Fly With Me

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I don't know whats worse, your bothers girlfriend picking you up and having her fans with her or your brother not picking you up. Do I really care? No but at least have some class to to pick me up youself. Anyways where was I? Oh yeah! So Charlotte comes to pick me up and all you see is little girls following her. Ok so I don't think were getting out of here alive.

"Fiz!" I looked up.

"Hey, do you think you can take my suitcase for me?"

"Sure, hey do you mind if we stop by Liam and Danielle's? I promised them that I'd wash some clothes."

why does she have to be so weird.

"You can't do laundry. you don't know how."

"I know but I promised!" She whined.

This is just like her too.

"Fine whatever."

she smiled and skipped outside to a taxi waiting.

The ride there was quite. I don't think anyone was in the mood to talk. The only sound that was actually made was the brakes screeching.

"Ill be right back." She said getting out.

The door closed and all that was left was me and the cab driver.

"So, how do you know Mrs.


Is he serious?

"I'm Louis sister."

"Oh." He sounded disappointed.

It got quite again. Well of course when that happens Charlotte always seems to disrupt it with a noise. In this case the noise was her opening the door and closing it as of she was pissed off at the world.

"You ok?" I whispered.

"Yeah." she let out a sigh as if she had been running a race.

This can't be good.


Fizzy was flying in today and Charlotte obviously wants to go pick her up. Well she failed to mention that she was stopping by Liam's to get his laundry and wants me to do it.


"What?" she mumbled irritated that this was the third I had woken her up in five minutes.

"I lo-"

"I'm not doing the laundry. I am not your maid."


"Ask again I will take this pillow shove it so far up-"

"OK! I get it. I have to do the laundry"

"Now I fell bad. Fine I'll do it, but you have to promise me that tonight I get the telly."

"Fine you get the telly."

she smiled.


So its only Pheobe, mum and I left. Everyone else is in Ireland.

"Daisy! Phoebe!" Mum yelled.

I ran down stairs and bumped into the front rooms table.

"OW!" I rubbed my knee.

"You ok Babe?" Phoebe asked.


"Ok, Ok. So as we know other than Mrs. Anne we're going to be the only ones here. I say et and Mrs. Anne go to France. What do you think?" Mum asked.


I stared at Phoepe.

"No." I said.

"Why? It'd be fun."

"Mum I'm not going unless Louis or my sisters there too."

"Daisy, you'll have Phoebe."

"Yeah you'll have me."

"I want my sisters or my brother. That's it."

What the Cameras Don't See (1D,Olly Murs & Cameron Quiseng fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now