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Olly’s POV

I don’t know what I liked more. Jenna being forceful and stopping the elevator or being able to kiss her. I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her closer into me. She wrapped her arms around my neck, deepening, the kiss. Just as soon as I was about to start toying with the bottom of her shirt, she broke away from my arms and pressed a button.

“That, is how its done.” she said.

There was a ding and the doors opened. She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the elevator, laugh and giggling. She started running towards the room, dragging me behind.

“Olly? What’s the matter? Can’t keep up?” She asked smirking.

She was right. I couldn’t keep up.

“I need the room key,” she said turning around, still running, and slipping her hand through my pocket.

I tensed up a bit.

“Got it!” She said like a child.

I kept tripping over my feet and she kept dragging me. Someone started walking from around the corner. “Jenna, careful!” I said about to pull her back. Right before I could she run right into the person, or people. “Jenna,” I said getting up.

“I’m so sorry.” she said into the carpeted floor.

I looked at the other people who had fallen to the floor also. I reached my hand out to help the girl who had fallen, instead, Jenna took it, got up and pulled her shorts down.

“I am so sorry for doing that, I wasn’t paying attention and I ran into you guys. And I’m really sorry.” Jenna said.

“No big deal, it was an accident.” The girl said getting up.


“Jenna, I didn’t know you were here. Vic said you left to do to England.”

“Uh, yeah. I’m just here with a friend. Well, we gotta go. Bye!” She said grabbing my hand and ran the rest of the way to the room.

That was weird. I figured she’d want to talk to some one she knew but I guess not. She got to the room and quickly opened the door. She threw the room key on the table and collapsed on the bed. “What was that all about?” I asked. She didn’t reply, sigh or anything. Then I got a feeling she must of hit her on the floor and legit collapsed.

“That’s Vic’s new girlfriend.” She said. It sounded like she was upset about that. I guess this Vic guy is the one she still has to “break up” with. “I’m sorry.” I said sitting next to her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head in my lap.

“It’s not your fault. Its mine for getting so attached to some one who I was gonna lose.”

I wanted to tell her that f it was me, she could get attached all she want and that she’ll never lose me. I wanted to tell her that I was there for her but in stead I had the bright idea of saying, “You still want to go to dinner.” she laughed. She didn’t say anything didn’t move, you would have thing she was asleep.

“Yeah, I still want to go. Let me get dressed first.” She got up and grabbed her suitcase. “How fancy is this place?” she asked.

“Well, its what ever you want.” I replied.

Jen nodded. She grabbed something and walked towards the bathroom. The room fell silent. I didn’t have much to do so I grabbed my laptop and decided to Skype Caroline. It took a while for her answer, I kind of figured.

“Ols.” She answered, smiling.

“Hey Caz. What’s it like with out me there?”

“It sucks. How’s recording?”

“Well, uh, it went well. For a while.” I replied scratching the back of my neck.

“I heard you’re babysitting now.” She laughed.

Well that’s rude. “That was really rude.”

“Come on Ols we both know your too old for her.”

“Not really she’s like twenty.” which I guess was half true I never actually asked her how old she was…

“and your twenty seven. Think about it, she’s probably more immature than you. Plus what if she’s like seventeen, that’s making you seem like a pedophile. Just look at Lottie and Niall.”

“Caroline, for one I don’t thing your in any right to say anything about age difference. Harry. Everyone knows about that, most people were against it. So, why is it win I find some one whose a few years younger than me is it a crime?” I questions.

She didn’t say anything. She did have a guilty look on hr face. Well it serves her right, she had not right to tell me that dating someone younger is a bad thing. Is it not accepted in society? Well sometimes but then who’s to tell you who you can and can’t love?

“I- I gotta go.” she said before hanging up.

I sighed and closed my laptop.


this ok?” Jen asked.

I looked up. “Yeah its perfect.”

She smiled and grabbed her purse. “Okay, lets go.”

I got up and grabbed the room key slipping it back into my pocket. I didn’t know where we were going but she sure did. We walked around for a while, every once and a while I would check the time. It was eight thirty by the time we reached the restaurant it was eight thirty.

“Would you like a table?” The host asked.

“Yes please, a table for two.” Jenna replied.

She showed us to our table. Jenna smiled when I held the chair out for her.

“Thank you.” she said.

I nodded and took my seat. It was silent between us, what were we supposed to say. She opened her mouth, like she was about to say something, but quickly closed it.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

She pointed behind me.

What the Cameras Don't See (1D,Olly Murs & Cameron Quiseng fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now