Goodbye, I Love You

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In her room, Lu Xun looks at the 2014 NJE pamphlet and tells her that he knows that she's skipping the NJE because of her father, and he offers to skip it with her. She tells him that he can't change his plans because of her. Later, they get caught in the rain on their way back to school. They wait out the rain, by standing outside a hotel, and he asks her "Don't you think it rains quite frequently this year?" She plays dumb. But then he walks into the hotel. She stays outside and gives herself a pep talk repeating over and over that she can do this, as she's already promised him. He returns to ask her what she's muttering about, and she realizes that he only went inside to grab an umbrella. Haha. He teases her for saying she wants to study with him but then she has these other thoughts. She grabs the umbrella and runs away with it, but he's not far behind her. 

Qian Wei is at the jewelry store buying a pair of silver pigs for her parents' wedding anniversary. Lu Xun asks if this is a good purchase, and she explains that real gold and silver retain their value. So while she's paying for the silver pigs, he orders a pair of golden pigs for them. While Qian Wei is waiting to pay with her card, she sees a placard with an Alipay QR code on the counter, but only she sees it. It's from the future! Lu Xun senses something is wrong but she says that nothing is wrong.

Qian Chuan has a match today, and appears to have an issue with his leg before the match even starts. Meanwhile, Liu Shi Yun fails her solfege exam (sing a given melody while playing a suitable piano accompaniment, following the given chord). She is told if her pitch isn't any better, she won't be able to graduate. Later, Qian Wei receives the call that Qian Chuan had a leg cramp while swimming and had been sent to the infirmary. But he's gone missing since then. He has an inguinal ligament injury and is diagnosed with acute bursitis. He'll need at least six months of acupuncture therapy, which means he'll be out of the water for that long - ergo forced retirement. If he continues without treatment or rest, he'll cause irreparable damage to his ligaments and joints, wherein even walking is an issue. Everyone is looking for Qian Chuan. 

While looking her brother, Qian Wei starts seeing the future Qian Chuan in front of her. She also notices the bike sharing racks, hoverboards, and food delivery services via apps buzzing around her. Lu Xun grabs onto her to avoid an oncoming bike as she's actually standing and spacing out at a crosswalk. She starts to tell him that she's from the future but they're interrupted by a phone call.

Liu Shi Yun finds Qian Chuan at the amusement park and she's brought beers to commiserate with him. He tells her that he doesn't know what to do with his life without swimming, and she promptly clunks him with his trophy. Ha. She says that she's returning to him as she's been recharged with the encouraging energy from it. Lu Xun and Qian Wei arrive with Dad on the phone. His dad reminds him that he convinced him to let him swim, because he loved it. Dad also says that "Life is imperfect. How to make the best out of your imperfect life, that's what really matters. That is also the meaning of life." Dad also tells Qian Wei, "Don't focus on the past. Cherish the one in front of her, such as Xiao Lu." She then continues to argue with her father about taking care of his health. The other three decide to gang up on her to get her off of the phone and force her to go on rides with them. Well, except for Qian Chuan, who can't go on any rides now and can only watch as a spectator. 

Today's the parents' 25th anniversary, and the kids have decked out the place with balloons, streamers and photos. Lu Xun even folded some towels in the shape of pigs - it's five little pigs. Oink. Eventually, the three start smacking each other with the balloons, until they hear the parents. They quiet down and surprise the parents by greeting them with confetti. The kids then continue to fight amongst themselves by flinging confetti and balloons.

Mom and Dad are holding hands as they're watching this mayhem going on, and Dad squeezes her hand three times. Then Mom reciprocates. Later, Qian Wei gives her parents a gift - a pair of cruise tickets. Dad then says that he has a surprise for Qian Wei which he'd been waiting on for three years. He had also decided to save it for her wedding day. But today seems like the right time and he leaves the room to get it. Suddenly they hear the clatter of things falling. Mom scolds him for being careless. But there's no response except for the sound of more things falling. They all run to the study and find Dad laying on the floor and he's unresponsive. With tears in her eyes, Qian Wei tells them to not move him as he has internal bleeding and needs to stay flat. She remembers the last time. She tells Lu Xun to call for an ambulance. 

At the hospital, they're informed that Dad has internal bleeding caused by the relapse of leukemia. He's stable for now, but will need to stay in the hospital for observation. He will also need more blood transfusions. Lu Xun and Qian Chuan deal with the paperwork as Mom and Qian Wei stay with Dad in the room. Dad gives Qian Wei the ring, and tells her that life is imperfect, and when she faces difficulties in life, she can spin it. This is his way of helping her get through it. With tears all over her face, she accepts the ring. Her father then says that he's hungry and wants red date porridge from a nearby shop. They leave to get the porridge. Mom gets in line for the porridge as Qian Wei sits at a table, rubbing the ring on her left index finger and just spaces out. Her mother returns with the food and tells her that her father is concerned about her the most. He is most worried about the kids' lives. He wants her to pass the NJE, and see her wear the graduation cap. Qian Wei says that she would trade everything she has for his health and well-being. Mom explains that this isn't what parents want to see.  They're interrupted by a phone call. And they run back to the hospital.

Lu Xun is outside the room with the doctor who tells him that his vitals aren’t great and they’re unable to resuscitate him. Mom and Qian Wei run inside and find Qian Chuan tearfully begging Dad to not leave them. An equally tearful Qian Wei starts begging him to wake up and cries that she’s spinning the ring. Dad's right hand drops down and touches Qian Wei's right hand. With the slightest movement, his finger moves over hers three times.  A sobbing Qian Wei tells him "I love you, too. We all love you." Mom and Qian Chuan tearfully nod in agreement. And then Dad's heart stops.

Afterwards, Lu Xun and Qian Wei walk back to school, and pass by his poem sign. She says that the Ferris wheel won't light up for her anymore. No matter what she tries to change, she will lose it all. She'll lose him one day. He denies this and says "I'll wait with you until dawn, until the Ferris wheel lights up again." He then hugs her and says "If the sky is dark, I will put up the stars for you. Trust me." With tears, she finally hugs him back. He's her light.

Mom is lovingly wiping down Dad and says "We had a deal. In the next life, in the dark room, you will still hold my hand. Don't forget that." And she squeezes his hand three times.

After the funeral, Qian Wei asks her father “Why do we always realize we should cherish our love only after we have to say goodbye? Why do we always realize the priceless treasures we had only after we lose them?” Qian Chuan is traveling around with their mother and their father’s ashes. Qian Wei isn’t going because she says that he’s already the third wheel and she has things to take care of at home. Her brother tells her that he loves her before he drives away. 

Qian Wei cleans up the house and removes the decorations, but she breaks down when she finds the jars of alcohol-infused cherries her father left. They're dated for 2011.09.03. This is what her father had wanted to give her the day he died. She hugs one of the jars and just sobs.

When Lu Xun comes over to check on Qian Wei, he finds her drinking and vomiting in front of the toilet bowl. He grabs the glass from her and tells her to stop drinking but she refuses to stop. He tries to take the jar from her, but she yells that her father left her this! He tries to reason with her and asks if her father would be happy to see her like this. She says that he can't see her anyway. She goes back to hugging the jar and drinking so he grabs the showerhead, turns on the water and soaks her with it to get through to her. She angrily yells what he's doing. He yells back that her father expected the best of her and everything she's doing now is against his wishes. She's missed classes, exams and doesn't care about Law Online or anything at all. She yells, yes, she’s really a loser, as the diligent Qian Wei from before was fake! What’s the point now?  He slowly pulls out a folded envelope from his pocket and tells her that her father knew she'd skip the NJE for him, so he wrote her a letter in advance and entrusted it to him. If she cares about her father, if he matters to her, then she should dry off and sober up and he'll wait for her in the living room. He throws a towel on her before leaving. Qian Wei starts to really sob.

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