I Need To Patch Things Up,?

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I hated this. I didn't want to stay at my flat with the feeling of Louis even though he would never come back. I must have been a bitch, why else would he not stay and listen to me. I've been here for weeks, sleeping on the couch, eating nothing but what i packed, which soon turned into nothing, listened to Greg and Brenda do whatever the hell they wanted, thank god they didn't have sex. The worst was watching Niall slump around over not being able to see Lottie, not even Skyping. Why was Louis being like this? He's never like this.


I looked over the couch.

"Hey Greg." I said as perky ask possible.

"Eat." He handed me three cheeseburgers and two large fries.

"I'm fine. I've eaten enough as it is."

He gave me a stern look.

"I'm fine."

Biggest lie told. I wasnt fine, In fact i was slowly dying inside, it was as if my body was turned inside out and shot a million times, then devoured by a savaged beast.

"Char, I know we're not close like you and Niall are, but I want the best for you." He gently brushed my cheek.

"Please eat."

It was like he was pleading, begging, me to eat.

Checked the time 3:30.

"Greg i gotta go." I said picking up the suitcase next to the couch and walking out the door.


I missed her. I missed her body against mine when I sleep, I miss the smell of her hair after she showers, I miss the way she kissed my cheek when I needed to get up or when I over slept. Her lips soft against mine. I wanted her so badly.

"Louis, do you think you could help the twins with their science project?" My mum asked.

"Mum with all do respect I really would like sometime to myself."

She left out a deep, frustrated sigh.

"Louis, all you've done is sit on your bum and ignore your family, you can either be a good older brother or you can get out of this house and find somewhere else to stay."

She must have had a bad morning.

"Mum, I have no where else to go that's the only reason I'm here."

She walked into my room closing the door behind her. She pulled up a chair and sat in front of me.

"You, not me, you, called, me, asking if you could bring Fizzy to Ireland to spend time with you and Charlotte. Then, outta nowhere, you call saying your coming home after less than a day there. Now, I'll say it again, either get off the problem you made, or get out cause i don't want to be in the same house as an ungrateful son who doesn't know what he's got until after it's gone." She got up and left.

I grabbed my computer that was at the end of the bed. I turned it on and looked for my videos. I went past the ones of me and the boys and went straight for a folder labeled "For Our Eyes Only." As soon as i clicked it a video popped up of Charlotte.


"I knew this day would come sooner or later, which is a reason why I made this folder for you. I know you love me but I'm nothing compared to El. Its funny since your taking a shower, at this very moment and I'm in yur room. Anyways, enjoy this."

Forever Young started playing. Pictures of Niall and Charlotte before she was on the X-Factor started to fill the screen. pictures started coming up and soon came her with the rest of the guys. Some with her and Zayn at Starbucks and some with her and Harry at Lottie's Birthday. Some of Liam, Danielle and her. Not one photo had me. There were some of her and the twins. About two or three of her and my mum. The song keep playing as pictures of her and her parents were on. Then pictures of her during her Audition and through out the X-Factor, the judges house, to the live shows. The end. One or two pictures where of her and Simon, the rest of the judges. Pictures of her during The X-Factor tour with the other contestants come up. She seemed so happy, so un broken, so strong. I had to break all of that and now she's probably refusing to eat and not listening to anyone. The song started to come to an end. A picture of her came up and there was a sniffle. "So I guess you got to this part. I - um, Love you. I know its only the forth week that we've been dating-" Another sniff. "- but I cant contain the feelings that I feel for you." She reached for her phone with her right hand while her left hand was holding a tissue to her nose. Her gentle finger slid across her iPhone screen.

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