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Zayn's POV

Sometimes i wonder if it was all worth it, just like together as a whole. I love her, I do, but there's also what other people may think. I know i shouldn't care but its hard, when there are tweets all over Twitter bashing her, and post all over Tumblr. It's hard to tell who the true fans are and who are just there for the ride. There was a slight disturbance next to me.

"Someones up early," Danae said stretching.

"Yeah, just thinking, you wanna go out today?" I asked.

"I don't know do I?" She asked

"Well, yeah. I mean who wants to say inside all day.

"True, give me about thirty, fifty minutes?" She said getting up.

I nodded.

"'Kay be back soon."

I got up and walked down stairs to the kitchen, and started making some coffee. I heard the shower running from up stairs. I smiled. She's perfect just in every way possible. The home phone started ringing. With out checking who it is I answered. "Hello?"

"Zayn?" Charlotte said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Oh thank God, you answered. Can we talk?"

"Yeah sure," I took a sip of my coffee.

"With what time frame of dating is it the appropriate time to kill one who you are dating?" She asked.

I sat down at the dinning room table. "Well, I'm guessing around the time they get annoyed with said partner?"

"Well, what if you're not annoyed with them, just really,really, pissed off?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I'm pregnant, which meas Louis lied to me and I'm not ready to be a parent, just last week I spent the day watching baby shows."

"You do that on a daily basis, I think your over reacting." I said.

"What do you mean over reacting? This is normal for me." She said.

"Maybe, but to be honest, you're going to be a great mother."


"Yeah, I mean sure you can be a little childish but that's the best way to bond with your child,"

"Children," She corrected.

"Twins?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said.

"Well, children, and Louis is almost as childish as it gets so,"

"I see where you're getting up."


"Well, I gotta go, I gotta take Cameron's cousin to her boyfriends school."

"He's not my boyfriend!" A voice in the background yelled.

I chuckled, "Ok,"


I hung up just as the shower turned off.

Danae's POV

As I got out of the shower I took the towel off the rack and wrapped it around me. I checked my phone for messages and I had one, from Louis.

Gonna need you to hide me fore about 9 months. Think you could do that?

I texted back why?

No longer than a minute later he texts back saying, because i got Char pregnant and shes going to kill me and the only way to possibly live is to go into hiding.

What the Cameras Don't See (1D,Olly Murs & Cameron Quiseng fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now