Misunderstanding in Love is Irrevocable

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QW: Female law students are brilliant. They have hundreds of law regulations on their minds. When it comes to romance, they tend to be reasonable. Not to mention how smart their children will be. Of course he should go for a law student. 

LX: My girlfriend has good memories. When we argue, she will bring up the past. No one can take it. Everyone laughs at this.

QW: Think about it. If you argue with ordinary girls, you'll end up being beaten up if you win in an argument. If you lose in the argument, you'll be scolded. But things are different if you date a law student. We're fair and just. We're also very easy to get along with. You should consider that. 

LX: We've been arguing for three hours now. Aren't you exhausted? Even if you're not exhausted, I'm exhausted. 

QW: Everyone needs a girlfriend who knows the law. If you ever need to defend your rights or lodge a complaint in the future, just count on me. 

LX: A moment ago, you're suggesting ways to take over the marital properties. If I do that, it's bringing about ruin to myself.  

QW: No. Both of us are law students. We share plenty of mutual topics. We share the same source, too. Why can't we come to an agreement? 

LX: Being in love is unlike setting up a company. You don't have to do it with someone in the same industry. What about this? If I ever need an assistant, one day soon, I'll call and inform you at the first instance. You can come and be my assistant. Isn't it nice? Sounds good?

Qian Wei practically sneers at him but she doesn’t say anything. Liu Shi Yun starts counting down to the end of the competition. 

QW interrupts: All right. For this topic -

LX: For this topic, I admit defeat. The crowd is confused by this. You can be my girlfriend, Qian Wei. You won. Everyone's shocked now.

Liu Shi Yun congratulates Qian Wei for winning the competition and starts clapping. And then she hits the button on a remote which launches the confetti cannon. The room erupts into applause.

Lu Xun walks over to her side. Li Chong Wen and Mo Zi Xin look unhappy with this outcome. Lu Xun holds her right hand in his hands, and then squeezes three times. Squeeee, those squeezes! Then he leans down and whispers into her ear, "What was unfinished in the ward has finally completed." *melting* He continues holding her hand and waits with a smile. Everyone congratulates them. Lu Xun's parents look happy. She thinks, "I'm doomed. He really likes me." 

At the celebratory dinner, Lu Xun takes being her (unconfirmed) boyfriend quite seriously which everyone notices and she's quite uncomfortable about it. She even moves her chair away from him to talk to someone else but he pulls her back immediately. She chides herself to remain calm as she's 28 years old, and then she says, "Di di, let me explain something to you. You see, two things just don't belong together. If you put them together by force, something bad will happen." She then demonstrates with a glass of cola (him) and a mint candy (her) and once she drops in the candy, it starts fizzing up over the rim of the glass. Lu Xun asks her how she knows that he loves to drink mint-flavored cola and he takes a sip of it. He then turns to her and asks her what to do when there's foam on the lips, and there's definitely some on his lips. She makes the excuse that she'll check on their order and just leaves the restaurant. 

Lu Xun finds her and she says she's going to buy some soy sauce. He tells her to forget the soy sauce and just tell him the answer to the love letter. She looks at him in confusion and asks him what love letter? There's no love letter. He pulls out the paper crane and offers it to her and she finally realizes that's what it's been every time. She tells him that she didn't know a love letter still exists in this era and can't believe that he wrote it. He snatches it back and asks her then what else can it be? 

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