We Are Not Together

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Qian Wei tells her brother that Mo Zi Xin is here for Lu Xun. Qian Chuan admits that he’s not interested in pursuing her and only wanted to see how she was doing. He’d be happy for her if she’s doing well. Qian Wei hangs up with her brother, and then leaves work with a bouquet of flowers and several shopping bags. She receives a call for winning one year's worth of chauffeur service, and the driver is already waiting for her outside. She thinks that Lu Xun is behind all of this.

Lu Xun is watching her from inside the building and recalling his recent conversation with Lao Tao. Lao Tao knows that Lu Xun acts distant towards her but always looks out for her behind the scenes. He suggests that he stop with the acting and just tell her the truth already. Lu Xun doesn't want her love via means of what he's done for her, out of pity or sympathy. He wants her visceral feelings and love. He already has it! Lao Tao tells him that he's usually brave, so why isn't he here? He cautions him, "If you miss your chance with each other, you miss it forever. Have you ever thought what if you push her away at the moment she falls for you? Maybe you'll really lose your future together." Lu Xun now watches Qian Wei get into the car, and deletes the message on his phone about offering to drive her home, under the guise of discussing a case.  

The next day, Lu Xun fusses at Qian Wei for insisting on going with them to the filming set. Then they're told that only two people are allowed to go in. Lu Xun vouches for Qian Wei and leaves his practice license with the guy. He also makes a sign for her that says "Lu Xun's Assistant", which he sticks on her back. Qian Wei is keeping an eye on him as she's worried about him flirting with Mo Zi Xin. They meet Mr. Han of En Pei Film Company, the chief producer for "The Court of Law", who is in need of Mo Zi Xin's investment. Art imitates life, as the scene they’re filming in the courtroom has the male protagonist telling the female protagonist that he no longer wants to be rivals but lovers. She accepts and they kiss. Part of the set suddenly falls down and an upset Mo Zi Xin tells Mr. Han that the props are crudely made and the trial process isn't even accurate. She asks about their legal advisor on set and Mr. Han says that they're limited on funds and have spent the funds elsewhere. She is also unhappy with this film adaptation of the original comic. 

Mo Zi Xin and Lu Xun start pointing out inaccuracies: during sentencing, everyone in the room must stand up; the male protagonist has a pollen allergy but carries a rose in his pocket; the feelings between the leads isn't accurate as it's their first kiss after going from enemies to lovers. Mo Zi Xin asks Lu Xun to act out the last item with her, and Qian Wei’s eyes go ever so wide at this as she looks at Mo Zi Xin and then Lu Xun. So she quickly suggests as it's in a court setting, they should opt for a hug. Mo Zi Xin, with a small smile on her face, tells Lu Xun to try out this scene with Qian Wei. Qian Wei now says that's inappropriate and Lu Xun asks her if she doesn't want to become a lawyer, as one has to do things that they don't want to. 

So they run through their lines and then Qian Wei really hugs him and continues hugging him as she thinks to herself if she'd known that she could do the scene herself, she wouldn't have changed the kissing part. A surprised Lu Xun asks if she’s taking advantage of him. She finally lets go of him and says who asked her to act with him, so who knows who’s the one taking advantage here.

As they're waiting for the set lighting to be adjusted, Qian Wei asks him about the poem, "I want the thousands of eyes of the eternal night, to see only you." Lu Xun has no response. Suddenly, a wall behind Qian Wei comes down and Lu Xun pulls her into his arms to keep her out of harm's way. Mo Zi Xin yells at Mr. Han about the safety hazards on this set. He replies that it was just built today so the glue might not have set. (Really, you didn't wait for it to cure before allowing cast, crew and visitors on site?) Lu Xun advises her to be cautious about investing in this project as it appears that someone must've embezzled the funds. 

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