This much

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I started to get the girls backpacks ready for Monday. Lottie's was off to the far corner of her room, next to her vanity. It was the one Niall bought her,  which I understand why she loves it, but it's just weird, since he got it at Victoria Secret. I walked over to it and picked it up, it was heavier than I excepted. I don't go through her things, I find it rather rude to go through someones personal things, but what is in the bag that is making it so heavy. As I slowly opened the bag, I worried on what Lottie was going to think, I shouldn't be doing this.

"Mum?" A small voice called, I turned around.

"Yes Felicite?"

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, uh, nothing. Do you need anything?" I asked.

"Are you going through Lottie's bag?"

I didn't answer.

"Mum! Are you going through Lottie's bag?" She asked again.

"It's not what you think." I said quickly

"Then what is it. What does it look like?"

I thought, and thought, but I couldn't come up with an answer.

"I thought you trusted her! Are going through my stuff too?"

"No, it's just I was just-"

"Then why?" She asked.

"I don't know."

"Do  you know where my reading book is?" Daisy said rushing in.

"No honey." I said sweetly.

"Fizzy! please help me find it." She whined pulling on Fizzy's arm.

"Sure no problem." She said walking out of the room.

I sighed, what kind of mother am I? A bad one. I dropped the bag on the floor. Something fell out, now knowing my motherly instincts, and I looked to see what it was. At first all I saw was blue wrapper, then as I bent over to pick it up I saw exactly what it was. A condom. What was he doing to my poor baby? Was he pressuring her? But, he's the good one. Am I supposed to confront her about this? But, then she'll know that I went through her bag, but it fell out of the bag. What else is she hiding? I quickly grabbed the bag and sat on her bed. I shuffled the contents of her bag around. I didn't find anything weird all that was really in there was school books and her make up bag. I grabbed the make up bag and opened it. There was make up here and there and then I found another condom. What was she doing when I wasn't around? When she was with Niall? I looked some more, just in case there was something else I wasn't seeing. I put everything back just the way it was, except the condoms. I put them on her vanity. I opened each and every drawer in her room. I found another condom, one of Niall's shirts and a note from Niall. I knew it was time to call her. I walked down stares to see Fizzy and the twins watching the telly. I walked right past them and into the kitchen grabbing my phone off the counter and calling Lottie. I slipped out the front door while it rang.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey." I said quietly

"What's up?" She asked.

"I was in your room earlier and I started getting your bag ready for school, I didn't look through it, and it fell."

"Oh, so what's the big deal?" She seemed uneven.

"Well, a condom fell out, so being your mother and knowing that you are too young for such a step in a relationship, I looked through it."

"You what?! I thought you trusted me more!" She yelled.

"I do. When the bag fell the condom fell out. Even if I do trust you, or did you that matter, I have every right to search your bag."

"Ugh! I can't believe you would do this what's next searching my room?"

I didn't answer.

"MUM!" Her voice cracked.

"What was I going to do Lottie? I found not only one but two condoms in your bag and one in your dresser drawer."

"You went through my stuff."

"Charlotte, I am certiantly not liking that tone your giving me." I said,

"Yeah? Well I don't like the boundary of trust you just crossed. What have I done to make you even think that I was having sex?"

"Well, nothing, bu-"

"Nothing. So why would you do that? You were the only one, other than Fizzy and Grace, that actually liked Niall and I together." She said.

"I was just worried." I said.

"I know, but couldn't you have at least called?" She questioned.

"Yes. I guess." I responded.

"Mum, I know I've said some things that shouldn't have been said and used tones that neither you or father approve of, but I'm growing up, fast, but I'm growing up. Soon I'll be moving out and getting married. You'll still have the same worry for me, you're my mum you have to worry, I can't judge you but I can hope that you'll trust me no matter what." She stated.

She sounded so grown and up and ready for the world ahead of her.

"So, I guess you forgive me?" It was probably the dumbest thing i could have asked but, I needed to know if I was going to spend the rest of my life with a daughter who hates me, and damns me to the deepest part of hell, or if I'm going to have a daughter who still tolerated my over protectiveness.

"I guess,"


"I do. But, please if there's anything that you want to know all you have to do is ask."



Well it's now or never.

"Did you and Niall have sex yet?" I blurted out even with thinking.

"Well, look at the time gotta go." She quickly said hanging up.

"The totally had sex." I said to my self walking in side.

The twins were alseep on the floor and Fizzy was in the kitchen cooking.

"Felicite," I started.

"Mum, do you not trust us?" She quietly said, I almost couldnt hear her.

"Of course I do."

"Then why would you look through her bag. You promised you wouldn't."

"I was worried that something might have been going on. It's kind of like a mother thing."

"But you were acting like Lou. How you needed and wanted to know everything about Lottie, even when she's not home." She said.

"Come here, sit." I said sitting at the table. She sat beside me. "Your brother and I worry. Lottie is his younger sister and my oldest daughter. We don't want her to get hurt in any way, emotionally or physically. Do you want that to happen?" She shook her head. "Niether do we. I'm sorry if you don't feel as though you can trust me but you can. I am very trust worthy." I kissed her forehead.

"Mum, do you trust Niall?" She asked.

"Well yeah. I was just worried."

"Thanks. For telling me."

I nodded and smiled.

"I'm gonna go take a nap." She said standing up yawning.

"Ok, I'll just finish whatever you were making."

"OK, sorry for sticking you with it."

"No problem, now sleep." I said.

She walked up the stairs and towards her room.

What the Cameras Don't See (1D,Olly Murs & Cameron Quiseng fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now