This is it?

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I walked out of the bathroom holding a folded hospital gown. Finally, after three weeks of keeping me in here I can go home and eat some real food. Lou was waiting for me. She had brought baby Lux with her. I didn't like her doing that because I still felt bad that I had her child in life threating danger. 

I felt my phone vibrate from the bed side table. I walked over to grab it when I heard a small grunt. I turned around to see Brenda, my cousin. I didn't like her, in fact I can't stand her. She's an evil bitch that no body likes, well except her boyfriend, Greg. I have been mean to her but after she tried to break Liam and Danielle up I swore I'd never talk to her again.

"Well. Well. Well." She said. She tapped her phone and my stopped vibrating.

"What do u want Brenda?" I snarled at her.

"Can't a cousin visit?" She smiled. She walked into the room and sat down.

"Yeah that would have been nice three weeks ago!" I shot back.

"Sorry I was in Paris with Greg." God I hated that she's dating Nialls brother. I rolled my eyes. I walked past her and out the door to see Zayn walking up the hallway with some flowers. Where was Danae? 

"Hey Zayn!" I said semi cheerfully when he got closer.

"Hey Char." He said.

I sighed.

"Look. what we had is over. I'm with Louis now. Your with Danae. I appreciate the flowers." I say to him. He looked me in the eyes.

"I know but can't we talk about this?" He asked pleading.

"No, I'm sorry. I still love ya thoough, Just not like that." I said. I was about to text Louis but I couldn't find my phone. Damn it! I forgot it on the table! 

I had to walk back in there and face the witch. I started to walk in when I heard her talking.

"No. Just come pick me up." She said. "Its fine she wasn't here she left like twenty minutes ago." Was she crying? "Greg don't worry. I'm fine" she sniffed. "Just come pick me up." There was a short puase. "Alright bye." she hung up. I walked into room and grabbed my phone. I had four messages. All from one single person...


I couldn't bare to read them.

Niall's POV

I texted her four different times. Shes supposed to be getting out today. I couldn't sleep knowing she was in the hospital and I was being a jackass and not visiting her.

"Dude chill. Her phone probably off." Liam said. His phone dinged and laughed. He really shouldn't tell me to chill. He has a girlfriend that wasn't in the hospital. I mean Charlotte's not my girlfriend bedside I have Lottie. But, Charlotte, is a sister and it means a lot to me that she's safe. 

My phone buzzed. I quickly grabbed it. it was a new text message! from Anna. I sighed. I like her I do but I was hoping it was Charlotte. The message read " I hope your ok you haven't talked to me in two weeks." I realize how much of a jerk I was being to her. I didn't reply tho. Liam looked at me like I was crazy.

Why are you ignoring her!" He practically yelled.

"Liam I am so not in the mood for one of your dad moments." I said back. He looked at me like I just slapped a puppy.  

He got up and left,slaming my bedroom door. I screamed as loud as I could. I couldn't believe he was leaving my in a time like this. I heard the front door slam. Then as if he changed his mind the front door open. I heard foot steps. I wasn't going to get too excited it was probably just Greg. My door opened and Anna walled in.

"Why are you ignoring me?!" She yelled. She had tears streaming down her face.

"I just haven't been up to it lately. I love you. forever and always and I will never stop even if my heart stopped beating." I said. She looked up at me her green eyes sparkle with hope. I leaned down and kissed her soft lips. She kissed me back and I moved my hands to her waist. I hated doing this, I felt as if i was cheating on Lottie, in reality I was. 

She pulled back resting her head on my chest. "I love you Nialler. Always has always will." She said. She's my friend, a good friend.


"No I am not going back there. I will forever protest against it!" I yelled.

Lou was trying to take me back to Niall's.

"Come one just for tonight." She said keeping her eyes on the road. I looked behind me to see Lux sleeping. My phone vibrated. I was getting a call from Lottie. "Hello?" I answered.

"Where are you!" She yelled.

"In the car with Lou. She's take me back to Niall's." I said.

"What did the doctor say?"

"Well. I can't drive for another four weeks and I have to take pills for headaches." I leaned against the window.

"Awe! what about flying?" Why was she so excited. She'll see Niall in,like two days.

"Nope. Look I gotta go." I said hanging up.

"Who was that?" Lou asked.

"Lottie." I replied.

My phone buzzed, this time a message. "Hey babe! I love u call me I miss my little cherbear. x." it was from Louis. I called him.

"Hey babe." he said.

"Hey." I replied.

"Have you heard from Danae?"

Oh crap! Zayn didn't!

"No I'll call her." I wasn't really in the mood to talk to him, he did ditch me the other day. I called her and she finally answered. "Are you ok?!" I yelled.

"Yes!" she yelled back excitedly.

"Why are you so happy?"

"He proposed!"


Lou looked at me like I was crazy.

"I am SO happy for you." I said back. Wow he really did move on. Was that what he wanted to tell me?

What the Cameras Don't See (1D,Olly Murs & Cameron Quiseng fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now