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Hawk's POV:

I had the kid in my arms and I would lie if I would say, I wasn't scared of him at all. The thing was that he just killed a couple of people as if they were flies and did as nothing happened. Normal people would react in some kind of sense but he did not. Not to mention that he actually didn't even care about human lives at all and that was all too clear when we saw him firing back these bullets without any kind of hesitation. 

What am I supposed to do with this kid now?

I mean I do have him but...

What am I about to do....

He could be dangerous without any proper training and I can't just let him run around on his own nor let the hero commission take him...


If they knew about his ability... that will be the end of him. They are gonna make him a killing machine for sure.

I have to make sure he learns what's right and what's wrong....

If he ever becomes a villain, than we are all screwed!

I know that much...

The hair at the back of my neck were still standing high because of the danger radiating from him. Every fiber in my body knew he was dangerous and I wouldn't be able to stop him in an actual fight. I basically just witnessed what the kid could do and he was even this injured as well! No matter how I looked at the situation, it felt ridiculous as well as something coming straight out of a story someone made up. 

The kid in my arms was bleeding a lot and after he cleaned out his wound, I could see how deep they are. It was not just a headwound at all. From what I could tell it definitelly needed stitching up and no matter what this kid looked really pale that it was worrying me a lot. I even flew at high speed towards my own agency to get him to the infirmary and in the hands of my healers.

Needless to say that I just threw open the door... in some kind of way. The turth was that I got into the room through the open window since it was summer and it was just hot. However I did basically threw up the door out of its place when I went to the side room where they would stay while doing a break or whenever no one was around.

Healer 1: THE FUCK!

Me: Heal him!

Healer 2: Can't you just use the door like a normal person?

Me: Do I have any hands available in your opinion to do that?

Healer 2: You have feathers!

Me: And you call that opening doors normally?

Healer 2: Fair point.

Healer 1: Stop talking and get your stupid ass here!

While the first healer did complain about the sudden burst of the door, he at least came sprinting over and took the kid from me. It was nice to see that at least one of my healers knew what to do. Meanwhile the other one was still sitting there looking at us and this situation looking as if he was regretting his life decision to work here. Well I did never force anyone to work here and they were free to leave any moment. I paid them all by the end of the week and not monthly because of how many people are not staying in my agency for long. For many of them, this is just too stressful and for the others, well they can't really cope with me and my ways of entering a building.


Rogger: Ooop.... sorry Stan!

Stan: We got a kid who lost a lot of blood and needs stitching if not for us. Now get working!

It was only now that the other healer came to the kids side and started working on the wounds as well. Meanwhile I was just leaning against the wall watching them and thinking about what I should do next with the kid. There was no way I would let him go back to where he came from. If things would go on, this kid will become a villain which could even surpass All for One. 

What the heck am I about to do....

Raise you?

Isn't there any other option?

I am not the best with kids after all!

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