Missing Harry or Missing Love?

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I couldn't stand watching Angelica suffer. She loved me so much and I leave her for the band. I was on my way Manchester. Eleanor lives there, yes, but so does Angelica, infact Eleanor was the one who introduced us. "Sir,I'm sorry to bother you but this little girl would like your autograph." The flight attendant said. I looked over and saw a little girl no older than 10 looking at me. "Why hello there." I said. "Hi Mr. Styles" she said. "Please just call me Harry." I smiled. She held two pictures, both of me. "Could you please sign these one is for me and the other is for my sister." She handed me the two pictures. "Who should I make this out to?" I asked. "My names Stephanie. And my sisters name is Angelica." I did a double take. "Angelica?" I asked. "Yup! Angelica the future Mrs. Styles." I laughed. "You should apologize." She said winking. I signed Stephanie's "I love you just stay up all night for me." Then I signed Angelica's "I WUFF YEW!!! sorry can't want to c you." I handed her the pictures back. "Thank you M- I mean Harry." she said hugging me. "Alright, time to get back to you sit." The flight attendant said looking her away.

When we landed I called Jay. "Hey." I said. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?! WE'VE BEEN LOOKING EVERY WHERE!" She yelled. "Manchester, don't freak ill be back soon I promise." I said walking over to baggage claim. "You better." she said. "Hey I gotta go. Please don't tell my mom." I said. "I promise hey I gotta go." she said before hanging up. I walked out the airport holding my bag. A taxi pulled up. "The closest Dance studio" I said. I sat down looking through my mentions. "Harry please follow me :) x." one said. I wish people would stop begging for a follow. I hate when they do that it makes me feel like they just me to gain followers. "Here we are." The taxi driver said smiling. "Thanks." I pulled out my wallet to pay when his voice stopped me. "This ones on the house Mr. Styles." He said. "No I couldn't." I replied. "Trust me its fine." He replied. Getting out I turned back and said thanks. I closed the door and looked up at the building.

I walked through the door and down the hall. I turned to the left. I walked down another hallway until I reached the seventh door on my right. I took a beep breath before walking in. I turned the doornob. I felt like I was floating on air when I opened the door. there in front of my eyes was the most beautiful girl ever. And I was proud. Because that's girl was Angelica.


We were searching high and low. We even searched in place that we needed a mouse to fit through. We still couldn't find Harry. I tried calling his phone. Nothing. I tried tweeting. Nothing. I still wasn't gonna stop looking. "You know this is all you fault right." Louis said as I was looking down an ally. "'Scuse me?" I asked turning towards him. "You always create drama and crap, then you drag everyone in it. Harry probably got sick of it and went away." he yelled. I looked at him. "What the fuck are you talking about?! what have I done to create drama? Nothing!" I yelled back. He gave me this look. This look of pure hate. "Never question ny love for Harry?! HARRY?! WHAT NOW YOUR GOING BEHIND MY BACK TO BE WITH MY BEST FRIEND?!" He yelled. The words stung. Tears were steaming down my face. one by one. drip drop. they fell to the cold ground. "You think I'm in love with Harry?! the only person I've ever been in love with has been you and my ex. But my ex is out of the picture. He's over in California with his cousin. who's my best friend. So if you think I'm cheating on you then you must be a fucking dumbass." I yelled between sobs. His face hardened. "So let me get this straight. You are not only cheating on me why Harry but with your ex too?" he asked. "NO! I'm not!" I yelled. "Whatever." He said turning around and walking away. "LOUIS!" I called out. I walked down the street. I saw a guy walking towards me. As he came into view say his face. He looked homeless, had a beard and smelled of alcohol. "Hello missy." He said in a scratchy voice. I didn't answer or look up. He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. "Let go!" I yelled trying to fight back. He had a tight grip on me. "Let go! let me go you piece of shit!" I yelled again. I saw a flash go off. I looked u and saw paparazzi everywhere. "Let me go!" I screamed over and over again. More flashes went off. "Charlotte! Why are you walking alone tonight?" Someone asked. "Where's your lover Harry? Shouldn't he be with you?" Someone else asked. "Why can't you leave me alone?! You ruin everything!" I yelled I kicked and fussed until I kicked the guy in the worse place possible. He let go and dropped to the floor. I landed on my feet but lost my balance and fell. I fell on my knees scraping them. More flashes went off. I couldn't believe they are worried more about me busting my ass then how I'm doing.

More flashes went off and the man got up. He started walking towards me. I was terrified what was he gonna do? I tried to scoot closer to the into the street. I prayed a car wouldn't go by. I saw lights come up. this is it. My life coming to an end right after I got in a fight with Louis. Tires screeched. I closed my eyes not wanting to see the car as it hit me. I heard grunts and groans. Someone picked me up by the waist and out me in a car. "Yeh shower of cunts." The mystery man said. I know that Irish accent from anywhere. It was Niall. Before I could say anything I blacked out.


I was going to Ireland to spend some time with Charlotte, Lottie and the guys tomorrow. "Fizzy make sure you pack your bracelet I gave you." Pheobe said. "I have taken it off since you gave it to me." I said. I looked at the bracelet. It was a charm bracelet that had eight charms on it. There was a charm for everyone. I got For my birthday last year. The one time I took it off was when Charlotte had a huge fight with Lou.


We were all at Niall's. Lottie, the twins, the guys, Charlotte, Greg and Mrs. Maura. It was around Charlotte's birthday so we had a small party. Well afterwards Char, Lou and I where all hanging out in her room. "Do you love me?" She'd asked him. He was caught off guard. "Of course why would you even ask that?" He asked. "Well, I just don't know if you actually love me or if your just doing this cause you need a rebound for Eleanor." She'd said. "I would never do that nor would I hurt you." He'd say kissing her cheek "Ya well people say that and it never comes true." She said. "Do you believe I would hurt you?." He Sid almost yelling. "Who knows? Lou everytime I see you ugh another girl or with Eleanor there's a part of me that worries you have a thing with them." She said as tears started to fall. "You don't trust me?" Lou asked. "At times." Char would answer truthfully. "I love you Charlotte its only been two months but I'm un love with you why can't you see that?" He yelled. "Its not easy! I've been hurt more times than you can count! You don't know how much I worry about our relationship!" She yelled. "If you worry so much then why are you with me?" he yelled back. I had to do something. I was gonna try to calm them down but I didn't know what to do. I slipped off my bracelet and put it on her bed side. "Come on guys calm down." I said stepping inbetween them. "Fizzy stay out of this!" Louis yelled pushing me aside. "She's your sister! She's trying to help! What the hell is your problem!" she yelled. "Right now? You." He said harshly. Charlotte gave him a look that made my heart break. She stormed out the room and out the front door slamming it shut. We all know what happen that night.

*flashback ends*

"Earth to Fiz." Daisy said waving her hand un front of my face. I didn't even realize she walked in. "Oh! Hi." I said. "You zoned out and just completely blocked me out." She said. And had her arms crossed over her chest. "Sorry I was just thinking." I said. I looked at my suitcase. It had my iPod and some magazines on top of the clothes. "Their fine. Last fine I talked to Char she said they were going shopping for a dress in a week." daisy said reassuring me. 'I hope'. I thought. I hope.

What the Cameras Don't See (1D,Olly Murs & Cameron Quiseng fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now