But I Really Want You

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I sat on Niall's bed looking up at the ceiling.

"Whats wrong Little Lot?" He asked concerned.

I sighed. "Nothing, just thinking about my brother."

"Just forget bout him."

Why would he say that? How could I just forget about Louis? "Niall, I- I cant just forget my brother."

"That's not what I meant." He says caressing my cheek.

"Then what did you mean?"

"That, if you love someone, weather its me or someone who's not me, you shouldn't care what other people say."

"But how could you just thinking I could just forget about what he says or who he is?"

"Lottie, I'm not trying to make you upset all I'm saying is somethings you could decide on your own."

"Like sex?" I questioned.

"Well, yea, but that's not what I meant either, I meant like who you date, what you wear." He said.

"Oh..." I propped myself up on my elbows. I looked at his beautiful face and tanned skin. His biceps were bigger than dainty little arms, he's perfect in every way possible. A smile creeped on his face. His braces, shown. I hated them, I hated him having braces, it ruined his crooked teeth.

"Stop staring."

"Sorry." I said blushing a little.

"Don't be." He kissed my cheek.

"Niall, why are you so careful with me?" I asked.

'Well," He said crossing his legs, "Your Louis' sister, and we all know if I, or anyone for that matter, did anything to hurt you, we'd be digging our own grave."

"But, you told me not to care what other people think."

"There's a difference from not caring about people thoughts and knowing that someone will kill you."

I looked back at him. I couldn't help but stare, he's an amazingly hot dufusus that I love more than anything in the world. "I love you." I breathed.

"I love you too." He said kissing my neck.

I shivered.

"You're adorable, scratch that you're beautiful and I'm lucky to be with a girl like you." He said kissing my neck again.

I don't know why, but I wanted him, like badly, and I already have him. I figured it was just me being weird, but as he trialed kisses up my neck and to my collar bone, I realized that I wanted him, like WANTED him, and it was an urge that I had almost no control over. I pushed my self up so I was leaning on the headboard. He continued to kiss my jawline, until he brushed lightly against my lips.

"If this doesn't show you how much I love you I don't know what will." He whispered sexually in my ear.

God! I just ugh, I hate not having control over my emotions.


I had to prove it to her that I love her, and I think my point was made pretty clear. She looked me in the eyes, and slowly leaned in. Her lips touched mine and she wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me closer. I had almost no choice but to kiss back, I had a choice but then there was something in my body saying 'Do It' . I slid my hand to the small of her back pulling her closer to me. "I love you like a lot." I said between kisses.

"Not as much as I love you." She replied.

She grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it up and over my head. "Lottie." I breathed as she kissed my jaw line. My knees stared to get weak. She poked my chest, making me fall back onto the bed. She straddled me. "Lottie." I said a little bit more stern. She gave me this innocent look, a loot that I fall for all the time. "Charlotte." I said. She didn't blink just stared at me.

"Niall," She said quietly


"I'm sorry." She said getting up and started pacing the room. "I don't even know what came over me. I'm sorry. Oh my God, I- I'm just gonna go." She started to get her things.

"Wait," I said grabbing her wrist. "It's not all your fault, your just a child."

"So you think I'm a child?"

Dammit Niall why would you- your such a dumbass.

"No I just- I mean- It's- I-"

"Niall, why don't you save it, wer're obviously not working out and not only we've grown apart love wise we've grown apart emotionally too."

"Lottie listen to me God dang it!" I yelled.

She looked as though she's seen a ghost, a demon, a monstrous being that she couldn't stand to be around.

"Go a head and walk out. I don't care anymore, it's like you don't even like to be around me 'It's Lou's fault he doesn't want us together.' I;m starting to think that its not him who doesn't want us together it's you. So tell me, do you want us together?"

She stared. That's it, nothing else. "Ok, well it was nice knowing yah, if you need anything help with school you have my number I'll see you later." I said while sliding the ring off her finger and threw it on the bed.

"Niall," She said finally.

"What?" I spat.

"I love you more than anything in my life, I'm just having problems with getting used to the whole dis-obeying my brother stuff. If I didn't love you, do you think I would have said yes?"

I kissed her. No matter how mad I was at her I couldn't suppress the urge any longer. I pulled her on top of the bed with me and fiddled with the hem of her T-shirt.

The next morning I woke up under the covers, with Lottie's head on my chest, my bare chest. She had a small smile, and was holding me tight. I wanted to get up and pee but I couldn't move with out waking her up. I stretched my arm from her grasp and put it around her bare shoulder, pulling her closer. She looked so happy so peaceful, what did we do last night?

"Good morning." She said squeezing me tighter.

I chuckled. "Morning."

"Yah know what I would like?" She asked.


"A nice hot shower. I'll see you after I get out right?"

I nodded.

"Good." she said kissing my cheek.

"Love you."

"Love you too." She replied getting up.

She was in one of my tanks and some sweat pants.

"Lottie what happened last night?" I asked.

She smiled and shrugged.

"You'll tell me later right?"


"Pwease?" I tried to give her my best puppy dog look.

"Ok fine but after I get out."

Yes! I win. Now I have to wait until she gets out of the bathroom.

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