young love itsn't ... bad?

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Why was Niall hugging my LITTLE sister? I have no problem with them hugging but he seemed a little too into it. Charlotte squeezed my hand. I look down at her. She looked so fixed so put back together even tho she was hit by that car. It killed me to see her look so broken. I grunted. Niall looked up and Lottie blushed . "Louis! How ya been?" Niall asked me. "Good. How have you been I like totally missed you!" I said all girly joking around. "Haha good!" He said.

that left one question...

Why was he hugging my sister?

I let it go. we climbed into Nialls car. I sat in the back with Charlotte and Lottie sat in the front.

should I stress about that hug?

Is it really that important?

Young love isn't it...

... bad?

what was I going to do? I shouldn't stress. I trust Lottie and I trust Niall. Shouldn't I? she's my little sister and he's my best friend. I held Charlottes hand thinking about all that we've been through. When Lottie got sick and I had to leave in the middle of the date because my mom wasn't her. Charlotte came with me. or when Zayn and I got into trouble with a hotel for making to much noise and Charlotte had to cover and say that we were watching a movie. Even thought we so weren't. We were having a food fight. I chuckled to my self. Charlotte looked up at me her eyes twinkled. "I love you." She whispered. "I love you too and I always will." I replied. Sometimes I wonder why she's so insecure! She beautiful.


It felt so good to see her again! I missed her so much. I was always trying to find the best way to tell Louis but nothing ever popped in my head. I felt so bad. "Can I go over to Nialls? Lou??" Lottie asked. Please say yes. Please. I begged silently. "Yeah sure. But call me if your spending the night." He said sternly.


We arrived at the Hotel. "Niall I'm just going to go with Louis. ok?" Charlotte asked me. "Yeah sure." I said shrugging my shoulders. "Take care of my sister son." Louis said before getting out. once he was inside the lobby I looked at Lottie and kissed her. She kissed me back then pulled away. "You have no idea how long I've waited for that! I've missed your Nialler" she exclaimed hugging me.

I drove back to my house. Lou's car was gone but Greg was home. We walked into the house holding hands. "Niall." I herd a voice. We walked into the kitchen. "Hi mom!" I said grabbing the McDonalds bag in front of her. "I don't like the sneaking Niall." she said. "I dont either but he'd kill me if he found out." I said kissing her cheek and running off to my room.


I loved Louis. I did. But if he found out that I was dating his best friend he'd. kill me. I told Charlotte about this a long time ago.

a year ago

We ran up stairs and jumped on his bed. He got up to lock the door. I checked my phone. I had four texts from Harry. I looked at them.

"Heard your back:)"

"Gotta talk now!"

"Text me back!"

"Ik about you and Niall _-_ Louis is gonna kill you"

I read the text. They brought me from Niall hyper to Louis sad. Now Harry knows. He's probably gonna tell Louis and id never get to visit again! I had another text. From Danae.

"Omfg Niall?!"

I didn't bother replying. "Hey babe what's wrong?" Niall said laying down next to me. "Harry and Danae knows. what's next? What if Lou finds out he'll never trust us again you know how protective he is!" I wanted to cry. I held the years in but they just had to come out. I cried, and cried. I eventually cried my


I can't believe Niall is dating Lottie! I want to tell Louis but I know it'll hurt him to much. Then there was Lottie she is so young. Niall must have really fell for her if he's kept it a secret this long. "Harry! Come on!" Angelica whined. "I'm coming" I said lay back down. What I do for love.


I watched them grow up and go separate ways. I hated seeing my poor baby so worried. I knew she was planning on telling him but she is so young. "Mommy!" Daisy yelled. I looked down at Daisy. my beautiful baby girl. Phoeboe was sleeping. I missed the old days when my kids were young and Louis was still here. "yes my darling?" I answered. "I love you and I want you to know Lottie's happy. Nd if Louis wants her happy he won't make a big deal." she smiled sweetly. "I know. Baby I know." I said.

What the Cameras Don't See (1D,Olly Murs & Cameron Quiseng fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now