Not Now!

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We pulled up to Nialls house. I didn't even want to be here. wait whose car is that? It isn't Gregs. I stepped out the car and walked up the pathway. I open the door and walked to my room. I slammed the door as loud as I could. I wasn't going to deal with this. 

I heard a slight knock at the door but I ignored it. I just started packing my stuff.

"Charlotte?" a voice said. Oh God! I thought it was Niall there was no way I was going to talk.

"I know your probably don't want to talk but just listen. I love you! Your my best friend ever if I had to die today I would want to die knowing that your safe and you and Louis were going good." He paused. The tears streamed down my face.

"Niall just shut up!" I yelled. "Do you know how this is effecting me? Do you think I want to leave? I don't but I can't stay here forever. Your my best friend! I hate moving but its time. I have a boyfriend and loving friends which includes you! So of you love me you'd just shut up and let me go." The tears kept coming no matter what I did they wouldn't stop. The bad part is that I should be happy. my best friend is.engaged. ENGAGED! 

I collapsed right there on the floor dropping everything. I sat there and cried. There was no way I could do this. Niall came next to me and wrapped his arms around me. I sat there and cried into his shoulder knowing this maybe the last time I'm going to be able to do this, in this house. I grew up here. I took my first steps. This is where me and Louis had a first fight and I went storming out.

"Nialler?" A soft voice said.

I didn't look up. "

Anna could you come back later this really isn't a good time." He said softly.

"Okay sure no problem. Text you later."


Zayn and I sat there watching the pigeons fly. One landed next to us. "KEVIN!" I yelled laughing. Zayn chuckled as he kissed my forehead.

"So this is it." He said.

"Yes." My eyes traveled to the ground.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked bringing my face up to his.

"We're engaged! What will the fans think wo-" I started.

"Don't say that! Danae I'm happy with you. The fans will have to deal with it. You're my everything. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." He said before kissing me. His lips felt so good on mine. I knew about everything between him and Charlotte. She told me as soon as it happened. I have to respect her for that. She had to much going on. 

We walked along the pier. The birds flew everywhere in all directions. When we reached the end he took my hands in his and looked me in the eyes. The sun was setting and his brown eyes glistened liked never before.

"Danae ever since I saw you at the North Dakota concert I fell in love. It was everything about you that made me fall. You had that one thing that most girls didn't have. Many fans unfollowed me when they found out I smoked. But you didn't. If I had to chose someone to spend the rest of my life with someone it'd have to be you. Now that we're engaged I would like to say one thing. Danae Black, thanks to you I have a reason not to smoke anymore you have given me to smile everyday of my life. So you see this?" He said holding up a pack of cigarettes.

I nodded as the tears fell from my eyes, off my cheeks and into the water below us.

"These are gone from my life." And with that he threw the pack into the ocean and wiped the tears away.

"I love you." I whispered, hugging him tightly.

Lottie's POV

I couldn't wait untill I saw Charlotte, she's sort of my best friend. Even though she dates my brother. we've always been kind of close.

"Lottie calm down!" Louis said once again for the millionth time this afternoon.

I was jumping up and down. we landed in Ireland. I don't see how they do this. Never being able to see each other living far away.  I caouldn't even live a day with out talkinf to Niall. I once questioned it. And Louis gave me this long sappy,g girly romantic answer. I didn't really listen but he said the word love and her a lot. "I'm sorry but I haven't seen her in months. I swear I don't see how you do this! You live so far apart." I said stomping my feet.

"I told you. I love her with all my heart, and how come you weren't so anxious to see me when I came back from visiting her?" He asked.

"Because I can see you whenever, and you were only gone for like two weeks. Char has been gone for months!" I yelled. Sometimes I yell when I'm happy. But this is special. Louis had to chose between me, Fizzy, and the twins. He chose me! 

I couldn't wait untill we got to Nialls! He is just so adorable! But knowing Louis he'd wouldn't let me date him for two reasons. One, Niall has a "girlfriend" now. Two, I'm apparently too good for him. I have to agree with the second one though. I mean I'm The Tommo's little sister. I pulled my suitcase behind me as Louis walked ahead. I struggled to keep up with him. What's gotten into him? I didn't see him for a second but then I saw him hugging some girl. "CHARLOTTE!" I yelled as I ran up to her.

"Hey! Why haven't you grown little missy." She said ruffling my hair.

"Really?" I said giving her one of my looks. She likes to call it the Tomlinson stare since we all give the same look.

"I love u!" she replied smiling. Louis kissed her.

"Eek! Get a room!" I said groaning as Louis still kissed her. I grabbed my stuff and walked out the door. I saw Niall stand next to a car looking at his phone. "Hey stranger!" I say hugging him.

"Why you no text me?" He asked giving my his little pout.

"Sorry I had school!" I said laughing. I did feel a little bad though.


"I've missed you so much Boo Bear! I don't think I could go any longer without seeing you!" I says as we stood there hugging each other.

"I missed you to CherBears!" He said kissing my cheek. He wiped a tear that fell. "What's wrong?" He asked worrying.

"I have missed you so much and it only been a week. I feel like its been months. Louis I love you with all my heart! Don't you ever forget that no matter how far apart we are!" I kissed him. He kissed me back when I realize we was still at the airport. I pulled back blushing like crazy. he picked up his guitar, bag and pulled his suitcase along while holdly my hand. We walked out side and saw Lottie and Niall hugging, deeply. We're not talking aout a hug you give your friend we're talking about a boyfriend/ girlfriend hug. I swear they are irreparable. Louis is not going to be happy.

What the Cameras Don't See (1D,Olly Murs & Cameron Quiseng fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now