in love with another person. He then answers "I guess there is probably a void in everyone's heart that needs to be filled with the right shape. You are the piece in my heart." She recalls his words from 2022. (Chapter 2) She repeats that she's the piece for the void in his heart. Once again, off-script, she says "This is my choice" and leaves the stage arm-in-arm with him. The two then exit the theatre together. Liu Shi Yun is crying from how touching it was. She then has a single spotlight is directed on Li Chong Wen as Sun Wu Kong/Monkey King, and says everyone needs an ending. He looks like he wants a hole to open up and swallow him whole, but the show must go on. He bangs his own staff and Tang Sanzang's staff on the floor and then the light fades out to darkness. The crowd cheers loudly and applauds. At least the musical is a success!

Our couple ran away to a park with an amazing view. Qian Wei tells him that she's abandoned her pilgrimage to go with him, so he needs to take responsibility. She also asks him to not throw tantrums again. He tells her that she should be responsible as it's his first time eloping. Ha. Lu Xun has a surprise for her, he hands her the College Student Entrepreneurship Fund Application. With Mr. Zhang's recommendation, they'll be able to apply for the student start-up fund for Law Online. She apologizes for today, as she's used to being on her own, and didn't expect him to be so worried. He asks her to not hide anything from, not to lie to him, and to trust him as he trusts her. Then the two share a kiss. 

After the musical, Liu Shi Yun looks for her parents but only a security guy greets her with a wooden case. Inside the case is her father's jade pendant, an indication that he's ready for her to take over the family business. But she's not planning to. Elsewhere, Mo Zi Xin accidentally drops her necklace over the railing and it gets stuck on the branch of a tree. She goes down to ground level and Qian Chuan happens to show up, and finds a ladder to retrieve it for her. She says it was unnecessary and he says that she always hides everything in her heart. He knows that she's pretending that she doesn't care what everyone thinks of her. He knows that she's unhappy and wants to move forward, and he hopes that one day she can be happy. He shows her a magic trick - by changing a coin to a smiling face button. He gives her the button before he leaves. She finally decides to drop the necklace into a pond, and says that she's finally letting go of Lu Xun. 

Later, when Qian Chuan goes to pick up food from Liu Shi Yun's restaurant, he sees Mo Zi Xin waiting across the street for him (she doesn't like luosifen) and pointing to her phone. He looks at his phone and reads her text message asking if the doors of his swimming pool are still open for her. He looks at the odor eliminator is in his hand, and texts her back, of course as long as his friend can always be happy, won't suppress her feelings for the sake of others, and won't compromise herself just because she's moved. His takeaway arrives and he hands the odor eliminator to the server.

While celebrating at a KTV, Liu Shi Yun and Qian Wei play the dice game, Cheat. Qian Wei loses and Lu Xun accepts the penalty, to pay for a case of beer. Qian Wei loses again and Lu Xun sets the penalty - to call him ge, which she refuses to do and swats him. He then pinches her face in retaliation, and the two continue with the swatting and face-pinching. Suddenly some loud guy walks into their room looking for the server complaining about the long wait for service. The guy recognizes Mo Zi Xin and introduces himself as her cousin, Mo Tao. She doesn't look happy to see him. Mo Tao then orders a bottle of whiskey and champagne for the room as a thank you for taking care of his cousin. She drags him out of the room to speak to him in private. Qian Wei knows that Mo Tao has been calling her friend incessantly. 

Mo Zi Xin asks her cousin if he has money and he says that when she pays back what her family owes him, then he'll have money. She explains that his family insisted on investing in the joint venture with her father, and when things went south, each family was paid with compensation. Her family had saved a large amount of money to pay him back. He gets annoyed that she's trying to cut ties with them now that they've cheated them and he feels that he’s entitled to more. She explains that there was no cheating as her family has already lost everything to pay back what they owed. (that's why her family home is gone.) He tells her that her friends must not know about her father, and she tells him to not talk about her father. 

Later in the bathroom, a drunk Liu Shi Yun is retching at the sink and Mo Tao pats her back but he notices the jade pendant around her neck and snatches it and puts it into his pocket. Qian Chuan returns with a bottle of water for her, and Liu Shi Yun brings back both guys to the room. She drunkenly announces that she can't have the jade pendant and the microphone so she's chosen to - and Qian Wei notices that her pendant is missing. Her friends ask her if it's in the bathroom. Qian Chuan says that it was still on her when she was throwing up, and asks Mo Tao if he'd seen it. Mo Tao starts fidgeting and plays dumb about it. Qian Chuan leaves to look for it in the bathroom while Lu Xun says that no one else can leave the room until they find it. Liu Shi Yun is fretting that she can't give it back to her father, and he'll skin her alive if he finds out it's missing. Mo Tao just orders everyone to keep looking. Qian Wei suspects he's behind the missing pendant.  

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