Me, Myself and ... Zayn?

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"No." I said. She looked at me like I was crazy.

"What?" She asked.

"You dumped me now I'm rejecting you." I said.I walked out the spire and through the awaiting fans to the limo waiting for us. Louis and the rest followed close behind.  

We arrived at Niall's ten minutes later. It was a quite ride there. I picked baby Lux up from her car seat and carried her in the house.

"Louis!" I yelled when I sat Lux on the bed.

"Louis had an emergency and had to leave immediately." Niall said walking in.

Great! I thought.

"Niall is it ok if I keep Lux here over night?" I asked. I kinda felt alone since Louis wasn't here.

"Yeah babe." He said. I sighed. I had to tell someone.

"Niall, I'm moving out." I said. He looked at me in disbelief.

"Charlotte, don't lie to me. We've been through too much. Please tell me your kidding." He said. I looked down. I couldn't look at him in the eyes. "Charlotte?" His voice was cracking and tears started to fill in his eyes. I heard my door open some but I still didn't look up. "Don't go! I'm begging. Char we've been friends forever, you've lived here for years. We went through break ups together." I could bear seeing him like this. I grabbed Lux and pushed through everyone. "Charlotte!" I heard him yell. I grabbed my keys and hustled to my car. I strapped Lux into her car seat. There was always a car seat in mg car. I watch Lux alot.  

I realized I'm in Ireland and is hours away from Louis. I took out my phone and called him. After 2 rings he answered.

"Hey babe sorry I had to leave." He said before I could get a word out.

"I told him." Tears formed in my eyes.

"He didnt take it yell I prosume?" He asked obviously knowing the answer.

"No. I have Lux in the car and I shouldn't be talking bye." I said hanging up. I pulled to a stop at a red light. I turned to look at Lux. She as sound asleep in the back. She looked so cute. I saw a little green light from the corner of my eyes. I started to go when I heard tired screeched. I didn't know what Hell then but the next time I awoke I was in a hospital bed. 

Louis' P.O.V

I was almost to the airport when I got a call from Niall.

"She's in the hospital hurry get back here now!" He said his voice was cracking, he was obviously crying. I couldn't reply because He had already hung up.  

When I ran through the doors and right down the hall where I saw Naill. I took a deep breath and walked into the room. Charlotte looked so broken, with wires and tubes going in and out her body. I couldn't bare to see her like this. I broke down in tears. "Why!" I whispered. Everything I knew was falling apart.

"Louis?" A heard a soft, faint voice said.

"Char?" I asked.

"I love you."

"Oh Charlotte." I went over to her bedside.

"I have to tell you some thing."

"What?" I asked.

"As I was driving I thought of you. Then I realized I never told you. When we had that huge fight when we started dating I cheated on you with Zayn but I regretted it ever since. Don't be mad. I do still have little feelings for him but your my everything." A tear rolled down her cheek.

I didn't care she cheated on me with Zayn, it hurt, but I loved her too much. "it's okay babe I'll be with you no matter what." I said. 

Charlotte's P.O.V

I knew Lux was ok. The doctor told me, but I felt bad. Lou came and told me she wasn't mad, but I felt horrible. I ending up sleeping and everyone left.

But one.


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