Fairy Tale World in The Heart of a Boy

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Liu Shi Yun's father sends his security team to drag her back home but Qian Chuan helps her escape. She tells him that she's afraid to face her father. He tells her "Once we have done what we have been afraid of, it will actually be very exciting." So they go to the amusement park, where he needs to face his fear - the pendulum ride. Qian Chuan and Liu Shi Yun are outside the gates for the pendulum ride when Lu Xun joins them. But he’s alone as Qian Wei is busy and seems to have forgotten about their anniversary. Then Lu Xun tells them that the ride is the height of a ten-story high building, goes 80kph with 2.5 Earth's gravitational acceleration, and it only takes 5-8 seconds to hit the ground. Qian Chuan tells him to go for a walk, and Lu Xun replies that he'll go ride the merry-go-round. The brat. Qian Chuan decides to just go for it and Liu Shi Yun finally joins him. Afterwards, Liu Shi Yun is reinvigorated while Qian Chuan is dry heaving.

Lu Xun sits on a bench by himself and recalls when he was last here as a child. His parents had been too busy and didn’t come so he’d been taken care of by another student’s mother. Suddenly, a bear character shows up and pops a balloon in front of him with a note inside. He reads the note: "Congratulations on being selected as today's lucky visitor who can be accompanied by dancing bears all day." The bear, who has been dancing and spinning around the entire time, stops to bend over and extend its paw to him. He glumly tells the bear thank you but he has a girlfriend and wants her to accompany him. The bear pulls him up from the bench and dances in circles around him, and then waves over the clown photographer. Their picture gets taken and Lu Xun notices the way the bear poses with one paw by its face. Now he's gleefully trying to remove the bear's head but the bear resists. A little girl with her mother walks by and the girl says that ge ge is bullying the bear. The bear then hits Lu Xun and the mother says that the bear is hitting a guest. Lu Xun tells the girl it's not a bear but a staff member. The girl gets upset and the bear drags Lu Xun away. 

The bear drags Lu Xun to a game and wants him to win the stuffed version of itself. I want one, too! The heart cheeks kill me. Lu Xun is terrible at the game as none of his sandbags hit the targets (small stuffed bears) and is jeered by the kids. The bear plays instead and is successful in knocking down the targets, so it wins the cute stuffed bear. A boy nearby asks for this amazing bear to help him win a doll, too. Lu Xun tells the kids that they're big kids now so they should fight for what they want by themselves. The boy says “Ge, you look older.” lol! Lu Xun tells him: “I have such a big bear, do I need to fight for it by myself?” Then he lovingly pats the bear's head, and says “This bear will always belong to me, got it?” So cute!

Lu Xun and the bear (and stuffed bear) are now on the merry-go-round. When the fireworks start going off. He tells the bear to remove its head, otherwise it'll miss seeing the fireworks. Then he points out all of her tells: her usual hand gesture when taking photos - scissor hand, strawberry flavored cotton candy, and her scream when throwing those sandbags. Her acting skills are not good enough. He then reaches over and removes the bear head. A scowling Qian Wei fusses at him for being able to hold out all day until now.

Qian Wei had met with Lu Mom, who had shown her photos of little Lu Xun. She had explained that he was adverse to going to amusement parks because of what had happened when his parents had forgotten about taking him to the amusement park on Children’s Day. He had also ruined the day for the other kids by pointing out the truth: There is no fairy air, it’s only dry ice. Fairy tales are all lies. They are not princesses, but staff members. They don't live in castles, but in dorms. When Mom returned home that day, little Lu Xun had pointed out that he had written the appointment in his mother’s planner, six months in advance, to go to the amusement park. But they still forgot. He had then told her that he didn’t want to hear the excuses or talk to them. He really didn’t speak to his parents for three months. His mother had wanted to take him there again but he did not want to go. Mom had said that they blamed themselves as they were both busy with work and as a result they did not spend much time together, which is also why they have few photos together as a family. 

Qian Wei sees him smiling now and she tells him “I just want you to go back to that day and be that carefree little boy. You can talk tough, you can be capricious, you can even be sharp-tongued. But the dancing bear will not abandon you. You are always on its agenda.” She cutely puts the bear head back on and does a heart shape with her arms and a little wiggle, which makes him laugh. He then removes the bear head and tells her "This is the happiest day I've ever had in an amusement park. Thank you." He leans over to kiss her but the kiss is cut short by fireworks. 

So they continue watching the fireworks while holding the stuffed bear in between them by its ears, like one would hold the hands of a small child.  

Qian Chuan goes with Liu Shi Yun to see her father at his boxing gym. Qian Chuan is quite intimidated by the presence of the security guys and her father. He continues to think they’re gangsters, even though she’s told him multiple times that they’re not. Liu Shi Yun leaves with her father to settle the matter of her career options - by playing billiards. She wins the game, and her father lets her take the second degree but tells her that she can no longer ask for any money from them. She returns the jade pendant to him, and then leaves with Qian Chuan. She’s pretty happy for someone who is now broke and car-less.

Qian Wei finds out from Qian Chuan's coach that he isn't performing well at swimming practice - his timing is off. She asks the coach to allow him to take one day of leave, and she thinks it's a psychological issue, not physical. She takes her brother to the batting cages and tells him the truth - that she's from the future. He thinks she's lost it and suggests she go see a neurologist. He ends up asking her questions about Loki (from the Marvel Universe) and "Game of Thrones". SMH. He still doesn't believe her so they go home to watch a live swimming tournament on TV, where she predicts that the underdog will win. He doesn't believe it's possible but the underdog does win. So Qian Chuan becomes fired up as he's getting the support that he really needs - from the people he cares about the most. Qian Wei realizes that Qian Chuan and Lu Xun are "big boys who look tough and uncaring but actually need attention and love in their hearts. Back then, I didn't understand this. But I understand this now." 

Qian Chuan continues to have leg cramp issues during practice, so Qian Wei gets Liu Shi Yun to help him relax before the big race. She calls for help from her family’s security team. They kidnap Qian Chuan and drop him off at the bathhouse. They end up getting massages together. 

Competition day arrives and Qian Chuan has a great start. During the middle of one of the laps, he seems to have an issue with his leg, but he pushes forward and actually wins the race. He finishes at 25.91 seconds. Afterwards, Qian Wei waits for the hug from her brother but to her chagrin, he only hugs their parents, and then thanks Liu Shi Yun and even gives her his trophy. Lu Xun consoles her, "Your younger brother belongs to others when he's grown up. You still have me. I'll hug you." She retorts why should she hug him as he doesn't have abs.  She then pats his stomach and continues refusing his hug. Dad tells Mom that not only did Qian Chuan win the gold medal but he's also won his future wife.

Afterwards, the family and Lu Xun have dinner at home. Dad tells his son to make sure to invite Liu Shi Yun over from now on as they have a sixth chair for their dining set. Hehe. Mom then asks Qian Wei if she's preparing for her NJE. She says that she's not taking it until next year. Lu Xun and her mother are both concerned about this. Qian Wei is thinking about getting her father safely through September first. Mom wants to press the issue but her husband tells her to stop worrying about her, as it's now Lu Xun's job.

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