Cupid Gets Shot By Arrow

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Qian Dad wants to shave but Qian Wei won't allow it, especially as it's against medical orders (high risk of excessive bleeding). So Dad begs Lu Xun to help and the three proceed to bicker. Eventually, Lu Xun takes Qian Wei to the bathroom so he can demonstrate how to shave her father. They're in very close quarters and have a conversation about the concert tickets. She mentions the porridge but then they're interrupted by the nurse who confiscates the razor. Awkward moment in the bathroom.

Qian Wei is worried about not having enough blood donation cards. Li Chong Wen shows up to give her his, so she as a thank you gift, she buys him a live chicken. To his roommates' ire, he decides to keep this chicken in their dorm room. And to his dismay, they kill the chicken against his protests.

Later, Liu Shi Yun gives twelve blood donation cards to Qian Wei, and she thinks it's from Mo Zi Xin. Her friend admits that the person made her promise to not tell, but she quickly divulges that it's Lu Xun. He had asked his relatives and his parents' colleagues for these cards, and included his own. Before, Qian Wei had assumed that Mo Zi Xin, who was Qian Chuan's girlfriend at the time, had gathered these cards. Now she knows it's been Lu Xun both times. She wonders how many times he has helped her without her knowledge. 

Qian Wei finds Lu Xun in her father's room taking pictures of the family in wigs. Lu Xun had brought the wigs as a way to cheer up her father as he'll soon lose his hair from chemotherapy. She refuses to wear one so Lu Xun and her brother both try to put one on her as her father takes photos of the three of them squabbling over the wigs. She eventually ends up wearing a bright red wig. That evening, Qian Wei brings him fried milk as a thank you for the wigs. They have a conversation about starting over when the world is shrouded in darkness. Lu Xun says if it wasn't pitch black then one wouldn't notice the brightness of the Ferris wheel near the hospital. He tells her about the Mayans' prediction that on December 21, 2012, which is this Friday, the world will come to an end. Doomsday. Because of this belief, many people will stay but will take a moment to take a break and look at the light.

Qian Dad receives some softshell turtles as a thank you for the chicken, from the debate team and student council, wishing him a speedy recovery and that Qian Wei does well in her studies. Qian Wei calls Li Chong Wen, who tells her that he rejected Wang Ruo Gu’s offer for the Qing Yun Project as he felt uneasy about it. Afterwards, when they’re exchanging messages online, his roommate asks when he plans to confess to her. Li Chong Wen denies this and allows his roommate to have the smallest drop of chicken soup, but proceeds to drink the entire pot himself.

After Dad's radiotherapy and chemotherapy, he's unable to keep food down and has decreased energy and strength. Mom holds Dad's hand and squeezes his hand, and says if he's unable to speak, then just squeeze her hand once for yes and twice for no. He asks for her hand and squeezes it three times. She asks what it means. Soundly slightly out of breath, and with a smile, he says "I love you." Mom smiles back at him with tears in her eyes.

Lu Xun and Qian Wei come into the room, and Qian Wei immediately (fake) complains that "My dad gives all his love to my mom. There is none left for me." She then extends her hand to her father. "I want you to squeeze my hand three times too. Her father says to ask him - pointing at Lu Xun - to squeeze her hand. She quickly says that they're just classmates.

Without hesitation, Lu Xun grabs her hand and gives her three squeezes. She jerks her hand away and asks him what he's doing. He replies that he squeezed three times and she starts rubbing her hands together like she's trying to get rid of something foul. lol! She asks him who told him he could do that. He quickly replies that her father did. So her father asks for her hand, and then tells Lu Xun to squeeze her hand, which he does. She then starts pinching Lu Xun, and he whines to her father about it. Her parents just smile at each other and her mother squeezes her father's hand three times. Awww.

Dad's bone marrow transplant is a success. Mom suggests that Qian Chuan take over taking care of Dad but he tells her that he's already offered, but Qian Wei won't allow it. 

On campus, Li Chong Wen stages a very public confession to Qian Wei, which is very similar to the way he confessed to her in the past, and she had agreed to become his girlfriend then. He had given her an empty box and said that he would give her everything she wanted and he would work hard to fill up that box.  

Meanwhile, Lu Xun has spent the day replacing the busted street lights along the stairs she uses every day and night. And he's also purchased the vacant ad space at the bus stop for a poem.

我想要 永恒之夜的千只眼睛 以便唯独观赏你 *

I want the thousands of eyes of the eternal night, to see only you.*end of translation*

Lu Xun is looking at his love letter to her, and rehearsing it in front of the sign as he's waiting for her. There’s a Ferris wheel on the sign. He then notices that Qian Wei is later than normal for the bus, so he texts her to ask if she's going to the hospital tonight. He doesn't receive a response but he checks a social media app and sees that Li Chong Wen has already publicly confessed to her. He looks dejected. Poor boy.

Qian Wei is slowly climbing up those stairs to the bus stop and recalling her conversation with Li Chong Wen.

QW with tears on her face: I know there is nothing in there. He looks surprised. I know you want to give me everything I want. But it's odd, this time, I don't want you anymore. 

LCW: How do you... How do you know there's nothing in the box?

QW laughs: Didn't I tell you before? My hunch is always right. I took a trip to the future to see if we end up well. And we didn't. She then turns her back on him.

LCW with frustration: Don't say stuff like hunches as an excuse to turn me away, okay? You avoid me, but you care for me. You hate me, but you understand me. I... I just don't get it. Do you really feel nothing for me?

QW turns around with tears: It wasn't an excuse. Do you know this phrase? It means extreme pain in English, French and Albanian. He looks pained by this. But coincidentally, its Chinese homonym and writing are strikingly similar. That is... I loved you. She finally looks at him. Li Chong Wen. I loved you. He's crying. But it was agonizing - shakes her head - so I don't love you anymore. 

LCW: No. Qian Wei, I'm not what you think I am. I'm who I am, Li Chong Wen.

QW with a tearful smile: Do you believe in a parallel universe? Qian Wei in that universe sacrificed her dreams and her youth for Li Chong Wen. That time belonged to you. He just blinks with tears in his eyes and looks confused. But then you smashed it to pieces. 

LCW shaking his head: I don't understand. Did I do anything wrong? 

QW shaking her head: No. This time, you did nothing wrong. So, I'm really glad to see you change, to see you become enthusiastic and kind. I believe that you'll be a good lawyer in the future. Thanks to your change, I can reconcile with Li Chong Wen in this universe. She finally walks away from him.

Now Qian Wei notices the street lights are working, and then sees the poem up ahead. She reads it out loud and wonder what it's about. She comments that her name is in there. *The two bolded words are 千唯 (Qiān Wéi) which sounds similar to her name 钱唯 (Qián Wéi). She continues walking up the stairs and then sees Lu Xun turn off the lights on the sign before walking away. She now wonders... Back then, she had thought the working street lights were just luck from being in love, as she had carried Li Chong Wen's box and flower in her arms. After she had replied to Lu Xun's text, he'd only replied it's fine and congratulations. She had arrived later, and the sign had been turned off so she had never noticed/seen the poem.

Tonight, she sees Lu Xun's text message asking if she was going to the hospital tonight. She realizes the lights and sign were all Lu Xun’s doing. Lu Xun really likes her! Why does he like her? What about Mo Zi Xin? What about her plan to defeat him?  ^[He wants the night’s thousands of eyes (=stars?) to admire only her. He wants to be the starry sky that gives her hope like the Ferris wheel. She can’t see in the night, and so he fixes her streetlight. She finds her life dark, and so he lights her way.]

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