The Next Day

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I woke up early the next day and got ready. Danae and I wear going to Starbucks then going shopping in Dublin. I couldn't wait. "Bye babe." Louis said Kissinger lightly as I ran out the door. Louis was going to hang with Harry and Angelica, Zayn was with his sisters and Lottie was gonna be with Niall. So that left Danae and I. The two best friends who are engaged. We steered to have the weddings within a week of each other. My wedding was going ti be one July 23rd. Which was my birthday and the boys anniversary. We had to celebrate my birthday early because of that huge surprise. I even asked my best friend Anna to be Nialls pretend girlfriend to keep Louis from knowing about Lottie. I laughed at the thought.

I was about to walk out the revolving door when I saw a light flashed. I stopped. Oh Crap! Why do they have to stalk me. I continued walking. "Charlotte! Do you have any comments on Charlotte Tomlinson and Niall Horan dating?" on reported asked. I ignored them as note lights went off. "Charlotte what is it like to be engage. Was it rushed into be cause of your affair with Zayn at the beginning of your relationship?" on asked. that caught be off guard. "Don't you ever, EVER question my love for Louis what happen that night was out of pure spite and that was all! I swear you twist my words around in any way I will sue all of you!" I shouted walking to the awaiting taxi.

I open the door and slammed it shut. "Again?" Danae asked. "You have no idea." I sighed. "To the first Starbucks you see and step on it. I don't want any pops chasing us got it?" I said snapping at the taxi driver. I realize what I just did. "I'm sorry. rough morning." I said afterwards. He turned around and smiled. "Its fine." I laughed know that he was trying to flirt with me. the car started moving and I saw the people and camera fade in the background. Just then I got a text. "Yes." It read. I screamed. The car before to a hault. "SHE SAID YES!!" I yelled turning towards Danae. A smile press across her face. she screamed with me. "OMG!!!! She said yes! Finally!" Danae said hugging me. I looked at the driver. "Oh, my, god! your Charlotte Williams. And your Danae Black!" he started to fanboy. it was funny watching fans. We laughed. " sorry" he said turning back around.

We stopped by the Starbucks and like always Danae got her signature creme frap with whipped cream and I got my signature White Chocolate Mocha. we were walking out when I heard a little voice calmly name. I looked down and saw a logos girl no older than seven looking at me. "Hi." said smiling. "Charlotte? will you take a picture with me?" she asked. she was holding a little camera. "Sure sweetie." I said. "Herr let me take it." Danae said placing the drinks down and grabbing the camera. I hugged the little girl and smiled. I saw a small flash and I looked back at the girl. " would you like me to sign your camera?" I asked. her eyes lit up. "Could you?" She asked. "Yeah." I asked one of the employees for a marker. Finally on had one. I signed the camera and handed it back. "ALYSSA!" a voice called. I saw a middle aged woman come from a booth. "Right here mommy! Look its Charlotte!" the little girl jumped excitedly. "Oh I'm sorry! was she bothering you?" the mother asked. "No," I laughed. "She just wanted a picture its fine." I said. "Oh congrats! On the engagement. Both of you." She replied looking at Danae. "Thank you" we said in unison. "I've seen you before? OH MY GOD! YOUR LISA POTTERS!" Danae yelled. "Yes I am. if you girls need any tell with wedding stuff call me." she said handing US a business card.

We picked up our drinks and walked out the door. we looked for the taxi. we couldn't find it. "Shit," Danae said curssing used her breath. "Where the hell did he go!" I yelled. I almost had one of my brat fits but then I saw him pull up. I opened the for and slipped in. "Where the hell did you go! I thought we told you to stay!" I yelled. "Sorry I had to move." He said shrugging. we rolled our eyes and just sipped our drinks. "Just head US into Dublin southside or northside which her ones better." Danae said. I shot her a look. she gave me a look that was just like sorry. my phone buzzed I looked who it was. Louis! I answered it. "Hey babe!" I answered. I smiled. "Hey just saw something interesting sent it to your phone tell me what you have to say." he hung up.


I saw Charlotte face harden. She just got off the phone with Louis what could have happened?. she locked her phone and looked at me. " I'm not gonna stress lets just enjoy this moment." She said looking a head. we arrived in Dublin and saw the cutest little shop. "We have to go there!" I squeeled. she looked at where I was point and her face brighten. "My old childhood friend works here come on!" she said pulling me out the taxi. I waved at the guy before closing the door. We ran over the store throwing our empty cups away. we burst through the door. She let go only hand and rob in the opposite direction. I saw the cutest outfit on the sales rack and had to check it out.

I was looking through the shorts when I heard a scream. I ran in the direction she ran off earlier. I saw her hugging a girl. I let out a sigh of relief. "Danae this is Annalise." she said introducing us. " Hi." I said. annalise looked at me an smiled. I smiled back not knowing exactly what to do. "Oh well ill text you later me and Danae are just gonna go shopping for a while." she said giving her one last hug before amount back. with ne to the rack. "Scream like that again I swear ill kill you." I said. she just laughed. whatever happened earlier is probably over with. Just then my phone rang. I looked at the called id. Danielle. "Hey Dan." I said holding the phone with my shoulder. I held up a make of black shorts. Charlotte shook her head. I put them down. "Hey! Have you seen Twitter? they can stop talking about Char's brat fit." Danielle said. I just rolled my eyes. "Yeah? Well, the pops need to know not to pound US with questions." I said. Charlotte looked at me and pointed to the dressing rooms. I looked at her arm they were covered with clothes. "Be there in a sec" I mouthed. "Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" Danielle asked. "No just annoyed with the hate, the rumors and then the fave are starting to go after Lou's sisters." I said my voice rising each time I said another issue. "Things will get better. Promise. You guys coming tomorrow? she asked. "Yeah" I said. I looked over to the dressing rooms. Charlotte was inpatientmy waiting. "I gotta go. we're shopping and you know how Char gets." I said. She laughed. "Don't we all k see ya later." I hung up.

"Cute." I mumbled. "Getting tired huh?" she asked. I nodded. "I was to wanna go?" she yawned. "Please?" I asked. she walked back in and came back out ready to go. we started walking out when she called over her shoulder "See ya guys later!" we stepped out side. she handed me a pair of sunglasses. "Ready?" I asked. "Ready" she replied. off we went walking towards the waiting taxi.

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