Elevator Kisses

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Jenna's POV

The sky was mixed with pink, purple, and light orange. The air, even though it was pretty much summer, was slightly cool, therefore being in shorts and a tank top was not the best attire. I was practically shivering, Olly must have noticed, because he took unzipped his hoodie and draped it over my shoulders.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked.

"I've lived in Essex for pretty much my whole life, this weather isn't so bad. Now, put your arms in, I don't want my little baby to get sick." He stopped walking to hold the hoodie still.

My little baby.

I like it.

I listened to him. His hoodie was warm and smelt just like him. "Thanks," I said zipping it up. He took my hand back in his and started walking again. It took us no longer than twenty maybe twenty five minutes to get to the studio. It was big and reminded me of a hotel, a big one at that.

"Oliver, who is this?" A woman about thirty five, at the lest, maybe forty, asked.

"This is Jenna," Olly replied.

"You are here to record your next album, not, to babysit a child."

I guess I really shouldn't have came, I didn't want to get him in trouble, but he insisted.

"Sarah, she's well of age, and she won't be a distraction."

I felt like I was being talked about, like I wasn't eve there, like I was a dog or something.

"Oliver, you know what I said yesterday, no visitors, and that includes kids."

"Olly, it's fine I'll just go look around," I said.

He ignored me and continued talking to the woman, named Sarah.

"She's not a kid."

"We are not having this convosation right now." She said.

"Olly, really it's fine I think there's a In N Out Burger down the road." I said a little louder.

"Sarah, I told you I brought someone with back with me and that they'll be in the studio with me, you, agreed." He said.

"Dammit!" I yelled, "Will you guys listen to me? I'll leave, there's probably a burger place down the way. I'll come back after he's done." I said quieter.

"He'll be here all night," Sarah stated.

"Then I'll go back to the hotel."

"Jen, you're staying and Sarah is gonna have to deal with it." Olly said, pulling me down a long hallway.

It seemed like he was determined to pissed that lady off.

We reached the end of the hallway and he pulled me inside. It was just a standard recording room.

"Hey Chuck." Olly said, closing the door.

"Hey, where's Sarah?" Chuck asked.

"Still outside." He said leading me to a couch behind, where chuck was sitting.

As I sat on the couch Olly walked into the booth and slipped the head phones on. I was gonna be good and not goof around, Olly made a big deal about me being about to stay, I didn't want to ruin it and be forced to leave.

Then again, I could still just be a kid.

I as sitting on the couch, legs crossed, scrolling through Tumblr and titter, switching between the apps, when the door opened. In walked Sarah.

"Chuck, stop the track." She said sternly.

"...Holding on for dear li- Chuck? What happened?" Olly asked taking the headphones off and stepping out of the booth.

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