Home Here I Come?

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"GET UP IM GONNA BE LATE!" Annalise yelled. I threw one of the pillows at her. "Let me sleep!" I grumbled. "I'm not leaving you alone after last time." she said. She pulled the covers. I pulled them back. "CHARLOTTE!" She yelled once again. " Fine!" I yelled back getting up. She was all dressed and ready. I checked the time. 7:50. "How the hell do you get up this early?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "Its called a job." she shot back. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I replied walking past her to the bathroom down the hall.


I love Charlotte I do but she can piss people off sometimes. She knows I have get up early to go to work and what does she do? He texts Louis all night. I still have to drop Nando off at Jessie's. I still have ti tell her that we're dating. I heard the showed start running. I rolled my eyes and started to make the bed. My phone started to ring. I grabbed it out of my back pocket. I checked the caller id. It was Jessie calling probably to see where I was. "Where are you?" He asked. "Babe, Charlotte is just now getting ready! I told you this was gonna happen just give me a few more minutes." I said throwing the pillows on. "ALI!" I heard Charlotte call. I dropped my hoe and ran towards the bathroom. "WHAT'S WRONG!" I yelled. "Help." she breathed. She was on the bathroom floor with a towel wrapped around her. She was clutching her stomach. I bent down to her level. "What's wrong." i said quieter. "I don't know. I just have a huge stomach ach." she said looking up at me. There were tears in her eyes. "How long has it been since the wreck?" I asked. "I don't know like five weeks." She said. "You haven't been driving have you?" I asked. "No." she replied. I sighed.


I sat in the hotel room thinking about what I've been seeing. All of the headlines read the something. "Charlotte cheating on her fiance with his best friend." or "Is Harry Styles and Charlotte Williams a thing or is Charlotte just doing this for publicity?" the one that really broke my heart was the one with the video. Is she just saying yes to marrying me to hind her love for Harry it does she really want this. I had to lie and tell her I was going to Doncaster to watch the twins because my mom had to do something. I hated lying but I had to get out of seeing her. My phone buzzed. "Hey the guys and I are going out wanna come?" it was from Lottie. "Ya sure." I replied. I looked up a song. Want U Back by Cher. I clicked the share button and sent it to Charlotte. Unless than two minutes she replied with "I miss you too c you soon love u Boo Bear xx." I smiled. I walked out the for grabbing my car keys.


So this morning didn't really start off the best. I had the worst stomach ache ever and then Lou text me saying she can't get me until 1:30. So since Annalise doesn't trust me since the last time I was there she made me go to work with her. She even dropped Nando off at Jessie's before. I didn't even want to know what that was about. So I'm just sitting here behind the cashier desk waiting till 1:30. DING! that was my phone. I picked it honored the table and checked it. "Hey on my way be there in a 20 I've got Lux with my so your stuff has to be in the front." "YES!" I yelled. All of the customers looked at me. "Oops sorry." I said. I sat back down. "I LOVE YOU! thanks Lou." I texted back. "What's going on?" Annalise asked walking up towards me with clothes in her arms. "Lou said she can pick me up early. she'll be here in twenty." I said excitedly. "Oh. ok just don't do that again people are starting to talk." she said walking off. it was so like her to be so serious. I'll just have to fix that.

About twenty Liberia later Lou pulled in front of the store. "Hey!" I said jumping into the passenger side. "You owe me big time yano." she said. She took the car out of park and pulled off. I looked behind me at Lux. "How's my baybee girl doing?" I asked tickling her stomach. She giggled. I turned around and looked at Lou. "Thank you so much! I have to get back to see my baby."I said. she smiled. "You two are just too cute." I smiled. I turned the radio on and "Want U Back" was on. I couldn't believe it. "I love this song." I said turning the volume up. I rolled down the Windows and started dancing. "She ain't nothing on me, trying to rock then ugly jeans, jeans, jeans." I sang. Lou laughed and laughed. I couldn't blame her I looked like a weirdo. "I'm hungry." I said turning the volume back down. "I'll drop you off at Niall's". She said. "Fine!" I replied back. The music kept playing and I leaned my head against the door frame. I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up a little while later outside the hotel. "Good morning." Lou said handing me some chocolate milk. how long was I sleeping? I wondered. I took it from her and opened it. It felt good to finally have something in my stomach. "Thanked I o u big time" I said grabbing my stuff and running into the hotel. I ran up to the elevator as it was opening. "CHAR!" Louis yelled. I turbines him. I pushed hi against the elevator wall. "If you ever leave me with out a text again o swear I. burn all of your stripped shirts." I said begging him tightly. he kissed my head. "I love you" he said. I laughed and turned around and clicked the five. The elevator started moving and up we went. when the doors opened I grabbed my stuff and walked down the hall to our room. Louis came up behind me and unlocked the door.


I unlocked the door and let her in. "I missed you" she said as I closed the door. "You've said that a lot." I Sid . I sat on the bed. "Well I did what am I supposed to say I wasn't thinking of u?" she asked. She gave me a look of confusion. "Is there something wrong babe?" she asked sitting next to me. "No I just wasn't expecting you to miss me so much." I said. "Why? Am I thought horrible?" she asked worried. "No I mean I figured you just yano wasn't really worried about what I did." I Said. she looked at me astonished. "If you think I'd rather hang out with my friends more than you then your wrong. I love you with all my heart. I would never do something like that." she said getting up to leave. "Wait," I called. She turned around. "Yes?" She asked. "Movie marathon?" I asked holding up four different movies. The Avengers, Insidious, Spiderman and The Woman in Black, Charlotte's favorite movie. "I'd like that." She said sitting back down.


About half way through Spiderman I looked down at her and kissed her. She kissed me back and turned to where she was on top of me. I smiled through the kiss. slave pulled back and looked at me "we can't." she said. "We can. it'll be alright." I said. she gave her look that said "if you screw this up ill kill you." I laughed and kissed her again. Hands traveled to the top button of my shirt. she started to un button it when my phone buzzed. I was gonna ignore it but it buzzed again. I went to go grab it but Charlotte grabbed my hand. "Come one babe it may be important." I picked up my phone and saw a message from Anne saying she couldn't find Harry. I before up almost throwing Charlotte off the bed. I caught her before she did thought. "They can't find Harry!" I said. She looked at me. "Oh shiz." She started to panic. I quickly grabbed her phone and called Gemma. "Where is he!" she yelled. I couldn't hear what Gemma said back but I had enough. So maybe the rumors were true. She did have a thing for Harry. I couldn't even look at her. I got up and buttoned my shirt.

What the Cameras Don't See (1D,Olly Murs & Cameron Quiseng fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now