The Gap Between Dream and Reality

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The doctor tells Qian Wei that she had a brain injury, and has received a week of treatment. Having hallucinations or dreams during the coma is normal. It'll take her some time to recover now, and she will need to undergo physiotherapy on a regular basis. Liu Shi Yun has brought her her favorite dessert but Qian Chuan comes in and removes it. The two bicker until Qian Wei finally tells them that she's tired and closes her eyes. She realizes that this is her reality, as there's no such thing as a painstakingly brewing romance waiting for her. She's still the useless Qian Wei.

Lu Xun and Li Chong Wen are in a meeting about the Morris case. Lu Xun says they’ve found Mr. Wei and filed a lawsuit based on evidence of his communications with Ruo Mei. Li Chong Wen denies AES' involvement with those communications. Lu Xun has also filed an appeal in Morris' case. Li Chong Wen says this could drag on for years, which a young company like Morris can't afford. So he offers a Settlement Agreement but Lu Xun doesn't even look at it. He tells him that he knows that AES is in the middle of getting listed but this litigation is delaying the process. Morris is now suing AES for infringement. Lu Xun pulls a page from the Settlement Agreement and starts folding it.

Afterwards, Li Chong Wen thanks Lu Xun, on behalf of Qian Wei, for taking care of things after her accident. Lu Xun says that he's her boss, so who is he to her? Li Chong Wen says he's her boyfriend. Lu Xun nearly sneers at this but he just continues folding the paper in his hands. Li Chong Wen says taking care of Qian Wei has become his responsibility. Lu Xun asks if they're getting back together. Li Chong Wen implies that after all these years, and after such a serious accident, she now knows what should really matter to her - their relationship. *rolling eyes* An angry Lu Xun starts crumpling up the paper in his hands now.

Lao Tao wants Lu Xun to find out if Qian Wei wants to return to the firm. Lu Xun doesn't say anything. Lao Tao knows he must be worrying that when the Morris' case is done, Qian Wei and Li Chong Wen will get back together, and she'll leave the firm. Lu Xun says they can get back together but how is it related to work? Lu Xun tells him to call her and explain the situation and she'll come back immediately. Lao Tao asks why him, as it's actually between them. It's inappropriate for him to interfere, and the one who cares should be calling. When he'd driven away from the hospital the day Qian Wei woke up, he’d been listening to “We Are Not Together”, but it seems that he never saw Qian Wei chasing after him. Even though we can see her in the right side mirror of his car. 

Qian Wei is being discharged soon. The doctor tells her that Lu Xun had insisted on bringing in advanced medical equipment from overseas, otherwise she wouldn't have woken up so soon. She needs to continue with brain physiotherapy to prevent any side effects. She asks about her long detailed dream, and how some things she knew about and others seemed logical even though she had never experienced them. Besides the stimulation machines, they had asked her family and friends to remind her of her past. He tells her to figure out which memories were real versus not, and she would have to verify for herself. Then she finds out from the visiting log that Lu Xun had been there every night.

Back at work, Qian Wei is rifling through Lu Xun’s office. She finds the origami helmet and thinks about the times he's given one to her - at the cafe before her accident, and in the dream, after her father died. She then finds the wishing bottle and pulls out the paper - it's blank. She then finds his favorite book and flips through it and remembers his words about the void in his heart but she doesn't find anything in the book. Lu Xun catches her but seems only mildly annoyed about it. She asks him if the void in his heart wasn't Mo Zi Xin but herself. He denies this. 

She tells him that during her coma, she had a long dream about incidents that she didn't know about during their university years. The doctor said that someone must have told her. She tells him that she knows he was with her every night.  He only says since she was in a vegetative state, and if anything had happened to her, it would've been considered a work injury. So when he had time, he would visit her and read her some files and law regulations. She brings up when Li Chong Wen had confessed to her back then, she had seen the sign with a poem, "I want the thousand eyes of the eternal night, to see only you." Wasn’t this prepared by him? He sighs and denies it. Then he tells her “That's a dream between you and someone else.” Why is he being so obstinate? Before it was it's him!

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