So Here's The Thing

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Vic’s POV

It’s already been less than day without Jenna and I’m going crazy. I kept asking Megan if she’s heard from her, and she says the same thing “Vic stop annoying me, I’m sure if she wanted to talk she’ll call.” Which didn’t reassured me it just made me even more spazed out. So I called her, it was about four in the morning here and nine in the morning there. No answer. It was like she was ignoring me, like she didn’t like me anymore. That following Friday, my video class was taking a trip to L.A. I didn’t want to go but I kinda had too, not only was I on the soccer team, in student government, yearbook, I was also sort of like the president of the whole video class thing. I don’t know, I’m just that awesome I guess. Anyway, there’s this girl in my video class, Sarah, she’s also in student government, basically, she likes me, and she doesn’t seem to get that I’m not ready for a actual relationship.

“Vic!” a squeaky voice called from behind me. As I turned around, Sarah was running up towards me waving papers in the air.

“These are the new requirements for student government and what incoming seniors are going to do to -”

“Sarah, can you do something and just leave me alone?” I asked.

Her face fell and her eyes got glossy.

“Well, I, I, um, I,” it was like she couldn’t process what was saying.

“Sarah!” One of her friends called.

She handed me the papers and wiped her eyes, turning around and smiling.

“Oh! Hi Vic, were you and Sarah talking?” Avily, Megan’s younger sister, asked.

I smiled and shook my head, “You doing student government next year?”

“Maybe, Idk, well see ya gotta get to Physics.” She said waving and walking off with Sarah.

I looked at the papers that Sarah gave me, the tope one had a sticky note attached to it, “Hey! So hers my number text me?” I took the note off and waited for a breeze. I felt one and let the note go, “Oops, the wind caught it.” I whispered walking towards the Video room. As I opened the door, I got it with a paper ball.

“O’Brian, keep messing around like that and coach wouldn’t like it.” I threw the papers in the recycle bin, and walked to the front of the room.

“Okay, so everyone knows that tomorrows the big L.A trip, we’re going to be there for two days, does anyone have any questions?” I asked.

No one raised their hand. That makes it easier on my part. I nodded and walked over towards the teacher desk. “Ms. Menkis, may I go to Mrs.Sheinberg’s?” I asked. Ms. Menkis looked up from the papers she was grading and put her pen down.

“Mr. Porter, what makes you think that since your so into school spirt and that your Zachary’s younger brother, that I am just gonna let you go wherever and whenever you want?” She asked.

“Um, nothing.” I replied.

“Exactly, now go sit your butt down in one of those chairs and start working on that report that you didn’t turn in.”

I heard snickering from behind me. I turned around and faced Quinten O’Brian.

“What’s so funny O’Brian?” I asked.

“Nothing, its just that Mr. Fabulous isn’t so fabulous.” He smirked.

“Better watch it, don’t think your gonna past with straight F minuses.” I shot back.

That smirk of his disappeared just as fast as it appeared.

“Porter, O’Brian, stop this absurdity,” Ms. Menkis said.

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