The Time Is Now or Later Which ever Works

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I started to walk back to Zayn's when I heard a noise. "Char?" I called out. there was no replied. ok I am officially scared crapless. "I LOVE YOU!" A voice yelled. What the hell is going on? Someone grabbed me.and pulled me into an ally. I turned to see who it was. I didn't see a face.but I did see a tattoo. the tattoo wa of a microphone. "ZAYN?!" I yelled. He burst out laughing. "That's not funny!" I yelled stomping my feet. "Sorry. I love you." He leaned down to kiss me. I turned away. I was pissed at him. "Hey babe, I didn't mean to scare you to death. Before you I was living in hell. Please don't be mad?" He pleaded. I looked into his big Brown eyes. I should kill him for making me fall in love all over again. "I love you I do. but sometimes things happen." I said as he held me close to him . "You'll be happy to hear this then. guess what's trending?" He asked excitedly. "Jossica?" I guessed. why is I care? "No!ZANAE!" He yelled. I back away. "WHAT?!" I yelled happily. "Yup its trending worldwide!" I screamed. "Omg I can't believe this finally!!" Aftermany tried and failed attempts to get Zanae trending it never worked.

finally now it trends.

is this all because we're engaged?

I hugged him tightly. he wrapped his welcoming arms around my body resting his head on top of mine. this is how I want this to be this is how I want to stay. forever wrapped in my soon to be husband's arms. "Come one lets head home." he said guiding my back to the main side walk. We walked a few blocks when we heard someone arguing. "I TOLD YOU I'M SORRY!" A girl yelled. She seemed like she was crying. but I had I feeling I heard that voice before. "SORRY?! SORRY DOESN'T FIX ANYTHING!" A guy yelled. We continued to walk. I saw blonde hair. Brenda? No it can't be she never visits here. "You ok? Zayn asked. I shook my hear of those thoughts "Yeah!" I replied perky. He chuckled to him self. why did he have to be so perfect. by the time we got back to the house it was 6:30. I went straight to the bed. I collapse rent then and there to the softest bed ever. I heard the bedroom food close. "We could either A, go to sleep. B, watch a movie or C, have fun." he said sitteing next to me. " I love you but I'm so tired just please let me sleep." I tasked. "Fine be that way!" He replied. he moved over to.his said and mumbled good night.

what has gotten into him?


When I woke up the room was pitch black and I was alone in bed. "Nialler?" I whisper yelled. I heard a groan. "Niall?" I called out again. "What?!" he snapped. "Was that very nice Mr. Grumpy pants." I giggled. "Oh sorry I thought it was someone else." he said flipping the light on. I blinked a few times to ajust to the light. Niall looked so cute. with his hair all messed up. "Hey my little Lottie." He said giving me a kiss. "Hey Nialler." I replied. " You still up set over last night?" he asked. Was I? "I don't know." I sighed deeply. "Oh. My. God!" he yelled. his expression was terrified. "What's wrong?" I asked worrying. "Louis texted me saying, "Ik about you and my sister." what are we going to do?" he asked. I was shocked. what were we going to do? "Lottie, I love you. And honestly I've never felt like this about anyone before. You stole my heart." he said looking at me right in the eyes. I felt my cheeks heat up and tears start to form. I couldn't deal with Louis knowing Niall and I are together. I felt his arms pull me closer to his body. I soon realize he was shirtless. oh God this wouldn't look right . I forced my way from his embrace. "Lottie?" me asked worried. I didn't talk I let the tears fall as I picked up all if my stuff.

I picked up my shirt and shorts ad stuffed them into my suitcase. I slipped on my black heels and started walking out the room. "So I guess this is it." Niall said. "Yeah." my voice was cracking. " Can't we justbwait? don't leave me!" He said. I turned around and saw him through the tears pouring out of my eyes. I hated doing this to him. "I have to. He knows and he's probably pissed off right now cause I had to make a mistake and go out with you!" I yelled. through the year we've never been in a fight. "So going out with me was a mistake? I love you! You don't have to go! Stay with me till the day that I die. Let us grow old together. As my hair grays and our grandchildren run in our yard. CHARLOTTE TOMLINSON I LOVE YOU WITH MY WHOLE HEART IF YOU WALK AWAY I KNOW ILL FADE CAUSE THERE IS NOBODY ELSE! ITS GOTTA BE YOU! Your to young I know that but I saw this because I can't stand to see you hurt! Ever since I saw your with everyone backstage I knew you were the one for me. We lasted a whole year together with out Louis knowing. But I can't stand this any longer. Charlotte Tomlinson will you marry me?" He asked. what was I going to say? could I just get married like that because I might actually be in love. "Niall I.."

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