About My Boss Wanting to Become My Boyfriend

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Tang Lu makes a feeble attempt to try the luosifen but he can't do it. He tells her he misses the old her, and she replies so does she and then takes a bite of her noodles. He gets up and throws the flowers into the trash bin on his way out. I wish he'd go into that bin. She deserves better! Their relationship is over. She continues eating through her tears. Then Qian Chuan suddenly plunks down into the chair across from her. He says "It's uncool to have all the good stuff by yourself." She asks what he's doing here. He says he was going to have noodles with his friends but the owner said she'd taken the last few duck feet to go. She's invested in a luosifen shop that was going out of business, so of course he has to bring some friends over to support her. He waves over his friends who come over and congratulate her on her new business. Qian Chuan then digs heartily into the bowl of luosifen. He says they'll help her with the gloom of heartbreak and support her shop. She replies it's called single is the best, so let's go to her shop.

Qian Wei presents a love contract to prevent Lu Xun from becoming a MCP (male chauvinist pig) in the future. lol He's reluctant to sign and asks to add a clause "Party A shall provide Party B with unlimited hand holding, 20 hugs, 50 kisses and shave services per week." She doesn't want to agree to it so he says then he'll just do whatever he wants until then. She relents but adds another clause: "Now this is just a probation period. The duration of this probation period is determined by Party A. So you have to pass probation before you can be my boyfriend. If during this period, Party B does anything that upsets Party A or anything inappropriate, Party A can cancel the contract directly." He definitely doesn't want to sign but then she threatens to tear up the contract and then they're totally done with each other. He finally signs the contract.

For the grand opening of her luosifen shop, Liu Shi Yun offers prizes via drawing numbers from a box. Lu Xun and Qian Wei are treated to the grand prize - Liu Shi Yun sings them a song but she's quite tone-deaf. Haha. Qian Wei then tries her luck with soda bottle caps but fails to win anything. She keeps opening bottle after bottle, which all say "Please try again," so she bemoans the fact that dating her lao ban has brought her bad luck. SMH. This girl. 

During beach clean-up, Qian Wei complains about picking up trash and having to cover such a large area. She attributes it to her bad luck with dating the lao ban again. But then she finds a trail of winning bottle caps (Get One Free) , which leads her to a viewing point, and Lu Xun is here waiting for her. He gives her the latest issue of "Legality Vision" which includes the publication of both of their papers. She says the gods actually prepared a surprise for her. He asks then what about him? He opens a box filled with winning bottle caps that he collected from almost all of the convenience stores around the school. Aww. He tells her that he's decided to be her lucky star from now on. He then hugs her and says he'll collect all the luck for her. He asks for a reward, so she puts her arms over her head and says that she's a wishing well and tells him to wish away. He wants to be her boyfriend and announce it to everyone. She refuses as it will go against their contract. He suggests that she not call him di di again, and call him ge instead. She agrees but he has to call her lao ban, bring her coffee, and she starts listing off more things he should do for her. She's so... demanding. Give an inch, take a mile.

He interrupts her by pulling her in for a kiss, which is witnessed by their classmates, including Liu Shi Yun and Mo Zi Xin. The kiss ends but Liu Shi Yun starts cheering and everyone joins in, except for Mo Zi Xin. Lu Xun just pulls her in for a closer hug. He got his wish?! Sort of, heh.

When Mo Zi Xin returns to the dorms, she asks for a private chat with Qian Wei. Qian Wei says it's a good thing that she doesn't like Lu Xun as she's with Lu Xun now. Mo Zi Xin corrects her - she does like Lu Xun. During her childhood, when she had the chickenpox, Lu Xun had given her the crystal necklace at the time which brought her comfort. A while ago, he had told her the truth about the crystal necklace. It was a souvenir from a trip, and when he had dropped by her home for a visit, her mother had mentioned that she liked it, so he gave it to her. But he didn't know that it would give her the wrong idea. He mentioned the rumors about them at school, and wanted to clear up everything so there were no misunderstandings for her and the person he likes to misunderstand their friendship. That was the day when she had returned to the dorms and told the girls that she and Lu Xun were only friends.

Qian Wei asks what is wrong with Lu Xun, as she had even thought that Mo Zi Xin had rejected him, and then she spent a considerable time consoling him. Mo Zi Xin says that's incorrect, as she didn't want her feelings known and that she'd been rejected. She admits that she had been waiting for Lu Xun to change his mind but when she saw that he had collected all of those bottle caps for her, she knew to give up. She knows him very well, and he's never liked that beverage but for her, he had collected all of those bottle caps. She doesn't blame her but she can't give them her blessing right now. She needs time to process everything, and Qian Wei replies that she understands. The girls remain friends. Heartbreaking for Mo Zi Xin but this this is how a love rival should be - communicative.

An unhappy Li Chong Wen spends his money on the claw machine trying to get the tiger kitten doll. Yu Tian tells him that she'll keep him company and suggests that they walk together under her umbrella as it's about to rain. He rejects her offer and says that he doesn't like using an umbrella. She looks peeved by this.

Qian Wei finds out that Lu Xun's been secretly working on a website for her idea, Public Legal Aid Platform. On the landing page it says "This web page is built by two law students. One wants to create a fairer and more just legal environment with passion and courage, and the other wants to help her to fulfill her wishes and move towards a future with her." She recalls their conversation on the bus and knows that he paid attention to her. We know! lol When he returns, she asks how long he's had a secret crush on her. He says he just stole her idea. She then gives him a quick kiss on his right cheek, and he leans in for a real kiss but she stops him. She asks to see the love letter but he says she can when the website goes live and after they've taken on 100 cases. They then argue about launching a website versus an app. He's against the app as smart phones are not as popular right now, need funding and more expertise to create an app. He's spent a long time creating this website and tells her to stop being so idealistic and unrealistic. She's hurt by his words. The two continue arguing, which ends with her saying she’ll do her own app and he can stick to his website. She thinks he's being dictatorial just like in 2022. She angrily storms off saying that they can’t work together. Uh oh.

For the month-long Haizhou Student Arts Festival, the law students need to come up with a show. Qian Wei volunteers Liu Shi Yun’s idea, a musical of "Journey to the West". This is met with ridicule as everyone knows about her tone-deafness. Qian Wei insists on supporting this idea, as she wants to help Liu Shi Yun reach her dream. She and her friends spend some time trying to convince the theatre teacher to at least consider their musical, “Ten Lifetimes of Waiting”.

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