It All Goes Down

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It was the call that changed everything.

The call that showed true feelings.

"Josh! Please do this one thing for me. Call my mother."

What was this all about

"Charlotte what do you mean?"

"Call my mother, tell her not to leave for France."

"I can't just randomly cal-"

"Joshua you shall call and you shall call now."

She didn't seem scared or terrified. She seemed grown up. Was our little Charlotte growing up?


"Thank you so much!"

There's the sweet child we know. I sighed and hung up. I didn't know what was going on, it didn't really mean much to me, for all I really know is Charlotte and Niall are done visiting. That could be a dumb, stupid accusation but I'm not gonna interrogate her like she's a criminal. She asked me to call her mom and ill do just that.

"Hey, Lottie said not to leave yet."

"Can you please tell her we already did?"

"I guess so."

"Thanks. Josh I owe you big k? Be good you got that?!"

I laughed


She hung up.


I turned around

"Jessica." I said.

"Guess what?" she asked all enthusiasticly

"You made food and didn't burn the house down?"

"Yes, but that's not what I ment! Ok so I called Charlotte just like I told you and she said she'll get the bracelet!"

"Yay..." I tried to sound as enthusiastic as I could under the circumstances.

"Josh, be happy!" She gave me a pouty face.

Its was just so cute.

"Your so adorable!" I went pinch her cheeks but she backed away.

"No!" her voice was high pitched.

"C'mon I gotta get some business done 'kay?"


She ran off down the hallway to the kitchen.


"Are you all packed?" I asked.

They didn't answer. Their probably jazzy me for what I'm doing, but its not their choice.

"I hate you I hope you know that. I mean I really hate you, you ruin everything that brings me happiness. I hope you die in a whole in south Africa hear month." Lottie said.

She was beginning to alive a lot like Charlotte, which is another reason why we're leaving.

"Your sounding a lot like her."

"So what! I just got here why do I have to leave?"

"Because I said so Felicite."

"You don't have to be a Jackass."

I turned around.

"Girls go outside."

They walked past us both saying bye to Charlotte.



"Somebody's not happy. Mr. GrumpyPants."

"What do you want. I told you we were leaving and to get your things out before I got back."

I hated being so ride to her. I hated what I was doing but it has to be done.

"Lou, I love you. I always have, but we need to talk."

"No, you need to figure what's going on with you and the paparazzie."

"You think I actually like them!? This us why our relationship won't work! You make it seem like I do everything wrong, did you even love me?"

I looks her dead in the eyes.

"Only way you'll ever find out is if you ever loved me.!"

I walked out the room, slammed the door begin me and walked out side to the awaiting taxi that my two sister called.

Did I have to be so mean to her?

Did she have to go for the relationship tactic?

I looked behind me and out the car window. she was standing on the side walk watching us leave.

I love you Charlotte.

What the Cameras Don't See (1D,Olly Murs & Cameron Quiseng fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now