What happens in Cali Stays in Cali

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"My hair! My hair! Cam! Your pulling my hair!" Jenna yelled as I pulled her to my house.

"Whatever." I mumbled .

I promise Aunt Jess, Jenna's mother, that I'd keep her out of trouble. Trouble like Vic. Victor Porter, my band mate Zach younger brother. Does she listen to me when I say don't hang around him? No because why? "I'm a big girl Cam."

"Auntie!" She yelled.

"Cameron. let her go. head up stairs Anna wants you to help her with something." My mother said


"You heard what she said up m" Jenna pointed.


I released her and stormed up stairs.


Serves him right for pulling my hair like that.

"Why must you do this to him?" She asked handing me a water bottle.

"I don't do anything wrong."

"You know he doesn't want you around Vic, yet you continue to see him"

"Its not like I'm dating Vic. He's just a friend."

"Jen. we both know you can't just be friends with a guy."

"I so can!" yelled.

"Room now."

I rolled my eyes. She acts like I'm her child, like she owns me. She doesn't. Neither does Cam and I sure the hell ain't wanting to be related to his good for nothing father but sadly I am.

I stormed up stairs and turned my laptop on. I went straight to Twitter and checked my DMs. Tons from Amber, a few from Vic, some from Char and some from Cole. I always answer Amber. Just because she's mini me. "I hate Cam." I told her. I went through my timeline as I waited. Some many things about Olly and Char and Louis. Just as I was about to check the DMs my phone rang.

"Hello." I answered

"Hey, you ok?"

I'd recognized that voice anywhere.

"Yeah, Vic I'm fine. Head hurts."

"You forgot something."

I had my phone, obviously since I'm using it but what could I have forgotten.

"You didn't tell my goodbye."

"Want me to say it now?"


"Okay Then."

I heard a thud coming from the next room.

"I'll call you back k?"


I hung up and walked into the next room.


"Bridget. Your going to bag to do this for me. Please."

"No. Cameron."

"Be that way."

He walked out and bumped into me.

"Oh. Hi." he said.

"Have you seen my bracelet?"

"The teddy bear one?"


"um... ask my mom."


Did I really want to know where it is? No. I needed a reason to talk to him.



"I have a friend who lives in New Zealand and she likes you and I was wondering-"

"If I could talk to her and see how thing go?" He questioned.

"Yeah kinda."

"Sure thing kiddo." he patted my head.

"I'm not a kid."

"Can you drink yet?"

"No but neither can you"

"yeah well I'm special."

I rolled my eyes.

He's so full of himself its sad.

I got back to my room and looked at my DM's I had a new one. Not from Amber, but from Harry.

What the Cameras Don't See (1D,Olly Murs & Cameron Quiseng fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now